Wings (EddTord, fluff)

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Okay, in this one-shot, Tord is a demon and Edd is an angel. They have this hang out spot where they chat, and it's private and secret. Here's the one-shot!


Faster. Edd thought as he soared high up in the sky, looking down on Earth to find the hangout spot Tord and him established years ago when they first met. Edd smiled at that memory. If he had never met Tord, he wouldn't change into the person he is today. Flying around, he searched for the place in hurruly. Tonight's the night.

Suddenly, a flash of red caught his eye. Tord. Edd dove down towards Earth, making a cloud of dust as he landed.

In front of him, was a gazebo, vines crept up it's pillars, a few leaves gracefully fell down onto the wooden floor. Upon the bench in the middle of the gazebo, Tord was sitting upside down on it, looking at Edd.

"Well, you're early." he smiled as Edd sat on the bench with him.

Edd playfully rolls his eyes, "Says the one who arrives before me."

"It's better to be early than late."

Edd laughed as Tord grinned. A slight blush dusted Edd's face as he saw Tord's grin. The way his devil's tail would swish when he's excited, and how his wings would suddenly spread out if he laughed too much.

His eyes wandered on Tord's wings and remembered what Tord told him. Tord used to be an angel. A beautiful angel was Tord told Edd. But that was long before, and Edd never been told what sin Tord had done to be stripped from his angel status.

Without thinking, he asked, "What were your wings like?"

Immediately, Tord stopped laughing. He looked at his devil's wings — disheveled and ugly — and sighed wistfully. "They were beautiful." he sighed. "Big and soft, I couldn't have asked for more."

Edd quickly felt bad for asking, so he patted Tord's back. "I'm sorry for asking..."

"Ah, I couldn't blame you." he shifted his position, making himself face to face with Edd. "As a demon has it's perks."

He entangled his hands with Edd, no problem. As for Edd, he fought the blush threatening to creep up his face. "Something foretold me that you planned to tell me something, Edd." he raised an eyebrow. "Was this something my wings?"

Edd shook his head furiously, shying away from Tord. "No... it's... something else."

"Something else?" Tord blinked.

"You see..." gathering up all his courage, he brought his face closer to Tord's face that their noses were barely touching. "Tord... Do you say your wings were beautiful?" Tord nods his head. Edd chuckles and presses his forehead against his. "No... those wings aren't the only things are beautiful."

Using his wings as a curtain, Edd softly kissed Tord. He felt Tord jump at the sudden kiss, but he relaxed and kissed back. Pulling away, Edd locked eyes with Tord, who was furiously blushing. "Edd I—"

"Tord." he cut Tord off. "I love you. You've been so kind to me, and after all these years of knowing you, you have shown no sign of wanting to deceive me. So I understand if you don't love me back. But if you do, I promise, I'll try to be the greatest lover I can be. When we argue, I'll apologize first. When we kiss, I'll remember why I love you. And when devastation strikes, " he holds cups Tord's face. "I assure you, we will go through it together."

Tears ran down Tord's face. A smile crept up his face. Trying to wipe the waterfall of tears, he gently kissed Edd's nose. "I love you too, Edd." he whispered. "And you have no idea how long I've waited for you to tell me that."

Edd pecked Tord's lips. "And you have no idea how long it took me to construct that speech."

"You're a dork."

"Your dork."

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