O N E H U N D R E D A N D F O R T Y O N E | Down The Corridor

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Harry was sat in the Great Hall. He was worrying at his bottom lip, he could feel sweat beading up on his forehead. It was the last of his exams, he should feel relieved. But he did not, in fact he felt dread. Not only was he staring down at his History of Magic exam paper, unable to answer the questions but his mind was still reeling from the night before.

When he was sitting his Astronomy exam, Umbridge had attached Hagrid, luckily Harry recalled with relief that Hagrid had managed to escape, but Professor McGonagall, one of Harry's favourite teachers had been attacked with six stunning spells by Umbridge and the Aurors she had brought to get rid of Hagrid.

His mind was muddled. He hadn't had chance to write to Ellie about it yet, which added to the mess. He wondered if she had heard it through the Order yet? He wondered if the Order even knew? He wondered if Dumbledore was doing anything? He doubted it, after a year of being ignored, it would be no surprise if Dumbledore ignored the fact that two of his Professors had been wrongly attacked on school grounds too.

Harry shook his head. He shouldn't think like that. Of course Dumbledore cared. Dumbledore wasn't even Headmaster anymore, though Harry was sure he would find his way back into his old position at Hogwarts. Dumbledore did everything for this school, he was just angry at the moment which was why he was thinking so darkly. But in that anger was a deep hurt. What had he done to annoy or anger Dumbledore so much that he had ignored Harry for the whole year. A year in which he desperately needed to confide in his Headmaster.

Again Harry shook his head. The past two weeks had flew by, although he thought proudly through all the chaos he had still managed to sit all his exams which he thought went reasonably well.

Harry glanced a quick look around the Great Hall, everyone had their eyes down and was scribbling furiously on their papers. Harry forced his eyes down on to his own paper. He had hardly made a dent in his exam. He felt a spike of anxiety. He didn't much care for History of Magic but he still wanted to try his best. He thought he had done reasonably well so far and he didn't want to ruin it.

Though, in his own defence, Harry always struggled to stay awake during History of Magic and the summer heat which was blowing lazily into the Great Hall wasn't helping Harry keep his mind clear. Harry felt he was back trapped in the Divination classroom where the thick perfume, low lights and heat from the fire made it impossible not to doze off for a few minutes.

Harry gave himself another mental shake. He needed to snap out of it before he ran out of time. He focused on the question he was currently on and read it for what felt the tenth time.

Describe the circumstances that led to the formation of the International Confederation of Wizards and explain why the warlocks of Liechtenstein refused to join.

Harry knew this. He thought wildly back to Hermione's notes which she had let him borrow only hours before. He tried to think about what he had read.

Slowly he began to write.

...the first Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards was Pierre Bonaccord but his appointment was contested by the wizarding community of Liechtenstein because -

Harry froze, unable to think of what came next. He closed his eyes tight, willing himself to remember. He needed to remember. He needed to pass this exam, or at least try. At the moment his brain wasn't trying though, he felt the warm summer air breeze past his face, ruffling his hair. He felt his face relax as his eyes became heavier. Suddenly his mind wasn't on warlocks or the Confederation of Wizards, but was focused on the calming noise of everyone's quills scratching along the parchment.

He could feel the sun burning the back of his head. He needed to focus. He opened his eyes and gazed lazily at the back of Lavenders head who was sitting directly in front of him. The sunlight was gleaming on her black hair, making it turn almost golden. Harry stared at it for a while.

Harry shook himself again and reminded himself what the question was. He thought briefly of trolls having something to do with it but he wasn't sure. His mind was swimming lazily again, refusing to focus. The sun was too warm, the light breeze too relaxing. He hadn't slept much last night because of what had happened to Hagrid and McGonagall, he could feel his eyes going heavy again. He tried to fight it but every time he opened his eyes, they closed on themselves again, too heavy for him to force open.

He mind didn't allow him time to think about that fact that he was in the middle of an exam, nor what would happen if he failed, it simply focused on the stong lull of sleep that was rolling over Harry inevitably as the waves crash against the sand on the beach, rolling back only to rush in again.

Harry didn't know why, but he could have sworn that he could hear the distant sound of waves on the beach in his head. He had a clear picture of golden sands and crystal blue water in his mind as he head fell against his desk.

He though fleetingly that he would have to take Eleanor to the beach one day when suddenly he was walking along a corridor.

...Harry knew this corridor, he knew it well. It was just as he remembered in the Department of Mysteries, dark and cool.

Unlike many times, as Harry strode down the corridor with purposeful stides, the door at the end swung open for him easily, as if in his mind he willed it to swing open. He was greeted by another room with many doors to go through.

Harry was growing more excited, he could feel it in his bones, making him feel restless and giddy. He was so close.

...so close.

Almost there.

Just through this door...


There is was in front of him. All his dreams...all his waiting had payed off. Finally he was here.

Harry felt a sudden burst of excitement and happiness that he felt like he was floating, he felt light but his body buzzed with all his pent up energy.

But when Harry caught a glimpse of what was down the shimmering isles of blue light and ghostly glass balls and sculptures, he felt suddenly as if he swallowed a load of lead. The excitement and happiness evaporated so quickly he felt he might crash to the floor with the sudden heaviness of it all. He felt horror, and bile rise up inside of him.

Suddenly his dream has turned into a nightmare and Harry felt fear. He felt real raw fear at what he was seeing and for the first time, he didn't know what to do.

"Give it to me!"

Harry knew that voice, it sent a chill down his spine even after all these years.

"Give it to me now. I cannot touch it but you can."

But the second voice he recognised paralysed him completely. He wanted to shout out, to run and save them. How had Harry messed up so horribly wrong for this to happen?

"You'll have to kill me."

Harry heard a hiss. An angry growl. "Maybe this will teach you. Crucio!"

Harry leapt forward and he heard himself scream out before he was plunged into darkness and oblivion overtook him.

(How do you like the chapter. I hope you don't mind the change in perspective, I haven't done a Harry based perspective in a long while, apart from the letter chapters of course. I love writing in Harry's perspective though, it's so fun. Especially when things get dark. Anyway, enjoy!)

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