T H I R T E E N | The World Cup

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Dear the girl who is sad summer is nearly over,

I was really worried that you were going to ignore me forever after you found out what school I go to. I'm really glad you haven't though.

I'm also surprised you didn't ask questions about my school but I am grateful you haven't.

And yeah, I did go to the football world cup but don't ask me anything about it because my friend Ron knows more about it than I do but it was really fun! Harry sighed, another lie.

I had an amazing time there with Ron's family though. They have done so much for me. We planned to stay in a hotel for a couple of days to celebrate but we had to leave early because of some complications. That's why you are receiving this letter earlier than planned.

As Harry was writing this he saw the mental image of all the limp bodies surrounding him and how the Death Eaters made the bodies fly, and the burning of tents, and screaming of children and sighed, defeated.

You're probably wondering what the complication was, so I'll save you the trouble of asking. A group of stupid teenagers attacked some people. No one got hurt, everyone is okay but that's why we had to leave earlier than planned.

And as you are reading this, I am probably packing my stuff ready to leave for school for the year. I'm really excited to go back and see everyone, it's not as bad as you think it to be by the name of it.

Anyway, I better go. Ron is calling me, asking me if I want to play a round of football with him and his brothers and sister.

Again, I am really glad you decided to still talk to me Eleanor.


the boy who is bad at football.

As you can tell the football world cup is actually the Quidditch world cup Harry went too and the game of football he went to play with Ron and his brothers is a Quidditch match in the garden. Just to make that clear. Until next time.

Also, just to clear something up in case you didn't know, although Harry is not letting any secrets slip, he is being so open with Eleanor because she doesn't know who he is or what he is, so in a way it's therapeutic to talk to her about these things because she doesn't know anything.

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