O N E H U N D R E D A N D F O U R | Rumours

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Eleanor returned to school herself the next day. Remus would be escorting Eleanor and Tonks would be taking Josh, as Eleanor was in Secondary School and Josh was still in Primary school.

Of course the new escort and unfamiliar face that took and met Eleanor after school brought up many questions. It didn't take long for Eleanor's classmates to start whispering in the halls, all discussing their input on what they thought was going on.

This never bothered Eleanor though because she had Cass by her side. Of course, like everyone else, Cass was confused and curious to find out why Eleanor was suddenly getting escorted to school and back but after Eleanor told Cass she didn't want to speak about it, Cass soon stopped prying and instead tried to come up with the most comical and surreal events leading up to why Eleanor was being escorted to school.

Eleanor's favourite story from Cass was that she was a spy for MI6 and got into some trouble on one of her missions and therefore had to have 24/7 security by her side to make sure she wasn't brutally murdered. Eleanor liked this because it made her seem badass but it also sounded like it came straight out of a movie which, Eleanor thought, wasn't a bad way to describe her current situation either.

When she returned to Grimmauld Place after finishing school, she would spend as much time with Sirius as she could, as well as any members of the Order that happened to be there that day. Then she would disappear into her room to complete any homework while trying to get some revision done. Eleanor hated this, but the realisation that her exams were only months away seemed to have placed a constant worry in the pit of her stomach that she couldn't seem to budge.

Following that routine every day, Eleanor was surprised to see that it had already been a week since everyone had left for Hogwarts. She decided she would write to Harry, knowing he would be well and truly settled back into his Hogwarts life style by now.

Dear the boy who is back at Hogwarts,

How has it already been a week since I last saw you? It was probably one of the quickest weeks I've ever had in my entire life.

How have you been? Is school treating you well? I hope Umbridge isn't giving you too much grief. Have you had a D.A. session since going back? I know that was one of the few things you were actually looking forward to upon returning to Hogwarts. How was your first lesson with Snivellus?

My first week back has been eventful to say the least. Not particularly with any drama or issues in my class but rather how I make my entrances to school each day.

Thinking back, it seemed wishful thinking that no one would notice Remus taking me to school and back. Of course we Apparate a couple of blocks away from school but Remus insists on walking me to the entrance and waiting outside for me when school is over.

So of course people are bound to notice. Like I said, I was stupid in thinking no one would notice. Anyway, I'm some what of a celebrity at school now because of it and Harry, let me tell you, I can finally appreciate what it must be like to be you. Everyone stares and they don't even pretend to hide what they are saying about me.

It's not like I could lie and say it's an uncle of mine or something either because the school knows my family and they know that the only family I have are my parents and Josh. Both sides of my family practically disowned my fathers upon finding out they were gay, so I've never really been in touch with them. I wouldn't want to if I was offered anyway, they are all a bunch of homophobic pricks...but that's besides the point.

As I was saying, it's absolute madness. It's like people are noticing me at school for the first time. It's not like I haven't been there for fucking five years or anything. Even the teachers are being nosy. I walked in the other day on my English teacher and Chemistry teacher talking about me!

But to be honest, it could be worse and honestly I find the whole thing quite hilarious. Me and Cass have got some right jokes out of it. Of course, I haven't told a thing to Cass about what's really going on.

When the rumours first started, it was all light-hearted stuff. People were mainly just curious but wow, people can come up with the most craziest scenarios.

At the moment, the most popular rumour I've heard about why I'm being escorted is they reckon my fathers have got into a bit of trouble with social services and they reckon Remus is a social working taking me to school and back to make sure I don't go back to my parents house. Everyone now thinks I'm back in an orphanage.

Honestly when I find out who ever came up with that one, they are gonna wish they never opened their stupid mouth.

My parents are the best people ever and I was lucky for them to adopt me when I was a baby. If not, I'd probably still be stuck in an orphanage or with my birth parents who are the biggest scum on this earth. Well other than Umbridge that is.

Anyway, like I said, I found the whole thing entertaining until that one rumour came out but with a bit of luck, someone will come up with something new and all will be forgotten next week.

Try not to take too long replying back to me, I want to hear about your first week back.

Everyone sends their love, especially Snuffles.


the girl who's now famous.

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