Breakdown 💉

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(CW: Major self harm, mental breakdown, hallucinations and degrading of an individual)

(There's some slight comfort between Solar Flare and Eclipse towards the end, but the majority is angst.)

They did it. They finally did it. The star. It's all his. In his hands. That permanent, vented smirk played across his face with pinprick pupils. And now, here he was; in the forest, gripping the star and staring at it. Why were they staring at it? They just continued to stare at the glowing object in their clawed hands. It was all his.

So, why wasn't he activating it? Why was it so hard?! Just active it! Eclipse huffed and tired to concentrate, but couldn't. Their pupils going back to normal size and stared at the ground. Eclipse straighten himself up, the star clutched in one of his hands. It wasn't even his. The body, the thoughts, the mind... Everything. It wasn't his.

Eclipse sighed and began to reconsider if this was a good idea, but another part of him was telling him that he needed to do this.

"You can't even do it. You stole it. You managed to get your hands on it and yet, you are hesitating." Solar Flare said in the back of their mind, making Eclipse flinched slightly at their voice.

Right. Eclipse technically took over Solar Flare's body. Nothing was his. He knew that. And Eclipse knew that Solar Flare was correct. Eclipse kept glancing at the star and back at the ground. Solar Flare kept talking to Eclipse, but their voice sounded so far away. Why did their voice sound so far? Solar Flare's voice was then drowned out by another voice.

This one was distorted and the owner of the voice formed right in front of Eclipse; though it was a glitchy, dark mess. The figure was right in front of Eclipse; looming over them.

"Why do you hesitate? You never hesitate! Why is this any different? Are you this pathetic or are you going soft?" the figure asked, anger rising more and more.

"I'm not. I'm just..." Eclipse paused. What was he supposed to say? Eclipse could defend himself of why he wasn't going through with their plans, but it was difficult for some reason.

"You are so pathetic. Can't even do anything right. Not like you ever did anything right in the first place. You pushed everyone away just for some stupid object and now that you have it, and for whatever reason, you are second guessing yourself... And you call yourself 'Eclipse', someone whose supposed to be a perfect combination of Sun and Moon. Not very perfect now, are you?" the figure taunted.

Eclipse clenched their fists; the star humming quietly. The figure cackled and got up closer and personal towards Eclipse's face. It wasn't his face. He needed to stop!

"Cut it out. You are pathetic. Useless even. Worthless! Nothing but useless scrap, if I ever seen some. You're supposed to have intelligence; same level as Moon; and yet, you failed to know that different stars from different dimensions can only work for said dimension! To put it simply; from where they originated from. To be honest, I can see why others hesitate to say your name, are afraid to see you... You are the cause of so many problems." the figure snarled.

"Shut up!" Eclipse's voice cracked, tears threatening to fall.

The figure cackled again, its voice become more distorted. "Face it, you're just a monster in disguise. A weak, stupid, pathetic excuse for a monster. You're just a failure. A problem for so many." the figure grew a large, white and terrifying smile.

"I said, 'Shut up!'" Eclipse screamed, voice failing him and tears finally falling.

"Why should I? You deserve this! You deserve shame and punishment! Just a selfish brat that needs to be punish." the figure formed into a monstrous looking version of Eclipse.

Eclipse was clutching their head, claws digging so deep into their skull that warning and error messages popped up and involuntary ignoring them. He swore that he could faintly hear Solar Flare's voice; it was filled with concern, trying to get their attention.... But failing. Eclipse was hunched over, attempting to block out any noise and eyes screwed tightly shut and let the tears fall to the ground.

The figure touched Eclipse's shoulders and leaned in very close.

"You are a mistake."

Eclipse's eyes snapped open and shrieked at the figure, pupils pinprick and filled with sadness and fury.

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!" a terrifying screech of metal erupted from the voicebox and he started to attack in front of him. Eclipse could feel himself getting injured, but the fury inside of them was too strong and continued to attack. Eclipse continue to shriek, using anything that they built into Solar Flare to attack.

Solar Flare watched as more warnings and errors filled both of their visions and Solar Flare tried to get Eclipse's attention, pleading with them to stop. It failed and Solar Flare had no other option. They pushed their way to the front to where the console was and where Eclipse was. A horrifying scene on front of them; Eclipse body was torn from up, filled with scars and rays missing, clothing torn and ripped to shreds and Eclipse continued to destroy his own voicebox.

Solar Flare speed walked over to the broken animatronic and held onto Eclipse, pinning their arms to their sides. Eclipse screamed and tried to fight Solar Flare off of him, but it failed. Solar Flare knew he would exhaust himself soon. As soon it did.

The body collapsed and Eclipse gained control again; he couldn't really tell if Solar Flare let him or not, but it didn't matter as he looked down and saw the body. It was heavily injured; cuts, dents and lost of casing littered the body. Eclipse shakily brought Solar Flare's hands up to feel the rays and their breath hitched. Some of Solar Flare's rays were either chipped or completely broken in half. Solar Flare's legs were rid of the casing; the injuries done to there legs alternated from the thigh and from the lower half of their leg. Arms were mutilated; scars were all over from upper arms all the way down to the back of their hands.

Eclipse panted, placing Solar Flare's hands down on the ground and sobbed, trying to wipe away the tears but they kept on coming. Solar Flare watched from the sidelines; sitting on the cloud of their mindscape, the feeling of sympathy washing over Solar Flare. It was weird, as Flare was supposed to be non sentient and yet, here they were... Feeling sympathy. They didn't mind, but it was conflicting for Flare.

Suddenly, Eclipse made the body looked up, eyes shut tightly and let out a terrifying and loud scream right up to the sky; voicebox making scraping noises. Eclipse coughed and sobbed again, letting out another scream as he let Solar Flare's body folded in on itself and fall to the ground on their side. Solar Flare cautiously walked over to Eclipse, sitting down on their knees and placed a gentle hand on Eclipse's back.

Eclipse didn't pushed them away, just continued to breakdown. Solar Flare rubbed Eclipse's back in a soothing way, letting Eclipse cry it all out until he passed out and took back control of their body; walking to a secluded bunker to repair themselves and letting Eclipse rest.

And in the admist of all this... No one knew that the star was gone.

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