S I X T Y T H R E E | Insufferable

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Dear the girl who wishes she was at Hogwarts,

Thanks El, and yeah I agree; Fudge is a git. He's trying to get me expelled from Hogwarts because he thinks me and Dumbledore are lying about Voldemort being back. Can you believe it? Why would I ever lie about something like this, it's not like I ever wanted any of this to happen.

I'm trying to not let this get to me though as I go back to Hogwarts in a week and half. I can't wait.

Yeah, Dumbledore is quite the hero in the wizarding world. As I found out when I was a bit younger, Dumbledore is the only person Voldemort was ever afraid of, so lots of people give him respect for that.

And I guess you might be right about Dumbledore, he probably just didn't hear me. Harry knew this wasn't the case, he knew Dumbledore must be avoiding him because if he wasn't, why wouldn't he even look at Harry during the hearing? He just wanted to change the subject because he was sick of people telling him that Dumbledore was a busy man. Harry wasn't stupid, he knew this was the case but he also knew Dumbledore was acting strange.

I agree with you there too. I hate the Dursleys too and honestly I would go anywhere if it meant getting away from them. I'm sorry, aunt Petunia was so rude to you but don't take it to heart. The Dursleys are constantly offended by me and always love to remind me of how much of a disgrace I am.

Ron's fine, we are all just so busy at the moment. Ron's mother has got us all on cleaning duty for the house we are staying at and it's all she's allowing us to do right now. Also as much as I love Ron, I wouldn't put it past him if he's forgot to give the letters to me to send to you with mine. It's definitely something Ron would do.

And yeah I know. When we were in our first year and we heard Hermione tell a downright lie to the Professors in front of us, me and Ron were not expecting that at all. We were expecting her to rat on us or something. But me and Ron were definitely grateful for Hermione in that moment.

Yeah, the magical world is pretty amazing. If I make it out of all this, then I'll definitely show you around and I can teach you about everything you want to know about the magical world. It'll be amazing.

Well if you expected me to be in Gryffindor, then I'll let you in on a secret that I haven't even told Ron and Hermione. The Sorting hat was going to put me in Slytherin but the only reason I got into Gryffindor was because I asked. I really didn't want to be put in Slytherin.

You know now you've told me that, I'm definitely going to make sure I ask your parents to tell me embarrassing stories about you. You shouldn't have told me that El, you're going to regret it.

What do you mean I'm insufferable?

Also, now you've got another person who wants to meet you. Snuffles can't wait to meet you one day. He says you remind him of someone he used to go to school with called Marlene.

Anyway, I've got to go. Mrs Weasley wants me to help her clean out the drawing room.


the insufferable boy.

(Work is so bloody tiring. Also I miss BTS. I actually can't wait for their comeback. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.)

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