O N E H U N D R E D A N D T H I R T Y T H R E E | Weasley Is Our King

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Dear the girl who's worried about what's to come,

Hagrid is well. So is everyone at Hogwarts. We have yet to help Hagrid with any of his creatures. Well apart from the one's we study in his lesson, of course.

Oh believe me, Hogwarts hasn't allowed us one moment of peace since June arrived. I think everyone would be worried regardless of our teachers constant reminders. It's a daily occurrence for people to throw up or pass out in class from stress or lack of sleep from revision.

I'm worried too, of course but honestly I can't wait for the exams to be over. At least then I can relax somewhat.

You won't do bad. Just look at your grades Ellie, they are proof that you can do this. You've always had decent grades but in the last few months they've been improving so much, you're going to do well, I promise. You haven't been doing all this revision for nothing, it will pay well when the exams come around.

I wasn't always a good friend. I got jealous that Ron could continue to play while I was banned. It was a selfish thought, but I've grown used to life without Quidditch now. I still miss it though.

I've told Ron what you said, and he positively beamed. I've always said Ron is hard on himself, so he gets really pleased when someone compliments him, or tells him he's done good.

We've changed the song the Slytherins created. The song was called Weasley is our king, a title that sounds alright until you hear the lyrics and realise how malicious it truly is. This is what the Slytherins used to sing:

Weasley cannot save a thing,
He cannot block a single ring,
That's why Slytherins all sing:
Weasley is our King.
Weasley was born in a bin,
He always lets the Quaffle in,
Weasley will make sure we win,
Weasley is our King.

But we've now since changed those horrid words to something that will boost Ron's confidence.

Weasley is our King,
Weasley is our King,
He didn't let the Quaffle in,
Weasley is our King.
Weasley can save anything,
He never leaves a single ring,
That's why Gryffindors all sing:
Weasley is our King.

Of course this wasn't just because he won one match. The match he did win garenteed the Gryffindors to win the Quidditch Cup, so it was also more of a celebration song to thank Ron, but also rub it into Slytherins faces.

Of course it's not silly to stress of these things, especially if they distract you a little. I mean I can tell you everyone at Hogwarts goes about pretending there is no war, and if they do truly believe there is a war coming, they still like to pretend and stay in this bubble where the war has yet to affect them yet.

I think everyone looks for distractions El, like you said, we'd all go mad otherwise. To face all the chaos, and destruction on a daily basis would take its toll so we all distract ourself for a while, even if it's for an hour or so. That's why I'm so thankful for you, and Hermione and Ron. I've said it a million times before but I honestly don't know what I'd do without any of you.

Believe me you don't sound mad at all, because I feel the exact same. Although throughout the day I try to distract myself with mundane things like work, and friends, my nightmares are a constant reminder that bigger things are conspiring. What I saw at the end of my forth year will make sure I never ever forget whats happening out in the world while I'm stuck at Hogwarts. I know exactly what you mean when you say it's all so maddening.

I've had the same thoughts. Hermione's been checking the Daily Prophet for any news (even though they wouldn't publish it because they are still in denial) we even check the really small article's in case something has been released about what's going on, and after all the break outs and missing people, it seems odd that it's suddenly gone all quiet. It puts me on edge.

It's like the calm before the storm and I don't like it. Its like they are trying to make it all seem like those things never happened before and everything is alright, but its not because I know somewhere, where ever he is, Voldemort is plotting something. I just wish I knew what.

No one would think you were insinuating that they weren't doing enough by expressing your concers El. But I understand the fact that you don't what to dampen their moods. Try and talk to them when they are on their own perhaps, when there is less people around.

I do understand El, and even if I didn't, I'm always here for you to talk about anything you need to.

Again, you don't sound silly, because I know exactly what you mean. These letters have become like a lifeline for me. For a while when we first met, I tried to hide the fact that I was a wizard because I was selfish and wanted to escape that life for a while, but since you discovered I was a wizard, I was afraid things would be different between us but you haven't treated me differently at all. I was stupid to think that you would. What I'm trying to say is at first I liked writing to you because I could pretend to be someone else for a while, but now I know that I didn't need to pretend, because these letters are still such a comfort to write. It's like a weight is always lifted off my chest after we talk.

Like you said, it's almost like a comfort thing. If I didn't do it anymore, it would seem weird.

Again, I completely understand what you mean. Like even if we didn't meet through letters, I feel someway, or somehow we still would have met. Whether that meant a different way than letters or 30 years down the line, I truly believe we were meant to be in eachothers lives. That sounds so ridiculous, but what I mean to say is, I think we would have always found eachother.

I mean you are kind of spewing a little nonsense but so do I.

I understand what you're trying to say because I couldn't ever picture my life without you now. Huh? Maybe you were right after all to tease me about being a hopeless romantic. I don't know how to feel about that thought just yet.

I hope you managed to fall asleep okay after you finished the letter and I feel we both have a lot to thank eachother for. I feel like I could thank you everyday for the rest of our lives and it still wouldn't be enough.

Sleep well, Ellie, and sweet dreams,


the boy who understands.


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