N I N E T Y F O U R | Apparition

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As Eleanor approached the front door, she saw the black silhouette of the person through the frosted glass. The ominous image only heightened her fear more.

Eleanor tried to shake the feeling away. She was being silly. It was only 9 o'clock in the evening on a Thursday night, anyone could be knocking on her door. It might not even have anything to do with Harry. 

Still the horrible feeling she had didn't get reassured, it only twisted more painfully still in her stomach.

Taking a deep breath, Eleanor opened the door.

It took a few moments for Eleanors eyes to adjust to the darkness of the night but eventually Eleanor was able to make out the persons features using the dull yellow street lights outside. This only seemed to twist and sharpen their features more grotesquely than if it had been morning.

But there was no mistaking that face.

A noise of surprise left Eleanor's lips when she realised who was standing on her doorstep. "Remus!"

Remus looked down at Eleanor but he didn't wear his usual kind smile. No, his face was grim. He seemed almost defeated and very, very tired.

"Good evening, Eleanor. Sorry to disturb you at such a time."

"No worries. It's lovely to see you again." Seeing Remus' familiar face settled some of the uneasiness in Eleanor. Maybe things are okay. Maybe she was just being paranoid.

"You too. I'm afraid I'm a bearer of bad news." Remus said, glancing behind him and taking a look up and down the street. The street was quiet as usual, the only sound was the dull rumble of faraway cars on the motorway.

Eleanors heart skipped a beat. "Bad news?"

"I'm afraid so." Remus sighed, not giving Eleanor the slightest clue on what it might be about.

A tinge of annoyance ran through Eleanor. "Well," she snapped. "What is it?"

After realising how rude she sounded, her face flushed. "I'm sorry. Er, would you like to come in?"

Eleanor expected Remus to be angry at her outburst, maybe even disappointed but she did not expect to look up and see a ghost of a smile playing on his thin lips. It's was barely even there but Eleanor caught it.

"No thank you, Eleanor. This must be quick, no time for pleasantries."

"Okay." Fear was creeping into Eleanor more and more and it didn't help matters when she saw Remus glance out at the street again, nor when she realised Remus had been gripping his wand inside his robes ever since he had gotten there.

When Eleanor spoke again, her voice trembled with fear. "Remus, what's going on?"

Remus devoted his attention back to the scared teenager in front of him. It pained him to do this, especially after realising she lived a perfectly safe and normal life. She should never have been dragged into any of this.

"Are your parents and brother home?" Remus asked, taking note of how quiet the house was.

Eleanor shook her head. "No, they all went to this fun fair thing this morning. They are staying over night in a hotel, and then coming home tomorrow. The fun fair is a one time thing, you see. They only do it once a year so my parents wanted to allow Josh to have both days there."

"Do you know the hotel they are staying in?"

Eleanor nodded. "It's-"

"Don't say it!" Remus interjected, making Eleanor jump in alarm. "Write it down for me, okay?"

Eleanor nodded again. She hated how Remus kept looking behind him.

She turned around and went into the living room, searching for a pen and paper. After finally finding an old takeout menu and a pen, she scribbled down the address and returned to Remus, giving him the menu.

"Sorry, I couldn't find paper."

"Not to worry, this will do perfectly. I'll send someone to get them when we get where we need to go."

Eleanor's heart once again skipped a beat. She leaned against the door frame, finding it hard to keep her self steady. What the hell was going on?

"Remus, please, I need answers-"

"Of course. But first we need to get you out of here."


Remus was no longer paying attention. He glanced outside again. "How long will it take for you to pack up your things?"

Knowing she wasn't going to get anywhere asking questions, she answered honestly. "I don't know. Fifteen minutes maybe? I'll pack for my parents and brother too."

Remus nodded. "Okay, go and do that. I'll stand guard."

"Stand guard?"

"Go, quickly!" Remus interjected once again.

Eleanor turned and ran up the stairs, taking it two at a time. She barged into her room and shuffled under her bed, pulling out her suitcase. She didn't care what she packed, she just scrambled around her room, throwing any item of clothing she could find in it.

Fear was still churning around in her but she liked having this to do. It took her mind off the way her hairs were standing on edge, and the sinister feeling that was slowly creeping around the house.

Soon after, she scrambled into her little brothers room, packing much like she did her own; haphazardly. She did the same for her parents.

Twenty minutes later, she was stood at the top of the stairs panting and sweaty. "Remus," she called down, hating how out of breath she sounded. "Can I have a little help?"

A second later, Remus' head popped around the stairwell and he took in the image of Eleanor standing at the top of the stairs, surrounded by three suitcases.

Remus raised his wand and suddenly all three suitcases began to rise in to the air. It was as if each suitcase was floating in a giant bubble with Remus directing them where to go. Eleanor couldn't hold in her gasp of amazement.

"Come on down, Eleanor." Remus called up and Eleanor realised she had just been standing there with her mouth agape.

She ran down and joined Remus back in the hall. He was holding her coat and shoes out for her. Eleanor couldn't help but blush a little as she took them off him. "Thank you."

Once again, Eleanor scrambled to get them on. She didn't know why but the clock in the hall seemed to be ticking louder than normal. It was like it was telling them they were running out of time.





On and on it went. It unnerved Eleanor but it was also driving her crazy. She wanted to throw her shoe at it and watch it fall to the ground and smash into a million pieces.

Remus picked up Eleanor's suitcases. She took note of how he didn't use magic to pick them up.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Where are we going?" Another trickle of fear ran through Eleanor and it had nothing to do with anything that had happened that night.

Remus had never given Eleanor a reason to mistrust him but she had only met him once. Should she really be leaving with him?

"I'll tell you when we get there."

"What's going on? Why do we need to leave?"

"You'll find out as soon as we arrive."

Eleanor didn't bother to hide her groan of frustration.

"What about my parents? What about my brother? What will happen to them?"

Remus looked down at her, looking slightly annoyed at all the questions. "Someone will go and collect them. You'll see them within the hour."


"Are you ready now?" Remus asked, amusement replacing the annoyance.

"I suppose."

"Harry is very anxious to see you."

This made Eleanor's head snap up. So it did have something to do with Harry!

"You're taking me to Harry?"

Remus nodded. "Now I need you to hold my arm. You can't let go for anything, okay?"

Eleanors stomach twisted painfully again. "Okay."

"Good," Remus spared one last glance at the street. It was clear like it had been all night. "We are going to Apparate there. It's going to be uncomfortable but it's the fastest way to get there."

"Okay, I'm ready."

Eleanor wasn't ready. Not at all but she tried to put as much conviction in her voice as possible.

Suddenly, they were spinning on the spot and Eleanor felt Remus' arm slipping away from her. She re-doubled her grip on his arm. Everything went black, she was being pressed in on all sides. She couldn't breathe, it felt like tight iron bands were squeezing against her chest. She hated it, she wanted it to end.

She wanted it to end.

As soon as that thought came, she felt her feet hit solid ground. She stumbled and she tightened her grip on Remus more to keep herself steady. The world was spinning. She didn't know if it was because of the Apparition or all the fear she had felt that night but Eleanor had the very strong desire to throw up.

She held it down though and took note of the little village square she was standing in. It was slightly shabby with a lot of overgrown weeds.

Remus was facing two buildings. Eleanor concentrated on them too. The only significant thing she could find about either building was that it jumped a number. One building was number eleven and the other one next to it was number thirteen. Number twelve simply didn't exist. Eleanor thought this was an odd mistake to be made.

Eleanors urge to throw up had vanished. Now she was filled with undeniable curiosity. "Where are we?"

Remus turned to her with a slight smile. "Eleanor, welcome to Grimmauld Place."

(Any guesses on what's going on?)

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