O N E H U N D R E D A N D T H I R T Y E I G H T | Perspectives

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Dear the boy who thinks he did alright,

The only issue I've ever found by writing letters to eachother is how long they take to reach one another. Sometimes it can take days, others it can take weeks. I've never really minded the inconsistency but how is it that we are nearly at the end of our exams?

Time is a weird thing.

C'mon Harry, be honest. The whole school would be improved without Snivellus, not just Potions. You and Neville would have had a much easier time without that slime ball around. I honestly don't get why no one has reported him before. Then again, it's Hogwarts so it really doesn't surprise me that nothing has been done about him. I mean Dumbledore let Umbridge into the school so I don't think the bar is very high for its teachers. I've always said its a good thing you've actually had decent teachers to balance out the bad like Lupin, McGonagall, Hagrid, Flitwick, Sprout etc.

I'm still very anxious to find out my results but fingers crossed I think it went well. I mean I definitely got a few questions wrong near the end of my papers but I think I did enough to pass. Let's hope I don't jinx myself.

I dunno how your exams work at Hogwarts but with mine, the questions start off reasonably manageable and then as the paper goes on, it gets harder but the harder questions earn you more points. Anyway, as I said, hopefully I've done enough the pass.

I've still got a few exams to do, but I've gotten the main big scary ones over such as English, Maths and science which are the big deal breakers when it comes to applying for colleges and universities.

You're lucky you only get the two weeks of exams, which if I've worked out correctly, your last one should be coming up soon. Which one is it?

I'm honestly not surprised that James used to get annoyed by Moony's constant studying. I mean your father was one of the biggest trouble makers Hogwarts has ever known, so obviously he would be busy plotting his next prank, not worrying about school work. I mean you don't mind Hermione's vast knowledge because it's helped you so much through the years, plus you don't really follow your father in the pranking department, though somehow you still cause a hell lot of chaos. It must run in the family.

I'd say my exams have all been a 7 or 8 so far which is better than I anticipated, so I'm happy so far. I'm glad you're feeling like you're doing well too. Maybe we can get through this all after all.

Yeah I should try to worry less about the war. I mean we've got the Order and they are still doing all their best to help prevent the war. You're safe at Hogwarts, along with Ron, Hermione and the rest of the Weasley's. I'm safe here with the Order. If we look at it from the brightside, we could all be in much more danger so I think I should try and relax a bit.

I was bored the other day so I started reading back our old letters and it's crazy to see how much I've changed in such a short amount of time. I used to be so carefree, I never used to care about school, or if I got into trouble (which I used to a lot.) It's crazy to think I was close to getting kicked out of school, like meeting you has given me this new perspective I never knew I needed to see. I think I've grown up and become a better person because of you Harry. I think I miss the old me slightly because of how carefree she was but I'm sure I'll go back to being carefree when this war is over.

Like you said, it's nearly over now. It's just a matter of time.


the girl who's changed.

(I need a new face claim for Eleanor. I started this story in 2018 when I really liked Billie, but tbh I haven't listened to her in a few years and it's come to my attention that she has been doing some disrespectful and hurtful things which I do not want to support. If any of you have any faceclaims which you think are perfect for El, then I would really appreciate you sharing them. I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

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