N I N E T Y T W O | Snow Day

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Dear the boy who doesn't know what to choose,

You don't have to keep thanking me, Harry. We both have a lot to be thankful for because of each other. Besides I'm happy to help you feel even the slightest bit better when I know you are going through a hard time.

As horrible as that sounds, I think you're right. Those Unforgivable Curses do sound like the same effects voodoo would have on someone if it were possible. That's scary.

I'm good at giving nicknames, aren't I? You forgot to mention all the ones I've given you too. I believe some of them include Hazza, Pot head and Insufferable git.

Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that organisation you told me about. I didn't even think of it as an army, now it seems even more badass.

I know your life isn't the greatest and you've had to deal with a lot but you can't deny that your life seems like something straight out of a movie or book. Just imagine epic music playing and as the music crescendos the movie title appears on screen reading; Harry Potter; the boy who lived and then the movie plays out, following all the scenarios of your life.

Dunno about you but I would definitely camp outside cinemas to be the first to watch it.

All of those career options seem awesome. Truthfully I haven't got any advice for you other than follow your heart. At the end of the day, it's your choice. Just go with what you feel is right.

Why do you say stuff like that, Harry? Of course you'll make it, okay. Don't ever say stuff like that. You'll live a long and happy life.

Yeah I get why being with Umbridge would make writing lines seem like slow and painful torture.

You know I ask myself every time I get kicked out of Biology, how do I manage to not fail the class? Honestly, luck I think. And maybe a bit of studying. But mainly luck cause I hardly study.

Also guess what?! We had our first snow day yesterday. And do you know what I did when I found out? I went straight back to bed because I was tired.

That's the good thing about going to a public school, they get shut down due to bad weather but you wizard suckers have to go to school no matter the weather conditions because you live at the school.

I hope that thought haunts you while I remind you that I had a blissful day of doing absolutely nothing while you were sat in a classroom.

You're so welcome for that, Hazza.


your amazing girlfriend.

(The next couple of chapters, you are not ready for ;))

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