Chapter 1

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In a lonely nest perched high amidst the sprawling branches, peers out a small bird. Her siblings soared freely above amongst the vast blue sky. Yet she remains confined in her nest as a prisoner surrounded by the bones hidden amongst the comfortable twigs. Though others would come, with abundant food and sweet words, she knows within her heart that it was not from love. It was a cruel game of survival. She is raised to be a decorated sacrifice to the vulture that allowed the rest of the birds of her nest to live.

Nearby, a slender hand adorned with golden bangles extends out the window in an attempt to free the little bird. The bird chirps in anticipation, yearning to taste the free air like others. But before the nimble fingers could touch the soft feathers, a harsh voice screeches, "Illavarasi!" Her savior's hand is yanked back inside and the window is slammed shut. Despair fills the little bird's eyes, as she gazes at the distant horizon with silent resignation.


The blaring alarm wrenched Araya from her surreal dream. As she fumbles around to turn off the alarm, her mind tries to process the strange vision. Checking the time, she snaps out of her confusion and hurries to get ready. There was no time to think about her unusual dream. It was the most important day in her life after all.


Two men sat in the coffee shop, waiting for their friend to finally arrive. Tapping his feet rapidly, Akhil checks his watch for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes.

"Stop looking at the time," groans Jagan. "She's not going to come any faster."

"I'm not! Just..." Akhil stretches out.

"Just making sure both hands are still inside the watch?" Jagan asks sarcastically.

"No... Oh look, she's here!"

Both turn their heads towards Aarya's dejected form approaching them. Without a word, she plops on the bench near them. The men exchange a silent look before sitting down on either side of her.

"You know, I always knew that guy was no good. I mean, what type of name is Balraj," Jagan complains.

"Besides, there are lots of rich guys out there. Look, even I tricked one to go into business with me and pay for my science projects. Maybe you could try your luck with that fool," Akhil jokes.

"I'm NOT a fool. I just figured you would be easy to hunt down if you ever bankrupt me, considering I've known you since you were sucking your thumb," Jagan scoffs. "Besides, I offered to invest in her project. She's the one who said no."

"Why would you say no to free money!?" Akhil asks, shocked.

"His mom already can't stand my guts. I'm sure she will be so excited if he funds my fool's quest," Aarya drawls.

"Then why are you obsessed with it? Many historians and archaeologists, including your own professor, have already researched the place multiple times. The Archaeology department even said you would need to get private funding if you want to continue," Akhil questions.

"I know there is a chance all this might be for nothing. But you know how long I've been searching for answers, and I believe it's there. Besides, everyone has only looked above the ground. I'm looking for secrets buried underneath."

"You are going to dig up graves!?" Jagan asks, shocked.

"What? No! I found an old parchment with a map that matches the geographical features of the area. There are some underground routes marked that's never been recorded anywhere else. It even dates back to approximately Vikram's reign."

"Really? So you just magically found a parchment belonging to that time period from a whole different part of the world, and you automatically think it's connected to your research," Akhil questions.

"No..." she stretches.

"Don't tell me. It had the symbol, didn't it? The same flower symbol that's on your pendent and the same one that started this Samathurakulam obsession?"

Aarya just smiled sheepishly. Her friends immediately groaned in response. All three of them have been friends since the day Akhil passed his homework down to the other two to quickly copy and save themselves from the wrath of their teacher. From that day, they were like the Three Musketeers. Everyone thought the band would break up since they chose different paths in college. Akhil, the genius, mastered engineering and physics. Jagan, the resourceful, pursued business. And Aarya, the passionate, divulged herself into history and archaeology.

Right after college, Jagan started a business with Akhil leading the R&D department to create the future sustainable technologies. Aarya, on the other hand, joined her professor's research group. In his study of international trade with ancient India, a painting of a nameless royal girl from Samuthurakulam was found. It wasn't regarded as highly important by the rest of the group, but it caught Aarya's attention. The ring on the girl's hand was the same flower as the one on her necklace.

It was at that moment her obsession with Samathurakulam started. Aarya necklace is a family heirloom that was given to her when she was at her lowest. Her dad said it had the energy to give her strength when she needed it. Powerful or not, Aarya knew there had to be more to the story. It was this that drove her to hunt pages of history for anything regarding the flower. And everything she found pointed her to Samuthurakulam and King Vikram. Maybe this map might lead to nothing, but something keeps calling her there.

"Fine!" Jagan groans. "Since you are this obsessed with it, and won't let us be until you go there, I'll give you the grant. Just take my money this once."

"Again, no," Aarya scoffs, rolling her eyes. "Besides, who needs your money," she grins.

Both men look at her in confusion.

"BALRAJ AGREED TO SPONSOR MY GRANT!" Aarya shouts with joy. Akhil and Jagan jump up with her. All three start making plans to visit the Samathurakulam palace.


Elsewhere in a cold office, a man starts to put his plans into motion. As he orders his workers, his secretary hesitantly interrupts, "Sir, you do know that she didn't tell you everything she knows."

Balraj just smirks darkly and replies, "Of course. As long as she goes there, our plan will succeed. Her curious little mind will lead her into our trap.


Hello Everyone!

Long time since I last wrote something like this.

This is a new genre for me and I'm really excited to join embark on this journey. Hopefully you are too.

I actually don't like this, but I really would like more reviews and critiques. So I will release the next chapter once I get 10 votes and 10 comments. 

So if you like this, please please please share this story. I could you any criticisms possible.

Take Care

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