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Chapter Sixteen 

3rd person pov 

they now all stood outside with each other near an ambulance. they were told that anika was dead and tara sat in the ambulance with Mindy as chad and anna stood on the side. he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder and she leaned her head on his shoulder until they saw ethan and chad stormed over to him pushing him against a car window. 

"where were you?" chad asked him

"what, when?" ethan asked

"last night" chad forced

"I had econ, you know this" ethan tried

"bullshit man, you disappear and my sister almost gets killed" chad exclaimed and anna looked at mindy who looked at the ground and she rubbed her shoulder.

"dude, I was in study hall with 100 other people you can ask any of them" ethan reasoned

"fuck,man" chad said and he let him go, that's when ethan noticed the dead body laying there and he turned to it

"oh my god. Who is that?" he asked

"Anika and Quinn" chad stated and anna looked at ethan as he walked over to them

"mindy, I'm so sorry" he told her

"step the fuck back. you're at the top of my list" she told him and anna sighed as he looked at her trying to get her help but she hardly knows the guy. Why would she help him?

"I had Econ!" he fought and anna nodded even though she didn't believe him. she looked at chad who now stood next to her again and he wrapped his arms around her as he hugged her and she hugged him back, that was when they saw  tara get up and walk over to sam and detective bailey. she watched them and then they saw gale 

"is that gale weathers?" ethan asked and anna nodded her head 

"yeah, shes gonna have a plan" she told him and she was right because now there they were, trailing behind gale weathers and kirby as they walked to the location that gale brought them too. 

"Jason and Greg were little Atlanta rich boys. Apparently, they used fake names to rent this place" she told them

"how did you find it?" kirby asked

"its called investigative journalism for a reason. how didn't you find it? weren't you tracking them?" gale asked kirby

"I went through their financial records, dozens of times. This was not in any of them. Doesn't make sense" kirby stated

"don't worry. I'm just really good at my job you'll get there." gale told her and she huffed making anna  laugh slightly under her breathe and chad nudged her . she swiped her card and opened the door doing it again when they got inside

"what is this place? what's with all the security?" sam asked as the light turned on and tara spoke up

"it's a movie theater" she stated

"it's not just a theater, it's a shrine" gale told them and they walked forward as they looked around and saw everything from the past. the capes, clothes, knifes, anything and it was all there.

"they got the whole goddamn franchise" mindy exclaimed

"chad this was uncle randy's. they've got everything" mindy said 

"is that?" tara started

"the knife i was stabbed with" kirby said and sheriff bailey spoke up

"you all have been through so much" he told them

"who drew all these?"mindy asked and then tara thought for a second

"hey how did they get all this stuff? isn't this evidence?" tara asked 

"well cops like money and evidence can get lost pretty easily. present company excluded of course" gale said

"why am i here exactly? my alibi checks out." ethan asked

"so i can keep an eye on you roomie" chad stated

"the killer must've checked this place before he murdered jason and greg and then he took the mask off the mannequins. all 9 from stu and billy to amber and richie" gale said and sam walked up into the middle where she stared at her dads robe and knife. 

"what are you doing?" tara asked sam

" i don't know" sam told her

"so somebody killed these chucklefucks and took over?" chad asked

"someone who believes that sam masterminded woodsboro" gale said . she didn't believe it for a second but there was a pet of her mind where she just wondering if it could be a possibility.

"if this were a normal stab movie, this would be the killers lair" mindy said

"which means this isn't a normal stab movie" kirby exclaimed. tara walked and they all watched as sam followed after her. anna and chad stuck together as they walked around and then looked at ethan from afar before they heard detective baileys voice

"sorry to interrupt, think i might have an idea about how to turn the tables on this creep" he told him

"yeah, we're in" gale said

"sorry, gale, no press allowed" kirby said and anna laughed under her breath with a smile on her face. this is where the plan began. they all got in the van and drove to central park.anna sat in the back of the van with kirby, chad, mindy and ethan.

"so we're really doing the phone tracing thing that never works in the movies. It'll be all 'keep them talking Sam two more minutes I've almost got him' and then he hangs up just before we can get a lock" mindy said 

"I can trace a call in under 15 seconds" kirby told her

"well, you've got them out there as bait" mindy fought

"because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby" kirby said and anna looked at chad who looked at her too. the two of them shared one thought and they knew that the two women going back and forth wasn't going to help anyone.

"and you think they're safe because it's broad daylight and a public place?" mindy exclaimed

"look, I am here, okay? and so is bailey" kirby told them

"this is exactly how our uncle Randy died. broad Daylight. Public Place., Yanked into a van stab stop stab, no more Randy" mindy said and that's when ethan reached out the bag of cheetos to chad who shook his head

"hey, sam? stay frosty out there, okay?" kirby told her

"we're good" sam stated and kai leaned her head on the wall as they heard a phone start ringing and she sat up. she looked at kirby who began to trace the call.

"did you get it?" sam asked

"yep. geolocation coming through right now. he's on the upper west side. He's inside an apartment building halfway across the city." kirby stated

"on West 96th?" tara asked

"how did you know that?" kirby asked and they seethed

"gale" sam told them and anna looked at the others. they then heard panting and knew that the sisters were running to the car as fast as they could.

"my friend Danny works on the upper west side. He can get there quicker." sam said

"yeah or he could finish her off. is it possible he's the killer?" he asked

"fuck. we have to get there now" sam said

"it's 50 blocks away. We don't even know if it's true.. Sam wait take a minute" he said

"we don't have a minute" she said

"you have to trust me we got to make the right call" he told her

"sam!" tara called and they turned to see tara sitting in the drivers seat.

"get in" she told her and sam ran over as she got in the front and they looked at sheriff bailey who stood outside of the car in shock and confusion.

"whats she doing?" he asked

"hey, get out of my car. what do you think you're doing? that's an official vehicle! hey!" he called and tara rolled up the window

"should we use the sirens?" sam asked

"did you think we'd steal a police car and not use the sirens" tara said

"fuck yeah" sam said and she started the car

"do you have a license? what are you doing?" he called as they drove off. anna looked at the others and knew that they needed to head to where gale was as fast as they could.

when they got there, they all sat in the lobby of the apartment and waited for something

they knew they needed to wait for something. 


the way we're so close to the ending is ripping me apart. 

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