O N E H U N D R E D A N D T H I R T Y S E V E N | Not Long Now

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Dear the girl who is afraid,

I feel like the teacher has something to do with it to. I mean yeah, the topic is important because like you said if it interests you then you won't mind putting the work and effort in, but I think the teachers definitely help too. Like I think I would actually enjoy Potions if it weren't for Snivellus Snape.

Yeah Hagrid has definitely had to stick to the curriculum, especially this year anyway.

How was the exam? Did you think they both went alright?

I'm glad that you've had so much help and encouragement around you. It wouldn't surprise me if Snuffles actually did go and study just so he could help you. He would do anything to help anyone he cares about. Besides, he and my father were the highest in their year group when they were at Hogwarts so it wouldn't surprise me if he sort of enjoyed the studying part.

Moony reminds me of Hermione; always a book pressed in their hands. I can't believe it used to annoy my father though, I dunno what I would do without Hermione and all her knowledge.

She's definitely adamant on my life long ban, so I guess I'll see how it plays out. I mean she can't really ban me from playing it in the summer holidays if I'm not allowed to play it at Hogwarts, so there is always that.

You're right, it's always so easy to say 'oh I should have done this instead of acting like this' but in the moment you never really think about the consequences. You're so wrapped up in the moment that you just act on what you're feeling in that moment, you don't really have time to step outside the situation and think, 'wait it would be better if I did this or said this.' I'm glad I've also gotten more comfortable in taking about how I feel now too because I used to get so caught up in those feelings and memories and it would just make me feel so isolated and alone. But I know I'm not alone, I never have been.

I would happily have you talk my ear off for the rest of my life.

You can't think like that El, it'll rip you apart. I'm so scared of loosing you all too, but I try not to think about it because I'd honestly rather just give myself up to Voldemort than risk any of you. We will win, and we will try our best to get rid of him. Somehow, I'm unsure of how yet, but somehow it'll all work out. I'm sure of it. It has to work out, especially after all we've sacrificed and all those we lost in the first war.

Honestly the Charms exam wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The scale is a good idea though. I'd say about a seven for both the written and practical. It probably could have gone slightly better but I feel like I did alright too. So I'm quite pleased. Hopefully the others go just as good.

As soon as these exams are over we can both relax. It'll be the summer holidays soon and then we can see eachother again. Not long now Ellie, and it'll all be over.


the boy who thinks he did alright.

(I've been off work with a sickness bug, so have another chapter.)

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