S E V E N T Y S E V E N | Complicated Feelings

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Dear the girl who talked to a werewolf,

I think I would have been downright miserable in Slytherin. I don't think I would get along with anyone. I don't get along with most Slytherins now so I don't think much would change just because I wore green robes instead of red.

Other strange things that happened in my childhood? Well once I was running away from Dudley and his gang and I meant to jump behind some bins to hide but I somehow ended up on the roof of the schools building instead.

Aunt Petunia was in hysterics when she saw her precious Diddykins stuck in an enclosure. Of course I got the blame for it by the Dursleys, they always knew I was a wizard so at the time even though I told them time and time again that I didn't know how the glass disappeared (I really didn't at the time) they wouldn't believe it. I was in so much trouble. I don't think I'd ever seen Uncle Vernon so angry.

No one should feel intimidated by Dudley. He's just an overgrown bully.

You don't need to apologise, El. Looking back I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up that you would believe me, because honestly who would? I was claiming to be a wizard, it's not exactly something that's easy to believe, is it?

Yes, yes it was insensitive. What, so you would want to mysteriously disappear or something so people can remember you as something exciting happening? I worry about you sometimes El, I really do.

Haha, really funny El. Absolutely hilarious. Of course we aren't going to turn bloody green. Once again, that's just insulting.

And yes, we really do have flying broomsticks. Maybe next summer I could somehow manage to convince the Dursleys to let you over and you can see my broom and all my textbooks in my room?

I'm apart of Gryffindors Quidditch team and I play the Seeker. So for Quidditch each team has seven players: three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper and one Seeker. There are also four balls involved in the game: one Quaffle, two Bludgers and one Golden Snitch.

The Chasers role is to pass the Quaffle to one another and get it to the end of the pitch when the opponents goal is and to score as many points as they can through the three hooped goal posts. Each goal is worth ten points.

The Keepers job is to defend their teams goal posts to make sure the other team doesn't score. The Bludgers go after people playing the game so the Beaters job is to make sure the Bludger doesn't injure any of their own team and their objective is to hit the Bludgers at the opposing team to stop them scoring.

The last job is for the Seeker. The Seeker has to search the game for the tiny ball that is the Golden Snitch. The Golden Snitch is small and fast but the Seekers job is to catch the Snitch because the Snitch is worth 150 points so as soon as the Seeker catches the Snitch the game is over. The game does not end until the Seeker catches the Snitch. Does that all make sense?

Yeah I know the Imperius Curse is scary. That's why its one of the Unforgivable Curses. There are three in total and of course you can guess that Voldemort and his followers favour all three of them because they are the most dangerous, deadly and unforgivable curses out there.

Your school sounds great. To be honest I'd take privileged, stuck up, perverted assholes over who I'm dealing with at Hogwarts right now. Can I come and join your school instead?

Yes, Remus is a werewolf. The same Remus who came to your house. Yes, werewolves transform every month at the full moon. No, they don't just crave meat, they can eat whatever food they want. Most cases you have to be bitten to be turned into a werewolf but I think you can be born as a werewolf if you have werewolf blood in your family. That was all the questions right?

Oh god, I'm stuck with you now?! Is it too late to tell you I've hated you all along?

And what I talk about with Ron doesn't really matter. It's not important. But if you have to know, we never really talk about girls (or boys, I'm not picky). The one time we did was in fourth year and that was only because we were forced to get a date to that stupid Yule Ball.

Harry felt a flush of anger and the familiar green ugly beast made it's home in Harry's chest again when he read that Eleanor had been thinking about one boy. Harry wondered who he was. Probably someone a lot less complicated then me, Harry thought bitterly.

But then he sat in confusion for a while. Why was he feeling like this? He had felt like this once before when Eleanor had said she had missed Ron's little notes put in with Harry's letters.

He decided to shake it off and continue with his letter. It was already so late in the evening because he had had to serve another one of Umbridge's detentions and he was so very tired.

I hope you had fun cleaning the dishes because chores are such a joy to do and don't apologise. You're welcome for the compliments and sorry about being awkward, it's something I hate about myself too.

Anyway, it's really late right now. I should be asleep, so I'll leave this letter here.


the boy who's tired.

(Hope you all are still enjoying and don't forget to check out my new fanfic So Far Away if you're interested.)

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