S I X T Y F I V E | Slytherin

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Dear the girl who is uninviting me to meet her family,

I know, the Ministry is just being stupid and refusing to believe Voldemort is back. Don't worry, we've already thought about if Fudge is under some influence but Dumbledore believes Fudge is acting on his own accord.

Yeah, you're telling me. I've got important exams to do this year as well. They are called O.W.L.s and I suppose they would be the equivalent to the GCSE's you've got to do this year too. You'll do great in these exams, so try not to worry about it too much.

I wouldn't underestimate Voldemort, El. Even though he's scared of Dumbledore, it hasn't stopped him doing any of the awful things he's done. Dumbledore's not dangerous, he's just a very powerful wizard but unlike Voldemort, Dumbledore uses his power for good.

Thanks El, and don't worry, when Mrs Weasley's around, I'm always fed well.

Harry felt anger rise up in him when he read the next part of Eleanor's letter, and a nasty thought occurred to him that no, he wouldn't remind Ron about her at all. He felt horrible but also oddly satisfied after hearing that thought and the anger began to wither away. Of course, I'll remind him but I think he's just busy at the moment.

Sorry El, I didn't mean to scare you. As for the Sorting hat, yes it's actually a hat. When you are in your first year and you need to get sorted, they sit you on a stool and place the Sorting hat on your head. The Sorting hat then reads your thoughts and memories to determine what house is best for you. I believe the Sorting hat let me go to Gryffindor because it considered putting me in Gryffindor before it changed it's mind and said Slytherin would be the best house for me.

And nothing's wrong with Slytherin. It's just that a lot of bad wizards come from the Slytherin house. Voldemort was actually a Slytherin when he went to Hogwarts and a lot of his Death Eaters were Slytherins too. But there is nothing wrong with being in Slytherin. If you were put into Slytherin, I would still be friends with you because I know you and I know you would never turn evil.

You'll have to wait till I meet your parents to find out if I will or not, won't you? As for you killing me, fine, I don't care. I've been targeted a dead man since being born so that really has no dramatic effect whatsoever.

If I'm insufferable then you're just unbearable.

And I did have fun cleaning, thank you very much.


the boy who cleaned.

(For this book, I've been writing chapters ahead. So I'm about 30 chapters ahead of you guys and trust me, you're not ready.)

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