N I N E T Y F I V E | 12 Grimmauld Place

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"Why are we here?" Eleanor asked. She was still very confused and very afraid. Why would Harry be here? And what was going on? How was she going to explain all this to her parents when they eventually turned up?

"You'll see." Remus replied absently. He was rummaging through his robes. It took a bit of time but he seemed to eventually find what he was looking for. He pulled out what looked like a worn piece of scrap paper. He handed it to Eleanor.

"What's this?" Eleanor asked, a completely new kind of confused. Was Remus loosing it?

"Just read what's on the paper." Remus explained, and Eleanor picked up on all the humour in his voice. It made her smile.

Eleanor looked at the paper which she realised was parchment. She noticed there was writing on the parchment. The writing was a neat but slanted scrawl. It read;

The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.

Eleanor's heart leaped. Harry had mentioned the Order of the Phoenix to her plenty of times in their letters. But she was still confused. She looked up at the buildings again but the only buildings there were number eleven and thirteen. No number twelve.

"Bu-" Eleanor began to say but Remus interjected her again.

"Just think about what was written on the parchment."

So Eleanor did. She read the words again so she could memorise them and closed her eyes. She focused on the words in her mind, repeating Order of the Phoenix and Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place over and over again until they stopped sounding like words but rather a slur of confusing sounds.

Eleanor was just beginning to think she was being pranked or something when she began to feel a slow rumble beneath her feet.

She opened her eyes and gasped. In between buildings eleven and thirteen, another building was appearing. The building seemed to be coming out of the side of number thirteen. Eleanor was surprised no Muggles were disrupted by the noise or the mini earthquake it was causing.

After a minute of Eleanor watching in amazement, the buildings movement came to a stop and Eleanor finally saw the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix for the first time. The building was identical to the two buildings that lay beside it. The only difference was that the front door to this building was a stark black. The paint had begun to peel but it still looked handsome. Eleanor saw written on the black door in gold metal the number 12. And what looked suspiciously like a serpent head for the knocker.

"Come on," Remus said, placing a hand on Eleanors shoulder and guiding her forward while glancing quickly behind him. "Let's get inside."

Eleanor didn't protest. She was anxious to find out what was going on but she also couldn't deny how excited she was that she was getting to see Harry again.

When they stepped through the black door, Eleanor was thrown off immediately by the dark hallway. She could hardly see anything. Her other senses heightened and she took note of how musky the air smelled. It was almost suffocating. Eleanor felt against the wall as she moved forward to let Remus in. But she suddenly hit something with her foot and sent it crashing to the floor with a loud bang.


She didn't have time to finish her words as suddenly a loud screaming filled the place. It was a blood curdling and maddening scream.

"Blood Traiters, Half Bloods, Mudbloods and now Muggles! Filth, vermin, abominations in my house! My poor house!"

Eleanor stumbled back, scared. She hit Remus but she didn't care. She was scared, confused and disorientated and this bloody shouting or darkness wasn't helping her.

She felt Remus swish his arm and guessed he pulled out his wand. Suddenly a light came on and the hall was flooded with dull yellow light. Eleanor finally had chance to see the house she had walked into.

The wall paper was peeling, the carpet had a thick layer of dust and Eleanor realised she had knocked down an old umbrella stand. She also realised where the screaming was coming from. At the end of the hall hung a painting, the black curtains had been pulled back and an ugly oil painting of an old woman was screaming at them. Eleanor didn't have time to be amazed by it though, she just wanted it to shut up. The painting set something weird off inside of her. She didn't want to go near it, she felt disgusted by it, like it held something dark about it but Eleanor couldn't put her finger on it or explain why the painting was making her feel that way.

"Oh, shut up, would you?!"

Someone came barging into the hall. A middle aged man with shoulder length hair framing his face. He looked kind but undernourished, his skin seemingly sinking into his cheeks. But he seemed to be getting healthier for his skin had an healthy glow about it.

Footsteps suddenly could be heard and then many people were all running down the stairs at once. Each person stared at Eleanor, curiosity filling their features.

Eleanor was overwhelmed. Why was she here? And she wasn't getting any answers either for Remus had moved passed her and began to help the middle aged man with pulling the black curtain back across the painting. It seemed easier said than done though as the painting seemed to be putting up a fight.


Eleanor recognised that voice. That voice sent warmth spreading through her whole body and she suddenly had the feeling that everything would be okay. 

She looked up. Harry was standing at the top of the stairs. Her heart leapt again. Although Harry was standing at the top of the stairs and she was standing in the hall near the door, Eleanor could already tell Harry had changed noticeably since the last time they had met in person.

Thankfully Harry seemed to have put on some weight. It wasn't much, he was still skinny but Eleanor noticed his face seemed fuller and his thighs no longer looked like sticks. Eleanor fought back a smile, she like that change a lot.

As well as his slight weight gain, Eleanor also noticed how, although Harry looked happy to see her, stress was evident on his face.

Whatever seemed to be wrong, whatever the reason why Eleanor was brought here, among the wizards, seemed to have caused Harry a lot of worry.

Panic struck Eleanor again in a fresh wave, bursting through the euphoria she felt after seeing Harry.

"Harry! What's going on? No one's told me anything."

Harry began walking down the stairs, all the people lining the staircase moved aside to let him past. They still all stared at Eleanor.

A thought then struck Eleanor. She had no idea what she looked like. She looked down to see she was dressed in her favourite fluffy pyjamas and she realised her hair was in a messy bun. She shrugged. Remus came to collect her at a bad time. It was a Thursday night, she was exhausted so as soon as she got home from school she put on her comfiest pyjamas.

As soon as Harry reached her, he hugged her. He squeezed tight. Eleanor hugged back immediately, somehow knowing what Harry was telling her through this hug. He was relieved she was alive.

"Hey," she said softly. "I'm fine. I'm brilliant even. Nothing has happened to me but you've gotta give me some answers, I don't think I've ever been so confused in my life."

Harry seemed reluctant but he pulled away from her. He looked at Eleanor and uneasiness erupted inside her again. She wanted answers but she was anxious to find out what had happened.

"I had a dream, El. A nightmare. About you."


(Double update because of such the long wait I gave you for the last chapter. Also wattpad has been glitchy as hell for me recently but today it reached its all time best. People have been sending me covers for this book which I'm very thankful for but for some reason, wattpad is not allowing me to upload a new cover. It's not just on this book, I've tried on my others and for some reason it's not working either. As well as this, wattpad also deleted most of my messages that I had with people so now I can no longer access the covers that people had sent me. Like I said, I'm so very thankful and grateful that people went out of their way to make me a cover but I don't think it wise to send me any or resend me the ones I've already been sent because like I said wattpad is being glitchy as hell. A lot of works out of my drafts have been deleted as well which I'm devastated by but I'm immensely thankful that it's none of my published work. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that none of my published work gets deleted in the future. Anyway, I hope you're all enjoying the story still.)

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