O N E H U N D R E D A N D F O R T Y N I N E | Wake Up

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Harry dropped Josh by Neville. He wasn't trying to be forceful but he had lost all feeling in his body. He was vaguely aware that Josh fell harshly and landed on the floor. He felt guilt but it was far away, like he had been removed of his emotions.

He hadn't been aware that he had sunk to his own knees. Not until he saw Sirius and Remus kneel down in front of him.

They were talking to him, but he couldn't comprehend what they were saying. Their voices seemed quiet, insignificant.

His ears were ringing, all around him people were bustling around him. He wished they would go away, he wanted desperately to be left alone.

He was vaguely aware as Remus stood up and went over to Neville. He muttered something and Neville's legs became still. He was watching Harry with concern. Remus went over to Josh and embraced him.

His mind replayed the moment he watched Eleanor jump in front of the spell, watched as her body had flew back, for a moment weightless. It had looked eerie, but also beautiful as Eleanor glowed with red light. Then she had dropped, and it all came crashing down on Harry.

He had heard her scream and then came the pressing silence.

She had been silent ever since.

Harry wished she would wake up soon, he was starting to feel sick.

No, he wasn't just feeling sick, he was feeling nauseous. He felt his hands shaking, he felt light headed and the world began to swim around him. And then it came all at once, he keeled over and threw up. And then he began to sob.

He ignored the hands pressing in on him, worrying about him. It wasn't him they should be worrying about. What about Eleanor? Didn't they care?

Harry stood shakily to his feet, and huffed out a breath to try and calm himself.

He pushed everyone aside, he didn't care that some Death Eaters were still around. They could strike him down for all he cared.

He began the long, seemingly endless walk down the stone steps. Apparently everyone had gotten the message and left him alone, but he could feel their stares following his every move.

Harry had never been good with expressing or acknowledging his emotions, and now it seemed he was at a loss for words. He felt oddly empty, as if he had been pulled under the tide, struggling for breath.

Harry thought it was kind of peaceful under the waves, everything was muffled around him. He didn't want to resurface yet, for he knew when he did everything would hit him all at once. He enjoyed the painful numbness he was feeling right now, and embraced it. He would face anything other than what he would feel when he finally woke up and broke free of the surface.

He had reached Eleanor's body. He was wrong. People did care, they were bustling around her, muttering spells and incantations. They made a solid wall around her but Harry shoved his way through.

When he saw her, he collapsed once again to his knees. All the spells and incantations had been useless, for Eleanor was as lifeless as ever.

It was odd, Harry thought to see her like this. Eleanor had never been so silent, so lifeless. She had always been the life of the party, it was like she was the living embodiment of the sun and without her, Harry's life was surely going to decay. For how could life continue to grow, without the sun? Harry could no longer bloom without her.

Harry reached for her hand, it was covered in blood, most of her body was. The redness seeped into her clothes, making them sticky and heavy, they clung to her body.

Her hand was cold, Harry traced his thumb across her hand. Her hands had always been so smooth, but he must have caused her so much worry for her nails had been chewed down and the skin around her fingers were broken and sore.

For a moment Harry resurfaced, and he gasped. His chest hurt. It hurt so much, Harry didn't know if he would survive it.

It was like a hole, a huge gaping hole in his chest and he knew it would never been full again.

He moved closer to her, closer to her face. He was scared to see what she looked like, but she looked peaceful, which Harry was happy about, at least she wasn't in pain.

She was still bleeding, it was seeping along the floor, it started to cover his robes and school trousers where he knelt by her but he didn't care.

His breaths were still coming out rapidly, quick and short, his skin felt hot and clammy, his body was shaking. He couldn't get enough air to fill his lungs. The world seemed to be closing in on him, he was oddly aware that he was hyperventilating.

He realised he was shouting, he realised he was sobbing. He wanted Eleanor to wake up now.

He shook her. "El, my Ellie, it's time to wake up now, my love."

She did not move.

"You always did like a good prank, didn't you?" Harry choked out as he clung to her body. He wasn't going to let it go. If she happened to wake up, then she would be in pain and Harry wanted to be there to ease her.

"Harry, son." Harry turned slightly and saw a shock of red hair; Mr. Weasley. "Come here."

Harry shook his head. No, he wasn't leaving Ellie. She needed him, just like he needed her. He probably needed her more. He couldn't do this without Eleanor. He couldn't wake up without her, he couldn't face the struggles without her.

Who was he going to talk to now? Who was going to joke with him? How was he going to make up excuses to call her just to hear her voice now?

He should've admitted to being a wizard sooner, all those months they wasted writing letters to eachother as friends, if only he had been honest, they might have had more time together.

Harry couldn't breath. "El. Ellie. Come on. Wake up!"

A hand fell on his shoulder. "I don't think she's waking up." said Mr, weasley delicately.

Harry turned to him, suddenly angry. "Yes she will! Just you watch."

She just needs more persuasion, Harry thought. She always did like to sleep.

Harry thought wildly about Josh and Eleanor's fathers, how ever would he explain this to them?

Mr. Weasley's hands became more firm as he pulled Harry away. Harry fought back, screaming as he tried to cling on to Eleanor's body.

"Shh, it's okay." Mr. Weasley soothed. "She's gone. I'm so sorry, Harry, but she's gone."


And just like that, Harry's world caved in on him and everything was black.

(OMG ITS THE END. WHAT THE FUCK! I hope you've all enjoyed this story. Some of you may like the ending and some of you may hate it, but this has been my plan ever since I started writing this book in 2018, so please please be kind.

And I ask you all a favour, if you liked the ending or not, please read the epilogue. That's all I ask, it ties up the story. I won't make you wait for it, It'll be up in about a day or maybe even less, I've just got to edit a few things on it.

And I want to thank you all for all your love and support on this story, I have honestly never felt such love. I'm so happy all of you followed me through writing this story and I'm so sad and happy that it's over.

I love you all. And thank you for reading Easy Mistake.

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