T W E N T Y S I X | Big Deal

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Saturday rolled around way too quickly for Harry's liking. Today was the day he would actually talk to Eleanor on the phone. It didn't seem like a big deal to phone someone but Harry couldn't help but feel ridiculously nervous.

They hadn't even met but Harry felt a connection with Eleanor. He felt it the moment he sent off his apology letter saying that she had got the wrong address. A friendship had blossomed the moment Eleanor sent a letter back asking all those questions about who he was.

And Harry wanted desperately to keep this friendship. It was special to him because she was the first person to talk to him and not know who he was. Even when he befriended Hermione and Ron, they knew who he was and thought he was this amazing person but with Eleanor, he was just an ordinary teenage boy. It was all Harry had ever wanted.

Harry didn't want to think about what would happen when he told her the truth about his life next summer. He didn't want things to be different between them.

And that was why he was so scared about this phone call; he didn't want things to change between them. What if it was awkward? What if he didn't know how to start a conversation? He was awkward as it was and Harry knew he was going to do something to ruin this.

"Relax, mate. It's just a phone call." Ron chuckled as they walked into the Three Broomsticks.

Harry nodded silently. It wasn't just a phone call though. He would hear her voice for the first time; hear her laugh maybe. Harry looked at the clock; eleven thirty. He had half an hour. Half an hour to try to relax his nerves. Half an hour to calm his heart rate and the butterflies swarming around in his stomach. Half an hour to find out what to say to her.


Eleanor was lounged on the sofa, flicking through the channels on her TV and trying to find something remotely interesting to watch. She sighed, bored.

"Max, come keep me company!" Eleanor yelled, her voice echoing through the house as her eyes flickered to the clock on the wall above the TV: fifteen minutes until the fateful call.

Hearing Eleanor's voice, Max's ears perked and his footsteps soon could be heard trotting down the hall. Max jumped on to the sofa, curling up next to her. Eleanor smiled and stroked the golden labrador. She always liked cuddling with Max when she was feeling a little stressed out because he always calmed her somehow.

Luckily, Eleanor's parents were not in as they fortunately had work. Normally, Eleanor would hate if her parents had to work over the weekend because she loved spending time with them. She was lucky enough to have loving, remotely cool parents who didn't one bit act their age. But she did not want them here to witness her phoning someone; more importantly a boy because she knew they would tease her and would probably overreact because she had never shown interest in a boy and they often joked about her being into girls.

Eleanor had never denied this because she had never been in a relationship with a girl to know if she liked them like that or not. She did know for definite that she liked boys though as herself and Cass would often go cute boy spotting if they were in town or somewhere; she just never felt any connection with said boys to turn it into a serious relationship.

Eleanor glanced at the clock again, snapping out of her thoughts. Her stomach lurched as she saw the little hand on her clock reach the bold number 12. It was time. Harry was going to phone her any minute.

Eleanor wanted to roll her eyes as she felt the familiar feeling of anxiety bundle up in the pit of her stomach. She had never had problems talking to boys before and some of her friends used to be boys but for some reason her heart was beating erratically.

It'll be fine, Eleanor told herself over and over again.

And suddenly, a loud ringing interrupted her thoughts. She looked down at her phone to see it was an unknown number. She knew it was Harry and she felt her stomach lurch again. She swiped her finger across the screen, accepting the call...

(That cliffhanger though. Anyway, I hope you are enjoying this story as much as I am enjoying writing it. Until next time...)

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