S I X T Y F O U R | Insufferable Git

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Dear the insufferable boy,

I agree. Why ever would you lie about Voldemort being back? After all Voldemort has done, it's not like anyone's going to joke about the situation.

What's your Minister playing at seriously? Also if you were lying, why would you have Dumbledore on your side? It doesn't make sense for Fudge not to believe you. You don't think somethings happened to him, do you? I don't know but there is clearly dark magic in your world, so maybe Voldemort or one of his followers got to him? After all Fudge runs the magical world, so for him to not believe you and not protect your world seems a bit suspicious.

Don't remind me. Only a week left before I start the last year of high school and I have all my exams this year. I'm not ready for it at all. But I'm glad you get to go back to school. I just hope nothing like last year happens while your at Hogwarts again.

Voldemort's afraid of people? Well that makes him suddenly really less intimidating and scary. How come he's scared of Dumbledore? If Dumbledore was a scary or dangerous bloke, I don't reckon you'd be as close to him as you are.

Don't worry, I didn't let Petunia's rudeness get to me. If anything she missed out because she never got to get what she came to the store for. So if their meals are missing a few ingredients then know it was all my fault for deciding to go to the store at the same time as Petunia and walk around with my hair on show to everyone.

What's disgraceful about you? Absolutely nothing. Ignore the Dursleys because Harry, there is not a single thing wrong with you at all. And I don't care what anyone else says about you.

Also if you're going back to Hogwarts soon, try to keep up on your meals. Not to sound rude or anything but when I met you, you were on the thin side and I know its partly the Dursleys fault.

Honestly, I've never related to someone more than Ron. Well, whenever he's less busy, remind him about me, would you?

Yes, I can't wait for you to introduce me to the magical world. We can spend days together just the two of us and then we can also invite Ron and Hermione along as well. I think it's about time I made acquaintances with Hermione.

Also what do you mean 'if you make it out of all this'? Don't say stuff like that, of course you will. I mean look at how you saved me a few weeks ago. If anyone's capable of protecting themselves and others, its you. So please don't say stuff like that, its scary.

Did you say sorting hat? Like an actual hat? Also what's the point of it if you can ask to be in a different house? And why didn't you want to be in Slytherin? We could have been Slytherin buddies. If I was actually a witch that is.

You dare Potter, I swear I'll kill you. If you ask my parents anything about me, I'll murder you. I can imagine you smirking right now, but don't test me, I will kill you. It won't just be Voldemort you have to be afraid of.

Did you really need to ask why I called you insufferable. You made a prime example of you being insufferable when you said you would purposefully ask my parents to tell you embarrassing stories about me. So yes Potter, you are insufferable. And now after that, I'm going to say you're a git. So now you're an insufferable git.

I can picture you laughing right now, so have your fun but I'm warning you, if you come back to me and tell me you've found out an embarrassing story about me, I will never talk to you again.

Have fun cleaning. At least I know you're good for something.


the girl who's uninviting you to meet her family.

(Enjoy :))

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