Punishment Bot ❄️💊💉

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(Major TW: Mild scenes of sexual assault, mentions of rape, physical abuse, major self harm, and suicide)

Eclipse walked across the forest, moving leaves out of their way, stepping over branches and stones, listening to the sound of water that passed by, and looked up at the moon shining down. They huffed, finally getting out of the woods and found a small town, ducking and sneaking around to get to an alleyway. It wasn't impossible, but it was hard due to them still in Solar Flare's form.

Once they managed to sneak into an alleyway, they sighed and leaned against the brick wall, rubbing their chest and looked down. His chest had large black cracks going across his left side, up to his shoulder and forearm, and up to his neck. Eclipse sighed and leaned his head against the wall, rays twitching as he heard movement. 

Eclipse looked left and right, slowly standing up from their current position and standing into a fighting position. Their eyes narrowed as they listened for more movements. Banging and scraping were heard, causing Eclipse to twirl around, hearing their mechanical heart beat fast. Rays twitched more as the sounds got closer and closer and then stopped. Eclipse stiffened and then struggled as a strong arm wrapped around his torso, and a hand covered his mouth. 

Eclipse thrashed their body around as the grip tightened and a gruff and rough voice growled in their auditory sensors. Eclipse didn't listen, trying to thrash himself out of whoever has him in their grasp. The person's arm tightened more, Eclipse's back touching their chest. Suddenly, Eclipse felt a long and slick tongue lick their rays; whimpering as they stiffened their body. The voice chuckled darkly and licked the back of their neck. 

"Good little girl.~ Such a good robot.~ Now... What's your name, sweet thing?" the voice taunted, uncovering Eclipse's mouth a bit.

"E-Eclipse." Eclipse stuttered, flinching as the one holding him chuckled again and covered his mouth again.

"So beautiful. Just like you..." the person rubbed Eclipse's stomach up and down, stopping right above Eclipse's crotch. "I don't have an actual name, I was given the "name" Punishment Bot. And, you my dear have been very naughty.~ I'm here to fix you.~" Punishment Bot said.

Eclipse shook his head frantically, tears coming out and let out a squeak, and Punishment Bot's hand cupped between their legs, rubbing it in a creepy manner. Eclipse let out a shaky gasp under the hand that covered their hand, rays retracting as Punishment Bot's laughter echoed in their auditory sensors. 

"You are gonna have a good time." Punishment Bot said.

Eclipse's mind then blacked out.

Eclipse was shoved into the corner of the alleyway, the monster now gone and left Eclipse curled up on the ground, oil leaking between their legs. Soft sobs escaped his throat, and their body twitched and tightened. Eclipse couldn't breathe; he panicked and started to tear out his rays and the casing on his arms. Claws grazing his face and tearing out wires and oil splattered in all directions.

"Flithy. Disgusting. Gross. Dirty. Filthy. Disgusting. Gross. Dirty. Filthy. Disgusting... Gross! Dirty!" Eclipse repeated, continuing to injure themselves. The words being repeated got louder, and the self injuries got more violent.

"Flithy! Disgusting! Gross! Dirty! Filthy! Disgusting! Gross! Dirty! YOU'RE FLITHY! YOU'RE DISGUSTING! YOU'RE GROSS! YOU'RE DIRTY!" Eclipse screamed, tearing out more wires.

Eclipse's claws got caught on a special wire and tore it out. Eclipse gasped, and his body slowly relaxed, hands falling in front of his face, legs being pulled up to his chest, and eyelights flickered. Eclipse felt tired. Exhausted. No... weak. Eclipse felt weak. They let them succumb to the weakness.

And the weakness succumbed to Eclipse.

Eclipse welcomed the darkness.

The darkness welcomed Eclipse.

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