T E N | Suspicion

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Dear the boy who couldn't come up with a creative name,

I feel stupid for worrying now. Like really what could have happened to you? Absolutely nothing! The worst that could've happened to you is that you got sent to fucking summer camp. I'm such an idiot, Harry. I'm legit laughing at myself for getting so worked up about you not replying.

And yes, the Dursleys didn't really like me much I don't think. They seemed really scared when I mentioned you and went really pale but maybe I was imagining things. They asked me all these questions like how I met you and if I went to that freak school you attend. What did they mean by 'freak school' Harry?

Anyway, I just told them that I accidentally sent a letter to their address and you and I have been talking ever since. I don't think they believed me.

They are a strange family, the Dursleys and seemed really paranoid when I asked about you. But don't worry, I won't go back to them ever again. It looked like Mr. Dursley was going to pass out when I turned up on your door step and asked about you which no matter how much I dislike them, I don't want to be the cause of him passing out.

I don't understand why they acted so weird about you Harry? I think there's more to you than you are letting on. Especially about this private school of yours. You hardly go into detail about it and then the Dursleys seemed really reluctant to talk about it, not to mention you said your school has different teaching methods than most schools. What's going on Harry? I know I don't know much about you but something suspicious is going on.

Anyway, your owl (Hedwig was it?) is absolutely beautiful! And she was so patient with me. In fact she's standing on my window sill waiting for me to finish with this letter. I fed her some water and toast, I hope that's okay because I don't really have any dead animals she can eat. She seemed to enjoy the toast anyway.

Also I presume I have to tie the letter on to her leg like you did? I hope so because I'm not going to get a reply from you now so hopefully I do it right.

Your owl is very clever Harry, she tapped at the window of my bedroom so my parents don't find out about her. If they did, they would freak out!

Anyway, I need to go. I can hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I need to make sure Hedwig is out of here.

I hope you have a good rest of the summer at your friends.


the girl who is suspicious.

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