S E V E N T Y E I G H T | Flaws

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Dear the boy who's tired,

Why were you running away from Dudley and his friends? Did they used to bully you too? They didn't hurt you, did they? 

So you went to jump behind some bins but mysteriously landed on the roof? Wow, that's crazy. This was before you found out you were a wizard, right? So I bet you were really shocked when that happend to you. What was going through your head at the time? If that had happened to me, I'd probably think that I fell over trying to jump over the bins and hit my head too hard and that I was having some sort of hallucination due to concussion or something.

The Dursleys are all pathetic. If I had a son like Dudley I'd be happy he got trapped in there. I'd use that as an excuse to leave him behind. I definitely wouldn't cry over it. That sucks Harry, really. I bet because they knew you were a wizard, they blamed you for anything bad happening to them even if you didn't do it. I'm sorry you have to live with them.

I don't mean to come across as if I'm being nosy and honestly you can tell me to piss off if you don't want to talk about it but what did Mr and Mrs Dursley used to do to you? Like I know they are vile people and I know that they probably shouted at you and stuff (which is wrong in itself regardless) but is that the worse they would go or would they take it further?

Like I said you don't need to tell me obviously, it's not my business but the few things you've said about them leads me to believe that they are not only verbally abusive to you. If that's the case, why don't you tell someone? Maybe they could help you get out of there? If not, then why don't you come and stay at mine during the summer? My parents wouldn't mind in the slightest and at least that way I know you're safe.

Regardless of the fact you were telling me you were a wizard, I should have believed you because you're my friend and friends are meant to believe eachother.

You don't need to worry about me, Harry. I am perfectly fine. I'd rather die in some exciting way than just go in my sleep. That's just boring and makes life sound so pointless if in the end all you're going to do is die in your sleep.

Thank you. I pride myself in my hilarity. And yes, I'd love to see all your school things. It would give me an idea of what lessons are like at Hogwarts.

That makes perfect sense. To be honest, I'm not much of a sports fan but Quidditch generally sounds intresting, even when you get over the novelty that its played on bloody flying broomsticks.

Do I even want to know what the other two Unforgivable Curses are? I mean it's in the name isn't it and they must be equally as horrifying as the Imperius Curse to be unforgivable.

Yes! Please come and join my school. It would be so much more interesting with you there. I think I'd just about enjoy school if you showed your face there every once and a while.

Yeah, you answered all my questions about werewolves. I still can't wrap my head around it all. It's so unbelievable.

And haha, very funny. But don't worry I hate you too. I'm only keeping you around so I can learn about the wizarding world and then I'll drop you when I become a millionaire for exposing the wizarding world to the Muggle world and save thousands of lives.

Good to know. And I'm oddly glad you don't spend your time talking about the girls (or boys) at Hogwarts. Is that weird of me?

Oh yeah, I had loads of fun cleaning dishes. I had so much fun that I decided I'm going to do it again today. And if I'm feeling crazy then I might even do it again tomorrow. Woah, my life is just so exciting!

I never said I hated you being awkward, Harry. I said it was endearing. And you shouldn't hate that you're awkward either, its apart of who you are so embrace it. You shouldn't hate anything about yourself Harry, beacause you are perfect. Everyone is perfect in their own way and our flaws are what makes us who were are. If we didn't have flaws then I reckon life would be a lot more boring.

Why are you up so late if you're tired then? If you don't have time to write me a letter, then don't bother. Just do it when you have time, you need to make sure you're looking after yourself and are getting enough sleep.


the girl who thinks you're perfect the way you are.

(Double update!)

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