Chapter 2: The lady in black

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Women in dazzling gowns, eye-catching lipstick, diamond jewelry and high-pitched crackles was quite infuriating to Felix. After all, he was asexual, he did not find interest to the love or lust filled eyes watching his every move. Occasional clicks of glasses  filled with champagne, heels tapping against the white marble floor, loud chatter, violen and a gigantic piano playing in a distance was a bit overwhelming for him, but he was used to it. He impatiently taps his feet onto the floor as he fidgets the table cloth of a adjacent console. He was vexed of Duchess Clarissa's constant yaping. Taking occasional sips of a lemonade in hand, his eye lashes flutters every once in a while as he observes everyone present at the ball. 

He notices, his Uncle Gorge slipping his hands onto a women's subligaculum under the table.  The table cloth was long enough to hide the disgusting act, but this was not missed by his sharp eyes. He was smiling and laughing, acting normal. Despite the act of infidelity on his wife. His wife was beautiful, light brown locks,  emerald eyes filled with warmth and love towards him, wearing a gorgeous green gown. Her heart was made out of gold too, yet, that did not prevent his infidelity towards her. 

Felix was not surprised, but disappointed. He did not expect his Uncle to be a charlatan. He did not say this to his wife or his Aunt, because, he did not wanted to break her frail heart. As he was observing his Uncle. Suddenly, his Uncle turns his head towards him and gives him a seductive wink and bits his bottom lips with his canines and goes back to chatting with his wife and her friends. 

Felix was stunned and disgusted, he did not expect this behavior from his 34 years old married Uncle. He shooks his head and takes a sip from his drink. 

 At the corner of his eyes he sees a lady purposely dropping her beverage on a butler. 

" Oops, butter fingers!  Pardon me. "

" ....It is fine, your majesty. "

He was livid, yet, he could not cause a drama at a ball. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. 

"....In conclusion I love being engaged to you because, it's so great to find that one 'special person' that I can annoy for the rest of my  life..."

" .....Huh? What?"

" Felix, I am talking to you! Were you even listening?!"


" Okay, let me ask a question. What was I saying before this?"

" love eating strawberries with cheese sauce?"

" I love that, but I was telling that the only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize! "

" Oh, yeah..." 

Felix wears his imagery noise canceling ear plugs once he hears...

" What if shark layed eggs?"

He loves Clarrisa but she sometimes had many insensitive thoughts. She once even questioned life, so, every once in a while he would ignore her yaping. His eyes observe the hall a bit more, and sees the lady who spilled champagne on a butler, giving him a evil smirk.  And for just a second, her eyes turn into slits, like a cat and she brushes her snake-like tounge upon her uper lip, and an animal.  She was wearing a black gown and blood-red lipstick. It almost looked like, real blood splattered across her lips. 

Felix shudders at that thought. Her eyes terrified him the most, they were similar to that of a cat, light green and the pupil was the shape of an oval. They held a look of mischief, almost daring him to look at her eye-to-eye. And her aura  was mystical, she definitely was not a royal, as no crown was on top of her head. And she did not like a maid because of her attire. She was a mystery. She was the lady in black, the odd one out. No one wears black at a ball. 

And Felix concludes that she is a witch.

Felix shakes his head on this thought, since, no one could harm him, as thousands of guards were guarding the inside and outside of the castle. And he had his powers to protect him, too. 

'Why is everyone acting weird today? Uncle Gorge and now that lady.'

Felix thinks as he thinks of a good reason. 

' Am I that....attractive?'

He looks at his body subtly. 

He must agree he looks good. He was wearing a pure white waistcoat along with jet black breeches and a frock coat. And a pair of brown monk shoe, he would prefer clogs but he could do nothing about it. Lastly, a pair of white gloves along with his crown made up of the finest rubies and emeralds. It gets tangled with his hair a lot, but he had to compramise this once. The suit hugged his body perfectly, almost like a glove.  His face was a work of art. Having a defined jaw line, high cheek bones, long eye lashes, olive skin, pencil-drawn eye brows, plump pink lips was a pure heaven to most ladies. And his eyes were hypnotizing, navy blue with blue rings around them, looking like a endless ocean was mesmerizing to all. 

Many envied Clarissa for having such a fine young man as her fiancé, not knowing the truth. 

' I did not expect to attract a....queer and a witch at the same time' 

He sits onto a chair as he distantly hears Clarissa saying something about 'mermaids giving birth', he nods this head and gives occasional hums and. He eye's his glass of lemonade and a idea washes over him. He realizes that the cup has a full view of all directions. He looks towards his left and right, making sure no one is glancing his way. He knew the butlers had to go all over the hall to get to his table, and Clarrisa was busy talking....

He picks up the table cloth and folds it upwards, stretches his hand and pours the lemonade into the floor, slowly. Making sure that no one hears the gurgling of the liquid. Placing the glass onto the table,  he bends down and touches the small puddle of lemonade. He whispers..

" Show me the lady in black.  "

The water present in the lemonade detached itself form the lemon juice, as if, it been pulled by a magnet and reconstructs to form a small sculpture. It shows the same women wearing the black gown is shown having a evil smirk and is talking to a person. Her hand is stretched out to hand- shake, while from another hand from the other end is also stretched out to mirror her. But the frame does not show the person's face or rest of the body. The frame cuts off too soon. 

'Who is the male that she is talking to?'

He sees a ring on the male's hand. And it is craved ' UG' 

' Uncle Gorge?!'

Felix himself gifted this ring to him as a gift of his 20th birthday, he could recognize it anywhere. He snaps his fingers and the waters goes life-less again. 

Water has memories. 

And this is one of the worst one ever. 

He straights up and trying to spot him. 

' He is not here'

He knows that lady is trouble and so is his Uncle, he was about to go and search for them, as the environment changes. 

Hushed whispers and small chatters fill the venue. The huge wooden doors are opened and a young lad steps in.  A pair of amber eyes, holding a sense of control and confidence meet sapphire blue eyes. A sudden spark of something...odd zaps in their young hearts. Eyes widened, hushed whispers fills the hall. As the person Felix least expects to attend the ball, arrives. 

Adien Kensington Harrington of Meldrop Kingdom. 

Dressed in a the finest raiment suited for a king. A golden embroidered waistcoat, along with a forest green coat on top of it. The coat was tailored with various incarnate parts of gold at the cuffs and cravat woren around his neck made of lilen. Breeches of golden colour, a pair of silk stockings, a jabot and white silk gloves. The outfit was the one every royal would wear, but Alex looked......unique. The outfit hugged his body just right and complemented his skin tone and amber eyes. His hair was styled to a side cut, as his face is of a ooblong. A crown decorated his head with its rubies and diamonds. But his smile was more beautiful and precious than any amount of riches Felix ever had. 

'The lady-in-waiting did a charming job'

(For the ones who did not understand shit in the above para. Adien is wearing this:- 

His expression was calm and composed. As any prince should be. He walked with elegance and grace, greeting everyone who walked past him with a small smile. He slowly but steadily walked towards Felix. Suddenly, it felt like time had stopped for Felix....and Adien. As they got lost in each other's eyes. It was a intense movement, both of their hearts felt something......odd. 

"Greetings, Felix." 

" Greetings, Aldien"

They would not bow, because they both were crowned princes. Neither was above the other. Maids or peasants bowed to the nobles at court, nobles bowed to the ministers, ministers bowed to the princes, princes bowed to the crowned princes, and the crowned princes bowed to the kings. Kings did not bow to anybody, as no one was above them. Both the crowned princes were the next in line to become the king of their kingdoms. Once one of them becomes a king, the other would bow. 

" Greetings, your highnes!"

Clarissa bows, as she greets Adien. 


" Clarrisa Elrod Oppenheimer. I am Felix's fiance!" 


" Yes, we just got engaged last month!"


" Thank you, your majesty!


Meeting Adien after all these years was.....comforting and odd. He had gotten his friend back, at the same time....a new feeling emerged from the dark abyss. Something, he knew was sinful but it gave him so much happiness. He knew liking another man was sinful. But this sinful act was....breathtaking and unbearable. He thought after all these years, those feelings would be gone, but they just resurfaced again. They had never disappeared, just suppressed by Felix. Those affection filled eyes and laughs was like melody to Felix. He wanted to be the cause of Adien's laughter and smiles. Cherish him like the diamond he was. But that was impossible, he would be executed publicly or worse being spurned by Adien. He shook his head, to shake those thoughts. 

"Felix, are you okay? Should I go call a healer?"

" No, I am fine." 

Adien's concerned filled eyes landed on Felix.

" You sure?"

" ...Y-Yes."

" Fine. Let us have a dance my angel."

Adien winks.

Felix's eyes widen in shock. A faint blush on his cheeks.

Clasrrisa squeals in delight and excitement. Internally fangirling at both of them.

' Two can play that game'


'Maybe this isn't hopeless.

A love as forbidden as ours, 

can't be pointless. 

One day, we can be together, 

if there was no heather.

Once a beautiful wilting rose,

was planted without remorse.'


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