And No One Heard the Cries 💉

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(CW: Self harm, auditory, and visual hallucinations depictions)

They screamed inside their room. They screamed until their throat was damaged. Until his voice box had emitted the sound of scraping metal. He threw around objects, managing to cut his hands and arms as well as his legs. He kept throwing objects around until there was nothing left to throw.

Eclipse stood in the middle of the room, breathing heavily as tears streamed down their face and finally collapsed to their knees and hugged themselves. Crying their heart out. There was no one there to comfort them, and that's what hurt the most. Eclipse growled through his sobs and started to tear out their casing on their arms, torso, legs, and half of his faceplate.

His casing flew everywhere along with the oil that splattered everywhere. Eclipse screamed again, his precious voice box emitted that awful scraping sound, grunting as he kept teasing at his casing, claws getting caught on some of his wires and pulling them along. They were too into their delusion that they were starting to hear voices and see dark and shadowy figures. The voices overlapped each other, and the figures got more distorted.

Eclipse panted, glaring at the figures that dared intruded their outburst. "Go away!!!!" Eclipse screamed, voicebox scraping along with his screams. 

The figures and voices cackled to which Eclipse covered their auditory sensors. "Shut up!!!!! Go away!!!!!" Eclipse screamed again.

The figures laid their hands on Eclipse's body, fingers grazing along his wounds and pulling at his rays. Eclipse groaned and grunted, flailing all around to get away from everything, but everything was too overwhelming. Eclipse's heavy panting as he tried to get away, only made it worse. More injuries ensued and flailing, smashing his head into objects that caused some of their rays to break.

Eclipse let out one more scream to the figures and voices. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!"

An awful and painful noise was heard, followed by a gasp from Eclipse, and they fell to their hands and knees, one hand coming up to their neck. The figures and voices were gone... and so was his voice.

On one hand, Eclipse was glad that everything stopped, yet on the other hand... that was the only people that heard them scream. And now, they lost that ability. Eclipse's tears came back and flowed out like a river and leaned back on their legs, covering their mouth. Eclipse couldn't make their cries heard. They were only allowed to emit silent and breathy sobs. He lowered his head, squeezed his eyes, and shakily got up on his feet and took shaky steps to his bed.

He sat on his bed, hands still on his neck and mouth, sniffing and body wracking with shakes as if he was cold. And he was. He was cold. Tired. Upset.

He felt helpless. He just wanted to go to sleep.

With hesitation, Eclipse lowered their hands and crawled into bed, bringing the blankets up to their mouth. Eclipse curled up in on themselves, grabbing a remote that was set aside on their nightstand and pressed a button.

The lights turned off, and he put the remote back, staring at nothing until sleep took over him.

And to think, the only ones who 'hear' his cries were the ones in his head. Eclipse got trapped in his own head for a bit, and that was the only time his cries were ever heard.

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