T H I R T Y T W O | Bad News

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Dear the boy who is hated by Professor Snape,

So Harry, I have some pretty bad news. Somehow my brother snuck into my room and found the stash of letters from you. Like the idiot my brother is, he went and told my parents straight away. So, I had to sit through an horrendous lecture about how I should be careful when talking to strangers as they could be lying about who they are (ironic, I know) and how my parents were disappointed I didn't tell them sooner I had made a new friend.

Anyway, the bad news is they want to meet you. Obviously I've explained to them that you're at a 'boarding school' (I didn't know what else to tell them.) and that you won't be back till the summer. You know, I thought that would be the end of it, that it would throw them off wanting to meet you but nope! They want to meet you in the summer. So, only if you want too and if the Dursleys let you, I would really appreciate if you could come and have a meal with my family in the summer (After you've told me about this school!) because my parents won't stop bugging me about it and honestly it's like slow and painful torture so I need you to save me from the pain of this.

Don't worry, you don't need to feel obliged or anything and besides my parents are easy to win over, just compliment their house and cooking and they'll love you instantly.


the girl who really hates her brother.

P.S. What kind of name is Snape anyway? Just from his name, I can tell he's a dickhead. Snape - Snake? Coincidence, I think not!

P.P.S Get your dancing shoes on, Potter. I really wish I could be there to see you make a fool out of yourself. And honestly, if I came to this ball with you, I'd make you look like an even bigger idiot because my brother has more rhythm than me and he's six.

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