N I N E T Y O N E | Career Options

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Dear the girl who knows that the last sentence sounds wrong but isn't going to talk about it,

I think I've said this before but I always feel like I'm thanking you. But I mean it, you always know just what to say to make me feel better.

If voodoo is in the Muggle world, it most likely doesn't work. Though I'm sure there is a spell to make voodoo work out there but I'm not sure I really want to find out.

Actually, I've just had a thought. Two of the Unforgivable Curses are a bit like voodoo. You've got the Imperius Curse to control people and the Cruciatus Curse to inflict pain.

...Why did I have to have that thought? Those curses are awful to think about.

I see you've given Voldemort a nickname. Now we have Voldy and Umbitch. Also yes, if anyone deserves to be tortured, its definitely those two.

A battle between what's right and what's fun? You really are something else, El.

Hate to break it to you Ellie but Dumbledore does have a secret army. It's the secret organisation I've told you about that's hoping to bring down Voldemort, remember?

I honestly don't know what I want to do. I thought I wanted to become an Auror. I loved the thought of it but now I'm not so sure. I'm also pretty sure I like teaching now too but would I really want to do that for the rest of my life? And then there is Quidditch. The sport I love that I'm not ashamed to say that I'm good at. Like how am I meant to know which one to choose? I like the sound of all three. And how do I know I'll make it to even pursue a career?

I have gone to other people other than Dumbledore but the thing is, no one understands this thing I have better than Dumbledore. I know he would have the answers where everyone else is just confused and concerned. It's really frustrating.

Yeah I know writing lines isn't that bad but it's with Umbridge so it automatically makes it one thousand times worse.

Harry opted not to tell El the whole truth about the detentions with Umbridge. He didn't want to worry her.

Also if you get kicked out of Biology all the time, whether purposefully or not, how the hell do you pass the class?

Yeah Christmas at Hogwarts is amazing but I have a feeling I won't enjoy it as much as I normally do this year. Not with everything that's going on.

Also no El, that last sentence didn't sound wrong...Until you pointed it out. So well done for making things awkward. And don't worry, I'll make sure we get more than a day together next summer. It'll all be worth the wait.


the boy who doesn't know what to choose.

(Had writers block for a while but finally I think its over. Hopefully I'll be able to update more frequently again :))

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