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Harry Potter sighed. He glanced at the clock in his office, it read; 8:42. He should've been home hours ago but found he was held down by the trumendous amount of homework he had to finish marking for his students.

He taught Defence Against the Dark Arts and while he loved teaching, (he realized he had a love for teaching back when he was in his fifth year at Hogwarts) he failed to comprehend just how much marking he would have to do when he applied for the job.

Even though Harry had once been a student at the very school he was teaching at, and had even witnessed the amount of work the Professors had to mark, (he had often complained about all the homework he had been given when he was a student) he still didn't think of how much he would actually have to sit through and mark.

Still, although Harry hated paperwork, he found this tedious job of marking homework more enjoyable than when he had been the one completing the homework. When Harry read through his students work, it took him back to when he was at Hogwarts, writing down the same things, trying to remember as much as he could in order to write the required amount his teachers had asked of him.

Harry ran a hand through his hair as he finished reading through Edward Hopkins work. Harry marked it with a P (Poor). Although Edward had obviously tried very hard, he had gotten several points wrong throughout his essay about Werewolves and therefore Harry couldn't find any excuse to give him a higher mark. Harry did remember Edward though and his wand work did made up for his poor knowledge on Werewolves and generally any written work that was given to the boy.

With that, Harry decided to call it a night. He would have to finish marking the rest of the papers tomorrow.

Harry yawned as he put his cloak back on and started packing away his belongings into his bag. He really needed to get back home, it was getting rather late.

McGonagall and Harry had come to the compromise that Harry would be allowed to go home every evening as long as he arrived on time each morning to teach his lessons.

Professors at Hogwarts normally stayed at Hogwarts all year round but Harry had talked to Headmistress McGonagall before he took on the role of the DADA teacher and thankfully McGonagall agreed to allow him to leave each evening. As much as Harry adored Hogwarts, it was still hard to walk down the corridors sometimes as he still remembered the horrific things that had happened 15 years prior.

There had been a war. A war in which Lord Voldemort had started. A war in which Harry had won, though it had ended with many casualties that Harry still grieved about to this day.

Harry took one last look around his office to check he had everything (he had to run back to his desk after noticing he had left his wand.) He then walked over to the fire place in his office and picked up some Floo Powder which he threw into the empty grate. Emerald flames burst to life and Harry stepped into them, liking the way they tickled pleasantly against his skin. "Number 7, Carnaby street, London!"

Suddenly Harry was spinning and spinning. He tucked his elbows tighter to his side and shut his eyes, the bright green flames doing nothing to ease the headache he could feel coming on.

Just as Harry was starting to feel dizzy, he felt himself begin to slow down and finally stepped out of the flames. He landed slightly ungracefully and tripped out of the fireplace.

Harry took a deep breath, glad to be home. Harry had contemplated for a long while where he should live after the war had ended and he had finished his last year at Hogwarts.

At first he wanted to be close to where Remus and Sirius lived which was a cute little seaside town near Devon which suited the couple nicely as Harry couldn't think of two people who deserved the peace and quiet more than them.

Then he wanted to be close to the Burrow as he grew up there and it was one of the few places he felt safe. He also considered Godric's Hollow as it was one of the few fully wizard communities. Plus it allowed him to be closer to his parents and Albus Dumbledore as Albus had grew up there aswell (even though it mustn't have been a very happy upbringing Harry thought, remembering what Aberforth had told him only moments before he entered Hogwarts to look for the last Horcrux and hours later would be in the midst of a raging war.)

But eventually he decided just to stay in Muggle London. It seemed the obvious choice. He was a wizard so he was able to get around the country easily enough to visit everyone, plus this way he could step back if he needed to and have some normalcy in his life. After all he spent the first ten years of his life believing he was a Muggle.

Eleanor had loved London.

Harry stepped fully into the living room, waving his wand and clearing the slight ash and dust he had disturbed when he made his rather clumsy entrance into the house.

The house was quiet and if Harry didn't know any better he would have thought it was empty but the house showed just how alive it was. The kitchen was full of unwashed dishes and cutlery. The living room was a mess; toys were thrown across the floor, pillows upturned and dirty finger prints covered a lot of objects in the room. Among all this, Harry noticed a toy broomstick and what must have been the remains of tonight's dinner which was spilled on the floor.

Harry smiled to himself, a warm feeling filling his chest as he continued to look around at the scene. Harry took off his cloak and put his bag down. Then he set to work making the kitchen and living room look like it normally did and not as if someone had let a Niffler in.

Harry did this as quietly as he could but he cursed himself when he tripped over the toy broomstick he had noticed earlier and crashed to the floor rather loudly. The noise echoed around the silent house.

"Harry? Is that you?" A voice sounded upstairs.

Harry cursed himself. Next moment, the person who had spoken entered the room.

"Doing a bit of cleaning, are you?" The voice sounded amused.

Harry winced as he pushed himself off the floor. "Sorry for the noise, I tripped over James' broom."

"No worries, they are both asleep anyway."

Harry sighed in relief.

"Here, let me help you." The voice offered.

"No, you don't have to. I'll do it-" Harry began to protest.

"Don't be stupid, it'll be faster if we work together." And the person began to pick up toys.

Harry leaned against the fireplace and with a lazy wave of his wand, the rest of the toys zoomed back into their original places. Within seconds, the living room looked immaculate.

"Show off!"

Harry grinned at his wife cheekily. "What? It's quicker, isn't it?"

"I'll give you quicker. I'll shove that wand somewhere you won't like and then you won't be so cocky."

Harry laughed but tried to muffle it so his laugh didn't bounce against the walls and travel upstairs to where his children were sleeping.

"Come here, you," Harry said and pulled his wife into a tight embrace. "Sorry I didn't make it back in time to say goodnight to the kids."

"It's okay, I made an excuse for you. It's not like you make a habit of coming back late." Harry's wife muttered into his shoulder.

Harry kissed her on top of her head. "I know, but it does nothing to ease the guilt I feel when I do come home late."

Harry pulled away and couldn't help but smile.

Eleanor Summers stood there in all her glory. She had a hand on her hip and was glowering at Harry. "You have no reason to feel guilty. You do this once in a blue moon and you were busy."

Harry didn't have a counter argument to this so he stayed quiet. He still felt guilty so he made a promise to himself that he would get home early tomorrow to spend extra time with them all.

Harry looked at Eleanor again (he just couldn't help it) and his eyes traveled down to her right shoulder. Where there used to be an arm, was now gone. Only shoulder remained. This had happened when Harry was in his fifth year.

Harry had thought Voldemort had captured Sirius and Josh, Eleanor's younger brother. It had been a trick on Harry by Voldemort but Harry didn't know this at the time, so he and a few others from the D.A. travelled down to the Ministry to help Josh and Sirius. The Order got involved too and while Eleanor was told to stay behind, she had refused and went off to London anyway, after all this was her brother in trouble. They had eventually found Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny and Luna in battle with a group of Death Eaters.

Sirius had gotten into a one on one battle with Bellatrix, a particularly nasty Death Eater who also happened to be a cousin of Sirius'. Just as Bellatrix had aimed a nasty Curse at Sirius, Eleanor had got in the way and taken the hit.

Everyone had thought she was dead and Harry could still feel the way the world fell around him when he watched Eleanor fall and land in a heap on the floor.

Harry had then ran after Bellatrix who had taken off, laughing and screaming loudly. It was then when Harry ran after her in a blind rage did Harry meet face to face with Voldemort again. Dumbledore came to his rescue though.

After the battle was over, and everyone returned to Hogwarts or to St. Mungo's, it was then that Harry discovered Eleanor was not dead. She was in critical condition though as the Curse had narrowly missed her, and had scraped against her right arm, cursing it off completely. Although still extremely worried and feeling slightly sick with all the blood he saw pouring from Eleanor, Harry had felt such immense relief he felt he could have cried (which he did.)


Harry was brought back to the present when a small body suddenly collided with his own. Harry knelt down and hugged his daughter tightly.

"Shouldn't you be in bed, Arden?" Harry tried to sound stern but ended up smiling as he looked at his daughters innocent face. She had taken most of her mothers features and had blonde hair and blue eyes like Eleanor. Though Arden did have Harry's slightly darker skin opposed to Eleanors pasty white complexion. Their son, on the other hand, had taken Harry's dark hair and green eyes. Though he was already slightly taller than Harry had been at his age.

"I couldn't sleep. You and mommy normally read me my bedtime story but it was only mommy tonight. I wanted you to say goodnight to me too!" Arden said, pouting up at Harry.

Harry picked Arden up. "I'm sorry, I came home a bit late today."

"Mommy was worried, you know?" Arden continued to babble.

"Was she now?" Harry said as he began to carry Arden up the stairs with Eleanor following close behind, trying to look disapproving that their daughter was out of bed so late but ended up smiling fondly as she watched her daughter and husband interact.

"Yeah! But then she started to mumble angrily. You know how she does when she tries to hide how she really feels? 'If he doesn't get home soon, I'll be having words with that school!' 'I'll be throwing his dinner away soon, honestly I wish he would tell me when he's staying late so I don't have to bother cooking!'" Arden recalled with a giggle and a toothy grin at her mother.

Eleanor glared playfully at her daughter. "You, missy," She said as she took her out of Harry's arms and put her into bed. "are terrible!"

She then turned to Harry. "I have absolutely no idea what she is talking about."

"Oh, really?" He said with a wink at Arden, causing her to fall into another fit of giggles. "I guess we'll find out and see if my dinner has been dumped in the bin."

Eleanor hit Harry lightly on the arm but giggled along with her daughter nonetheless. "Don't worry, I can take it out the bin. It'll be as good as new in no time."

"Ew! Mommy that's gross!" Arden giggled as Harry roared with laughter.

Suddenly the bedroom door squeaked open and a tired boy walked in, rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry James, we were just talking. We didn't mean to wake you." Eleanor said and smiled apologetically at her son.

"James!" Arden shouted to her brother although he wasn't at all that far from her. "Mommy is going to feed daddy food from the bin."

Harry continued to laugh and Eleanor laughed along, not able to help herself.

"Don't be silly, Arden. Mom wouldn't do that! Dad's never been sick, has he? And eating food from the bin would make someone ill." James said this in a tone as if he were reassuring an hysteric child. Though he also sounded amused and exasperated.

Arden turned back to her mother, looking thoughtful. "So the food isn't in the bin?"

Eleanor smiled at Arden. "No. I have never nor will I ever feed your father or you food from the bin." Eleanor said, then ended it jokingly saying, "Though if your father does end up coming home late again then he might just find his least favourite food on his plate."

Arden burst into giggles again and Harry grinned, the warm feeling in his chest increasing. Harry looked at the gold watch on his wrist in which the Weasley's had given him. It was fast approaching ten p.m.

"C'mon, back to bed. Both of you." Harry said, and running a hand through James' hair, led him back into his bedroom and said goodnight, returning back into his daughters room where he sat next to his wife and read Arden another bedtime story. She was alseep within minutes.

All was well.

(There you have it. The end. How do you feel about the ending? I have had a blast writing this fanfic and I am actually so sad it's over. There will obviously be no sequel I am afraid because I love the way the story has ended. I can believe it's the end. No more Eleanor and Harry. Also I kept Sirius alive. I couldn't kill him. He ended up with Remus aswell, sorry not sorry. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this journey and found the ending satisfactory. Thank you for all the support. I love you all. Until next time...)

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