O N E H U N D R E D A N D F I V E | Remedial Potions

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Dear the girl who is now famous,

I'm glad your first week back went fast, mine felt torturously slow. I wish I was still back with you and everyone else celebrating Christmas all over again. Like I said before, I don't ever remember dreading going back to school this much in the four and a half years I've been attending Hogwarts. I'd still rather be at Hogwarts than the Dursleys though, so that must count for something.

Monday was possibly my worst day. I had double Potions, so you can imagine how that went. Umbridge is as vile as ever and a lot of the students still don't believe me.

As well as this, everyone now thinks I'm stupid. Everyone wanted to have another D.A. meeting on Monday but I couldn't because I had that lesson with Snape. I had to tell them all I couldn't because I was taking remedial Potions which was incredibly embarrassing.

But the worst part was definitely my lesson with Snape. Snape told me Voldemort was a Legilimens, which to put it simply is like reading minds. Anyway, that's why I need these lessons so Voldemort won't be able to access my mind as I would have a lot of useful information for him about the Order. The lessons are also to stop my visions but honestly El, its awful. When Snape casts the spell, he sees snippets of my memories and I don't want that slimy git anywhere near my memories.

On top of that, it makes my scar hurt really bad. It's horrible. And Snape insists on talking to me as if it's my fault I can't fight the spell off. Like I am trying, its not like I want Snape snooping around in my head. Nor Voldemort. It's like the lessons are weakening me rather than helping me. I can't shake the feeling that Snape might be doing it purposefully.

But anyway, the rest of my week wasn't much better. I suspect you would have seen the Daily Prophet by now or someone from the Order would have spoke up about it, but there's been a mass breakout from Azkaban and it's no surprise if each and every one of them ran off to join Voldy's side.

I also forgot to tell you this ages ago, with everything going on, but Umbridge is inspecting the Professors classes. With her power as High Inquisotor, she's also allowed to sack teachers. Trelawney, our Divination teacher, has gone and Umbridge's next target is Hagrid, our Care of Magical Creatures Professor. Hagrid is also Gameskeeper at Hogwarts. Me and Hagrid have been friends for years so if Umbridge does end up sacking Hagrid, it'll be one less good thing left at Hogwarts. Hogwarts is nothing without Hagrid.

Keep Cass by your side at school El, I always find the whispering is easier to ignore if I have Ron and Hermione with me.

I'm glad that you were finding the situation amusing. I know you can always turn the worst things into some of the funniest. You always try to look on the bright side.

That's awful what they are saying about your family though. And it's even worse when it's not true. Do your parents know about what they are saying? Is there anything Remus could say to the school to stop these stupid rumours?

I'm so sorry this is happening. It's all my fault.

I hope that the rumours stop for you and like you said, with a bit of luck, the school will find a new topic of interest to gossip about soon.

Hermione and the Weasley's send their love too.

Fred and George would also like to remind you that if you hear anything new about what the Order is up to, to send us a letter immediately. They said they hid some Extendable Ears in your room. Try not to let Mrs. Weasley find them though, because she'd be furious at them. They were meant to get rid of every joke product they invented.


the boy who hates remedial Potions.

(Sorry for the wait!)

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