O N E H U N D R E D A N D F O U R T E E N | Gifts

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Dear the boy who is still scarred from February, second year,

Ooh, is Harry Potter a bit of a hopeless romantic? Letters are more authentic, are they? I never took you much for the sentimental type.

I'm totally kidding. I kind of agree with you. I would've missed writing letters to you If we changed to texting.

Wow, I've changed. Remember the first ever letter you got from me? I mean it was meant for Cass and not you but I complained so much in that letter about writing letters. And to think I would actually miss it if I stopped now. That's some serious character development right there.

It's Valentine's weekend already. Hedwig only got to me yesterday so to answer your question would be pointless because by the time you get this, it would've already past. I hope you do end up calling me though regardless that you haven't had a reply. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if it happens.

Oh sweet sixteen, why must you be so far away? I had been planning this birthday for years. Well I say 'I,' I mean me and Cass. The goal was to get completely blackout drunk and gate crash some party or something but honestly I'm not so sure now. Circumstances have changed but I'll see what happens.

School has started to hammer the idea of college into our heads. Honestly I haven't thought about it much because I've been focusing on studying (Yes, you heard right. Me, studying.) but I know I need to start thinking about it. I always wanted to leave, and go somewhere completely new like New York but I think I'll save that for University. I'll probably go to College somewhere in London, that way I'll still be close by but I can get out of Magnolia Cresent.

I really want to know the thought process Ginny went through in order to come up with the name Pigwidgeon. Like is it a mixture between pig and pigeon and if so, why? I've said it before and I'll say it again, you wizards and witches certainly know how to come up with the weirdest names for everything.

I have no idea what you mean, Harry. Mr. Weasley's Muggle inventions are interesting and his fascination with everything Muggle is amusing.

...Am I really that easy to read? I really like Mr. Weasley, he's funny and he is genuinely interesting but I just get so bored when he goes on about Muggle stuff. He really knows how to talk. Josh loves it, so those two can talk all they want. I hope Mr. Weasley couldn't tell I wasn't interested.

Snuffles says you can't come back. If he had to put up with Valentines day at Hogwarts then so do you.

I'm kidding, I made that up. I haven't really spoken to Snuffles about it. Did Umbridge end up going all out for Valentines? Maybe she'll act nice for once. God, that's a scary thought. Nice Umbridge. Thats like having Chloe complement me. Ugh, scary.

Don't be guilty about Lockhart, like you said he gets a second chance to actually be a decent human being now. Besides, maybe one day he'll get his memories back? He is in the best place he can be to get better, and at least he's not dead. And need I remind you, he was going to do a runner and leave Ginny for dead so I honestly don't feel all that bad for him. I think it's a good thing that he forgot everything.


Eleanor suddenly heard tapping at the window. She looked up at the window and there perched on the window sill was a brown barn owl carrying quite a big package.

Eleanor looked over at Hedwig, who was waiting for her reply to send back and Harry, and shrugged. Eleanor honestly didn't have a clue what or who the package was for. Maybe it's a mistake and it's meant to go somewhere else? Maybe it's for the Order?

Eleanor placed her quill down because since arriving at Grimmauld Place, the only things to write with were ink and quills. Eleanor couldn't understand it, pens were just so much more convenient!

As Eleanor opened the window, the barn owl flew in and dropped the package on her desk. Eleanor noticed straight away that there was a note attached.

She sat back at her desk and saw the note. It was definitely meant for her.

Eleanor picked up the note, it read:

Dear Ellie,

You're probably going to hate me for this but I got you a gift.

At first I was going to get you the typical flowers, Sunflowers precisely because I know they're your favourite but then I was reading through our old letters and I came up with a different idea. Its not really Valentines related but it's related to us so I thought it would still count.

I hope you like it,


the boy who surprised himself when he had this idea.

Eleanor smiled and shook her head. She ripped open the brown wrapping paper and saw inside the box was a book.

It was a big leather bound book. A purple leather bound book, specifically lilac and Eleanor couldn't help but smile at the small detail.

She pulled the book out of the box and immediately noticed it was a photo album. She opened it up, the first page was scarce of photos but Harry had written inside of it.

To Ellie,

You used to say to me that you wanted to be a witch, or that you wanted me to sneak you into Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. While eventually I want to do that, for now I thought that this would have to do. I am by no means a photographer and honestly this is my first proper time taking photos so I hope you like them. I borrowed my friend Colin's camera and at first I was going to ask him to take the photos but I decided against it. Hermione helped me develop them to make them move. Anyway, without further ado, turn the page and welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

Eleanor smiled, laughed a little but she honestly wanted to cry. Happy tears of course. This was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her.

She turned the page and set her eyes upon the first photos. Her eyes widened in wonder. Harry had left little notes explaining each photo. For instance, the first picture was labelled the Great Hall. The photo showed four long tables bustling with life of the different students in the different houses. The tables were piled high with food. Harry had even gone as far to draw arrows, telling her which table represented which house.

At the front of the Great Hall sat another long table on which the Professors sat. As well as this, four hour-glasses full of gems stood at the front of the Great Hall. There was a little note explaining that this was the point system. If someone earned points for their house, it would automatically be added to the hour-glasses and the one fullest at the end of the year would win the House Cup.

While all this enchanted Eleanor, the thing that drew her eyes in was the ceiling. Hundreds of floating candles sat suspended above the Great Hall, looking like mesmerising glowing orbs. Harry had taken this photo during the evening which Eleanor was grateful for because the enchanted ceiling looked beautiful. Stars and clouds swirled along the sky above the chattering students, frozen in time looking idyllic and otherworldly.

Eleanor spend far too long looking at that photo but then she forced herself to move on.

On and on the photos went, each with little annotations from Harry. Eleanor had photos of classroom, corridors, the Quidditch Pitch, the D.A room/meetings (Eleanor found herself glued to that one for a while too, enjoying watching as everyone in the photo practiced some kind of defensive spell that she couldn't hear.) She also got to see Hagrid's Hut, the Gryffindor Common Room, the Green houses, the Black Lake, the Hogsmead highstreet which just looked so cute and cosy to Eleanor. Harry even included a picture of the Shrieking Shack, writing out how that was the place that he discovered Sirius' innocence. She saw inside the Three Broomsticks, Zonkos joke shop and Harry even went as far as walking down to the Hogwarts gates to try and take a photo of the castle for Eleanor.

Eleanor couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the castle, it was even more beautiful than she imagined. Just as she was getting to the end of the photo album, the photos changed to ones of her friends. Harry had taken some of Hermione and Ron. Of the three of them together (Eleanor was impressed by Harry's selfie taking skills.) She had photos of Fred and George and Ginny. She even had photos of friends that Harry wanted Eleanor to meet such as Luna, Neville, Lee Jordan, Seamus, Dean, Hagrid, Fang the dog and even Dobby.

Eleanor was crying by the end of it. She couldn't help herself. Especially when she saw the last page. On the last page sat one photo, it was of Eleanor and Harry. It was a photo that Eleanor had forced Harry to take over the christmas holidays and honestly Eleanor had no idea how Harry had even got his hands on the photo.

Eleanor watched as her photo self laughed along at something Harry had said. She watched as she leaned over to kiss Harry on the cheek and how they both turned to the camera Eleanor was holding and smiled. Eleanor saw how happy Harry and her photo self looked and she wanted to jump inside that photo and relive it all again.


Eleanor jumped as Sirius called her name from downstairs.

Quickly wiping her tears away, she replied. "Yeah?"

"Come down here a second, you're going to want to see this!" Sirius yelled, and Eleanor heard the glee and proudness in his voice.

Very much curious, Eleanor quickly checked her reflection in the mirror to see if it looked like she had just been crying. When, miraculously, it didn't, Eleanor descended down the stairs and walked into the dining room where she found Sirius, Molly and Remus sitting. They were crowded around a newspaper.

"I thought the Daily Prophet posted rubbish and lies?" Eleanor said as she came and joined them.

"This isn't the Daily Prophet, it's the Quibbler." Sirius explained.

"I came across it on my way back here and I thought I'd bring it back for you all to see." Remus said with a smile.

Molly on the other hand, didn't look as joyful as Remus or Sirius. "What was he thinking? He's going to get himself killed?"

"Relax," Sirius grinned. "He's going to get a lot of bad people locked up."

"Er," Eleanor said confused. "Who exactly are we talking about?"

"Your boyfriend of course." Sirius mused, still grinning.


"Do you have another boyfriend we don't know about?"

"Oh, ha ha," Eleanor said sarcastically to Sirius. "Very funny."

"I thought so too." Sirius said.

"Here," Remus smiled, passing Eleanor the newspaper. "See for yourself."

Eleanor looked down and saw the head line:


"Holy shit!" Eleanor muttered and then remembered where she was. "Sorry." She said glancing at Molly.

"Well it's quite an appropriate response." Remus spoke, looking amused at Eleanor but Eleanor also noticed how he too, like Sirius, looked immensely proud. They were proud of Harry.

"Won't this affect the Order?" Eleanor asked.

"No, I don't think it will." Sirius said. "Harry mentions a lot of names in the article, and a lot of them are Death Eaters who have avoided Azkaban for far too long. Maybe now this will convince people he is telling the truth."

"I sure hope so-"

Just then her phone began to ring. She pulled it out of her pocket and recognised the number as the one Harry normally calls her on.

She swiped accepting the call. "Harry, you git!"

Harry simply laughed at the other end of the phone.

Eleanor continued. "What happened to we both hate Valentines? I thought we both collectively agreed no gifts."

"Harry got you a Valentines gift? What is it?" Eleanor waved Sirius off after detecting the teasing tone in his voice.

"Well I didn't actually agree to anything. You just assumed I wouldn't get you a gift." Harry said from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah!" Eleanor exclaimed. "Because we both said we hate Valentines, so I took that as completely ignoring it. I didn't get you anything!"

"You don't need to get me anything."

"But you got me something."

"Because I wanted to."

"I hate you so much right now." Eleanor grumbled.

Harry laughed again. "So did you like the photo album?"

Eleanor felt herself give in and melt. "Yes, I loved it. Thank you!"

"No worries, I'm glad you like it."

"So this news article, huh?"

"You know about that already? It only came out today!" Harry said, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, Remus brought it back with him from doing Order stuff. Sirius was just showing it to me when you called." Eleanor explained.

"So what did you think?"

"I think you've got balls." Eleanor said, and then became acutely aware of Molly, Sirius and Remus in the room and blushed. She heard Harry choking on his drink down the phone. "I only meant that you've got nerve!"

"Oh I know what you meant, I'd just never heard it said like that before."

"I think it was very brave of you to talk about it but you're going to make a lot of enemies now."

"I had a lot of enemies to begin with."

"Touchè, Potter." Eleanor smiled. "Well I'm proud of you anyway."

"Thank you, Ellie."

"No problem, Hazza." Eleanor said. "I've actually got a gift for you too."

"Please stop with the Hazza name. I hate it."

"Never." Eleanor grinned and heard Harry groan.

"I thought you said you hadn't gotten me anything."

"I haven't." Eleanor admitted. "I've just now come up with it. It's not even a gift, not really anyway but I think you'll like it."

"What is it?"

Eleanor smiled as she pulled her phone away from her ear and put it on loud speaker. She placed the phone in the middle of the dining table.

"Say hi, Hazza!" Eleanor called.

"I swear to god Eleanor, if you don't stop calling me that-"

"Hello, Harry!"

"Sirius!" Eleanor heard the pleasant surprise is Harry's voice and she grinned. "Hi!"

"Hi, Harry. How are you doing?"

"Remus!" Harry exclaimed. "I'm doing good, how are you? How is everyone else and the Order?"

Eleanor looked at Remus and Sirius. They were both smiling, leaning close to the phone. Eleanor smiled watching them and listening as the three of them talked.

She might not have gotten Harry a gift but she knew that Harry appreciated the time he was being given to speak to Sirius and Remus. She could see Remus and Sirius looked just as happy about it too.

Harry needed this and Eleanor was only happy to provide him with it.

An hour later, Harry was saying goodbye to Remus and Sirius and Eleanor was holding the phone back up to her ear to continue their conversation. She retired back into her room and lay on her bed. There she talked to Harry for hours more until she heard the distant voice of a women explaining to Harry that he would have to leave because the pub was closing.

Giggling, Eleanor said her goodbye. "Bye Hazza."

All Eleanor heard was a groan before the phone went dead and she giggled some more.

(Wow this is a long chapter. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Until next time.)

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