T W E L V E | Pretending

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It took Eleanor weeks to come up with a reply for Harry. It wasn't that she minded the school he went too, it just shocked her because he seemed so nice. But also she did some research on the school to find out what exact kind of crimes the kids in there commit because as much as she liked Harry, she didn't want to be in contact with some murderer or something. But through that research she found out that the school didn't exist. He was still lying to her.

After many crumpled up letters, Eleanor finally settled with one, deciding not to tell Harry that she knew he was lying. Not yet at least.

Dear the boy who is sorry for lying,

Of course it wouldn't change anything between us. Just as long as you haven't murdered anyone. That was a joke by the way. Just to be clear.

Oh, what world cup did you go and see? Was it the football world cup? What team do you support? I'm not much of a fan of football but I suppose I would support Liverpool because my dad does too.

Anyway, I hope you had a good time there. I haven't done much this summer. Normally I go on holiday with my family but they couldn't afford it this year. But at least I got to spend a lot of time with Cass and I visited my nan and grandad up in Cornwall for a day which was nice. It's so peaceful up there. I'm just sad that the holiday is nearly over. Only two weeks left!

Anyway, I hope your summer was more fulfilling than mine.


the girl who is sad that summer is nearly over.

(Just a disclaimer that I'm not a fan of football nor do I support any team, I only stated Liverpool in this because it's what my dad supports and it's the team I know best. So please don't get offended and I don't want any hate in the comments either please because I know you football lovers can be really territorial. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story so far, until next time...)

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