O N E H U N D R E D A N D T H I R T Y T W O | In Another Life

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Dear the boy with giant news, (get it?)

How's things been at Hogwarts? How is Hagrid? How are things with him, is he well? Is he managing to look after every creature, or have you had to help him yet?

I'm sure you're aware, because if Hogwarts is anything like my school, you would have had it drilled into your head. It's now June, and therefore exam season is upon us at last.

When I tell you I'm dreading it, Harry, I constantly have a sick feeling in my stomach. What if I do bad?

But I can't think like that. My parents tell me to try not to worry, but its hard. Our entire futures lie in these exams.

...Anyway, going back on to what you said in your previous letter. I'm glad Ron has decided to pursue Quidditch and I'm glad that you've always believed in him. It's hard not thinking you're good enough, and it's nice to be reminded that in fact you are good enough. You're a good friend Harry. I'm glad Ron has gained more confidence though, and despite the Slytherins new song, I'm glad Ron was able to play well.

It probably sounds silly to worry over trivial things such as exams when there is a war pending, and threatening to destroy our lives at any given moment, but in truth I like the distraction. I'm sure you do too. I'm sure in small ways you try to ignore the fact the war is coming, and I do that too. I choose to worry over little things such as exams, and homework, and what to wear to school, and what hairstyle to do on what day, to distract myself from the bigger problems going on in the world.

If I didn't do this, I honestly think I would go insane. Its been worrying me more and more lately though. It creeps into my head when I'm trying to sleep, it's the first thing I think of as I wake up. I don't know how this sounds, it could sound like I'm being completely paranoid but I hate how calm everything is. We all have to go about our day knowing something bigger is conspiring. It's maddening honestly.

And I feel like it's getting closer. I know I said everything is calm, but that's what's putting me on edge. When I first came here, it was with urgency, we made a plan. To stay here and keep safe. But you haven't had a nightmare about me since then. There hasn't been anymore break outs from Azkaban for weeks and people haven't been going missing.

Again, I could be being paranoid but don't you think it's suspicious. Like after all of that, it's suddenly gone quiet. Like they are trying to lure us into a false sense of security. And I feel at any minute something is going to happen, I feel that we are going to be attacked. I don't know how, but I feel like the war is just around the corner and every day marks its ever coming arrival.

Do I sound completely mad?

I've tried talking to someone. But everyone seems in good spirits as of late and I'd hate to dampen that mood. I had the perfect opportunity to speak to Remus the other night but I chickened out. What if he thought I was being paranoid? Or what if he thought I was insinuating that they weren't doing enough to stop the war?

I don't know, it's stupid really. The Order have become like my second family. Especially Remus and Snuffles. I can't speak to Snuffles though because Josh is always around him and I definitely can't speak to my parents about it because it would just freak them out.

So I'm telling you. I know there is nothing we can do but honestly just hearing someone feels the same way as me would make me feel better. I don't know if you do feel the same but you're one of the few people who might understand how I feel.

I don't even know if any of this makes sense. I'm writing this late at night. The house has never been so quiet, it's honestly quite spooky. It's about 3am right now, so I could just be spewing nonsense, but I couldn't sleep so the first thought I had was to write to you. After doing it for so long, its become kind of like therapy for me. That might sound utterly stupid but I know exactly what I mean.

It's like a comfort thing. The letters. And you I suppose. If I'm ever feeling scared, anxious, happy or sad, my first thought is always to write to you.

It probably sounds silly, because you're my boyfriend, of course you provide me comfort but even if you weren't my boyfriend, and we happened to just stay as friends, I think it would still apply. I think you would always be a very special person to me Harry, regardless of whether it was platonic or not.

You've heard of soul mates right? Not the cringey, I will literally die without you. But like a person who really gets you. Like you can have platonic soul mates, where you couldn't picture a life without them in it. Or you could have a sister or brother of whom you think is your soulmate because you just click.

I think we're soulmates. Again, I'm trying really hard not to sound corny but I'm probably failing abysmally. But I think we were destined to meet. Like we just clicked instantly, and we really get eachother. I'm not religious or anything, but if we were to have another life I believe we would find eachother in it.

Like I said before, I'm probably just spewing nonsense. It's late and I'm tired but at least I feel less anxious now so maybe I'll manage to fall asleep.

Thank you, Harry. You're probably going to say you haven't done anything but you have, so thank you.


the girl who's worried about what's to come.

(The exams are near so you know what that means. The end is coming ;))

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