Chapter 2

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All three rush towards their train compartment, eager to be the first to arrive. Aarya manages to squeeze by and reaches it before the other two.

“Yes! The upper berth is mine!” Aarya celebrates.

“Not fair! You bumped into me and tripped us!” Akhil complains.

“Also, there's an angry aunty who is out for my blood because she thinks I purposely made her spill her soda on her child,” Jagan huffs.

“Shhh. Quiet down, children. The bet was that the first one who reaches the compartment gets the upper berth. It’s not my fault I won.” Aarya shrugs. “Besides, why didn’t you just book another upper berth?”

“Because my boss took his own time to approve my leave. By the time we booked, the other upper berth was already taken,” says Akhil, pointing to the man on the top berth, setting up his things. The man awkwardly waves to the group, and only Aarya reciprocates.

“Excuse me, you never requested anything for me to approve. You simply told me that you were going to Samthurakulam with Aarya and told me to take care of it. I had to reschedule everything for both of us, and get tickets in the same compartment as her. By the way, you do know I’m not your secretary; I’m the CEO of the company!”

Aarya ignores the arguing men and climbs up to her berth with her bag. As she sets everything up and settles into her place, she hears the man from before chuckling.

“Excuse me?” she asks.

“Sorry,” he replies. “Are you also heading to Samathurakulam?”

“Yes. Why do you ask?”

“That’s great. I’m heading there as well!”


“Yes. I’m actually the head contractor working at an archaeological dig there.”

“At the Samathurakulam palace? What are they looking for?”

“Who knows? Anyone from the Archaeology department will tell you there is nothing there. But some idiot is convinced otherwise and manages to find someone crazy enough to fund her foolish project. Anyways, my name is Madan. What’s your name? Why are you going to Samathurakulam?”

By this point, Akhil and Jagan had stopped arguing and were observing the conversation with great interest.

“My name is Aarya. I’m the idiot behind the Samuthurakulam project,” Aarya replies bitingly. In the background, Akhil and Jagan break down in laughter.

“By the way, it’s not a foolish project. Anyone in archaeology would tell you there is nothing in the abandoned palace. But they would also tell you about the significance of Samuthurakulam. Aside from Cholas, Chera, Pandyas, and Pallavas, we barely know about other kingdoms that existed in Tamilnadu. Yet Samuthurakulam is one of the very few recorded in history. And it’s not because we have remnants from that kingdom. It’s because all the greats of that time have praised Samuthurakulam and King Vikram. Do you know how it’s rare for a king to praise another? Yet there are records not only from the kingdoms of Tamilnadu, but also the corners of China, Egypt, and Sri Lanka exclaiming the prosperity of Samuthurakulam and the reign of King Vikram. But there is nothing left from that kingdom for us to learn from? Doesn’t that spike your curiosity? I know there are answers hidden in the palace, and I’m not some idiot who chases after theories without reason. Given that you will be working on my project, I hope you keep your opinions on this matter to yourself in the future.”

Madan knew that he was done for at that moment. But all his attempts to apologize are in vain as she rolls her eyes and turns away from him. Aarya shuts out the doubts creeping out and reminds herself what started this. As she studies the grooves on the flower pendant, she reminisces about the day she got the pendant.



“What Appa?”

“Come quickly! We are getting late for school.”

“Coming, Appa! Just need to grab a couple of things.”

Aarya rushes to her father wearing her brand new red dress with matching earrings and necklace. A Minnie Mouse watch was on her left hand, and a gold bangle on the other. To finish the look, she wore a paper tiara on her head.

“How do I look, Appa?” she asks with a pose.

“Like my beautiful princess,” her father says adoringly. “But are you sure you can wear the crown to school?”

“Of course, Appa. If the teacher says something, I’ll just take it off.”

Smiling at his cheerful daughter, he plops her down onto his bike and happily heads off to her school. Tightly clutching onto her father’s shirt, Aarya chatters away, describing everything she has planned for her birthday today. Unknown to her, her father had bought a beautiful red pattu pavadai made of pure silk with golden embroidery, and matching golden earrings. Although it was a bit expensive, he had saved every single rupee he could for the last year to afford this special gift for his little princess. It was her 5th birthday after all.

As he drops off Aarya at her school, he begins his usual speech, “Okay, princess. You know the rules. Stay safe and have fun. Listen to your teacher and behave. Make sure you share the chocolate with everyone. I will be right here waiting for you when school ends. Got it?”

“Got it! I love you, Appa!”

“I love you too, princess. Have a great day at school.”

Aarya runs towards the gate. Right before she enters, she turns around to wave enthusiastically at her father. He waves back with a smile as she enters the school yard.

Excited about all the fun surprises waiting for her, Aarya skips to her classroom. On her way, she accidentally bumps into an upperclassman.

"You idiot. Can't you see where you are going?" he growls.

"Sorry, Anna," Aarya immediately apologizes.

"Throw your sorry into the dustbin. Who are you?"

"My name is Aarya, Anna."

"Aarya what? What's your dad's name?”

"My dad's name is Senthilkumar."

"Senthilkumar? Where have I heard that name?"

"Dude, that's your dad's accountant," one of his friends said.

"Wait, that Senthilkumar? He's from a lower caste, right?" the upperclassman asks his friends in disgust. Aarya just listens without understanding anything. Finally, the upperclassman turns back and scrutinizes Aarya's outfit.

"What's with the bright red dress? Don't you know you are supposed to wear your uniform to school?"

"Today's my birthday, Anna! That's why I'm wearing a color dress!"

"Color dress for birthday is okay, but why the crown?"

"That's because I am a princess!" Aarya exclaims happily.

"Even a street dog wants to be a princess," he mocks. All the boys with him laugh in response.

"I'm not a dog, Anna. I'm a girl. Also, why can't dogs be princesses too?"

“Is that so?” The upperclassman turns and mutters to his friends, "Some don't know their place in the world. Seems like we need to teach them."

Just at that moment, the first bell rings, alerting all the students that it was time for school to start.

"Anna, can I go now?" Aarya asks.

"Wait. You said it's your birthday, right? I have a special gift for you that you will never forget. Come, I'll give it to you!"

"Really, Anna? But school? Appa told me to stay in school grounds and go to class on time!”

"Don't worry. The gift is in the school only. And I will take care of everything. You trust this Anna, right?"

After thinking about it, Aarya excitedly nods and follows the group of boys. Her innocent heart was excited at what gift she was going to receive. As the upperclassman said, it was something she could never forget.


I suppose I could finish the flashback... But I think I'm gonna make you wait one more chapter for it.

I know I said I was gonna wait until I get 10 votes and 10 comments, but honestly I don't think that was gonna happen anyways.

Please please please share this story if you do like it. Once I get 10 votes and 10 comments for both of the chapters together, I will publish Chapter 3.

And please do share what you think of the story so far. The good, the bad, and the boring!

Have a great day!

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