Bets (TomTord, fluff)

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Okay, in this one-shot, Tom and Tord make a bet when they were kids. Back then, Tord was taller and when he rejects Tom, Tom and Tord make a bet. With that out of the way, here's the story.

"B-But Tordy...! Why won't you date me...?"

It was a nice day in the fall. Leave whistled by as the two kids talked. Trees were left baren, stripped of leaves.

On a park bench, sat two kids, Tom and Tord. Tord was a sly and tall kid for his age. Mischevious and lanky, he had his ways of catching the attraction of Tom: a kid shoulder-height to him, too innocent yet persistent.

"I told you, Tom. We're too young to be dating." Tord sighed, running his hands through his caramel brown hair.

"But I love you...!"

"Tom, we don't know that for sure..."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes, Tom. I'm not even sure if both of us can even maintain or commit to a relationship at such a young age."

Pushing away from the fact Tord was sly, he was also mature for a child. He knew what he wanted. And what he wanted was a stable relationship, at the right age.

"Oh ok, so when we grow up, I can kiss you?" Tom asked, still keeping his hopes up.

"Uhm, yeah, if you and I work out."

"Great! I can wait!"

Tord blinked. He can't believe the persistence of Tom. "Tom, I'm not even sure you'll like me for so long."

"Do you wanna bet?"

Tord raised an eyebrow. "Well, yes." he said, not sure what Tom's words meant.

Instantly, Tord knew Tom was serious as a grin plastered all over the eyeless boy's face. "Great! What do you wanna bet on?"

Well, Tord wasn't expecting that. He stared at Tom with his mouth slightly open. "I suppose if you win this sort of bet you win my affections?"


That sent Tord into thought. He crossed his legs and put his hand on his chin. He didn't want to break his friend's heart, really. But at the same time, he knew he didn't want to date this young. So, Tord had to bet on something that could be impossible to win. Or perhaps... a little gamble?

He compared Tom with his height. He was a giant compared to Tom. Tord highly doubted Tom would ever mount his height. Taking this into consideration, an idea popped into mind. Tom can't surely beat his height, right? So why not bet on that?

"I want to bet on height." Tord said finally. "If you grow taller than me by the time we graduate high school, I assure you, you can have my affections." he paused. "But if I remain taller than you, you have to buy anything I want for a week."

Tom considered the offer for a moment, leaving Tord in silence. Finally, he agreed. "Deal!" he says. "I'll drink lots of milk so I can become taller!" Tom extended his hand towards Tord so they can shake on it.

Tord just rolls his eyes, smiling as he did. He shook Tom's hand while saying, "I highly doubt that, Thomas."


It is now graduation day of high school. Years after the bet was made. Tord forgot about it at this point.

Seniors were lining up to do their graduation speech and doing what high school graduates do: saying their farewells to their favorite teachers, flipping off the school, and then talking to their friends.

Tord was talking to Edd and Matt, enjoying himself, until Tom came along. And oh boy, had they changed.

Up until freshman year, it seemed like Tord was going to win the bet. Out of their friend group — which consisted of Tom, Tord, Edd, Matt — Tord was considered the tallest person besides Matt. But now the senior year is done, he's the shortest person out of the friend group, personally because of Tord pulling all-nighter's and drinking coffee 24/7.

As Tom walked up to the group, Edd and Matt were the first to greet him. Tord walked up to Tom and looked up to say hello as well. But in the process of doing that, Tom said, "Where are my affections, Commie?"

Tord paused. "W-What...?"

"You promised you would love me if I became taller than you."

Dammit, he forgot about the bet...!

To be honest, Tord wasn't as disappointed. Sure, it sucks to lose a bet, but over the years, Tord had became more and more attracted to Tom. He'd proven to him that Tom was a good guy who fought for what he believed in and knew when it was time to stop with the playful jokes and start with the comforting.

Tord raised an eyebrow. "You're looking for my affections?"

"That was what I was promised."

"Then come and kiss me, you big dork!" Tord pulled Tom by the collar and brushed his lips against his, initiating into a kiss.

Edd and Matt gasped, and Edd told Matt to close his eyes as kissing was too inappropriate for Matt.

Tom and Tord parted lips with one another. Tom smiled at Tord and pecked his forehead. "I told you I can wait."

"I should've listened to you, Jehovah. Now look at you, all of that milk finally paid off."

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