O N E H U N D R E D A N D F O R T Y T W O | The Doe

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Eleanor was upstairs in the attic with Sirius. Sirius had discovered that morning that Buckbeak had an injured wing when he brought the Hippogriff breakfast that morning.

How Buckbeak had injured himself, Sirius and Eleanor had no idea. Eleanor was stood in the corner, watching. Although she wanted to, she couldn't do much for Buckbeak. Sirius was at his side though and was muttering a lot of incantations while swirling his wand around. Eleanor had no idea what he was saying or doing, but Buckbeak had definitely perked up a lot more and seemed to be in much less pain.

"Will he be alright?" Eleanor asked, worrying at her bottom lip. She didn't like to see anyone in pain or hurt, including animals.

Sirius sighed, looking worried. "He'll be fine but what's concerning me is how he got the injury."

"Maybe he spread out his wings and accidentally hit it against the wall?" Eleanor suggested. The room in which Buckbeak stayed was empty and void of any furniture, for him to hurt his wing seemed almost impossible.

"It's a broken wing El, I'm no expert but it looks like its been snapped on purpose." Sirius said, turning to look at her. His normally calm face was a mask of confusion and fear. Eleanor knew he was trying to hide it, but he was failing quite badly.

"You suggest foul play?" Eleanor asked, shocked. "But who would do something like this?"

Sirius face darkened. "That's the thing El, I don't know."

Before Eleanor could say anymore, a loud shout came from downstairs. Then footsteps could be heard thundering upstairs. "Sirius, come quickly!"

Remus barged into the room looking panicked. Eleanor and Sirius shared a startled look before following Remus back out the room and down the stairs.

"What is it?" Sirius asked sharply. "What's happened?"

But the evidence of what had happened became quite clear when they all ran into the dining room. Tonks and Mad-Eye were already inside, looking stunned but alert. It was clear danger was near.

Eleanor froze, paralysed. In the middle of the dining room stood a beautiful, majestic glowing blue doe. It let off a calming aura and for a minute Eleanor struggled to see why everyone was so panicked.

"It looks like Harry's Patronus." Eleanor mumbled, remembering the beautiful glowing creature he had cast in the alleyway to scare off the Dementors. The only thing was that Harry's Patronus was a Stag.

"It is a Patronus. It's Snape's." Remus said, his body taunt with anticipation. It was clear everyone was expecting the worst and suddenly fear flooded into Eleanor. Had something happened at Hogwarts?

Suddenly something very strange yet oddly beautiful happened. The Patronus began to speak. "Sirius are you there? Are you safe?"

The voice was Snape's and Sirius looked highly baffled to hear Snape asking if he was alright. Sirius cleared his throat, feeling extremely awkward. "I'm perfectly fine, Severus. What has happened? What is all of this?"

"It seems that your godson fell asleep during one of his exams and had a dream that Voldemort was holding you captive in the Department of Mysteries. He tried to contact you through fire message using the Headmistresses fireplace but got no answer-"

Sirius looked stunned, and worried. "I was seeing to Buckbeak, I didn't hear anything. If I had, I would have-"

"Sirius no one blames you, this is not your fault." Remus said sharply.

"Remus is right, Sirius." Tonks said. "We were all busy, if any of us heard him call we would have been there."

The Patronus contined to speak. "He was caught by Umbridge and it appears that Umbridge was trying to interrogate the boy. She called on me for some Veritaserum to use, but fortunately I did not have any. She had used it all up earlier in the year."

Eleanor gasped. "Isn't Veritaserum a powerful truth potion? And isn't it illegal? Why that wicked old bat!"

"Well someone's been doing their research." Snape drawled, his voice echoing around the room. "Good thing there wasn't any left or the idiot boy would have been spilling his darkest secrets in seconds."

"Harry is not an idiot!" Eleanor fumed. "Now what has happened to him? Is he alright?"

"It appears he and the Granger girl walked into the forest with Umbridge, but not before Potter yelled about you being in the place where its hidden."

Moody growled in appreciation. "Good thinking for him to use code. I bet Umbridge didn't have a clue on what he was talking about."

"No, she did not." Snape said. "But they have yet to return from the forest so I fear that he still believes you are being held captive and tortured by Voldemort. My bet is that the insolent boy has created some rescue mission for you."

Tonks gasped. "We must go to their aid."

"Yes." Remus said, looking pale. "Let's gather some more Order members to meet us there. If Harry's vision is true, Voldemort will not be without his Death Eaters."

"That is not all." The Patronus said. It's light was beginning to fade. It was becoming increasingly fainter. Eleanor wondered if this was taking up Snape's energy to project this Patronus, especially at such a distance from Hogwarts.

"What is it?" Sirius demanded. "What could possibly make this situation any worse?" Sirius too looked pale and drawn. He also looked guilty. Eleanor understood, she felt that guilt herself. How had she not heard Harry call out from the fireplace downstairs?

All of this could have been avoided if Sirius and Eleanor hadn't needed to be in the attic to help Buckbeak. Eleanor didn't need to be in there at all, she just wanted to tag along. If only she stayed in the dining room, she could have helped Harry. Could have reassured him everything was fine.

Suddenly the conversation that she had with Sirius that morning echoed in her head. She felt suddenly very sick. I'm no expert El, but it looks like its been snapped on purpose.

Had someone done this to get Sirius out of the way? Was this part of a bigger plan? But who would do something like this. Eleanor glanced around the room. She felt suffocated, suddenly the walls were too close, the room too small. She trusted everyone in this room, but it still didn't make sense. The events must connect somehow, but she couldn't understand how something like this could have happened.

"Harry didn't just see you in the Department of Mysteries Sirius." Snape's Patronus said, his voice echoing around the room like a gun shot.

If it were possible, Eleanor felt even more dread fill her body. She felt weak-kneed and clutched the top of a chair for support.

"Who?" Remus asked weakly. "Who else did he see?"

"He saw Josh."

It was all too much. Eleanor felt the world cave in and her legs gave out from under her.

Not her brother. Not her Josh.

(How cruel am I? Well there you have it. We are so close to the end now. I'm excited for you to read it but I'm also scared for the story to end. This has been my life for so long.)

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