Hey (TomTord, angst)

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This one-shot doesn't surround very serious topics, but DARN RIGHT HEARTBREAK IS HERE, LET'S DO THIS. And yes, this is somewhat inspired by the book, 'Restart'.

So in this one-shot, before The End, Tord loses his memory. He could only remember bits of pieces of whatever, including what was the relationship he had with Tom. Tom, who had extreme feelings for Tord, not knowing how to show his love, took this as a way to unleash everything he has been holding back.

PSA: This relationship is not healthy! Do not take advantage of your crush's memory loss ever! Though intentions might seem pure, you do not take advantage of one's disability, build your relationship upon lies, and live out your fantasies because someone had just forgotten. This concept is just for drama and I do not condone drama. Ladies and gentlemen, don't be like Tom in this one-shot. Thank you.

ANOTHER NOTE: This memory loss isn't realistic. You can't get memory loss by just one bonk on the head. Just making sure we're on the same page.


Forgetting. What was it?

It's such a negative term. Some people like to forget. Others like to have things fresh in their minds, even after the event took place 7 years ago.

But just one hit to the head. And you could forget almost everything.

Tord was victim to an extreme concussion due to falling from a mildly high area. It was simply two stories. And Tord fell right on his head.

Tord couldn't even remember why he was up upon that roof anyway. Maybe he wanted a greater view of the sky? Or was it to look at those attractive women next door even closer?

All he could recall was his name, friend's names, and a collection of the time spent with them. Not much to begin with. They were only friends of two years in college, after all.

He was in a hospital. Edd, Matt, and Tom were there. They never left his side when he woke up. He couldn't collect much from them other than that. Their personalities drew a blank in Tord's mind. He can't remember what specifically they were to Tord. Was Edd a serious guy? Was Matt humble? Was Tom a Christmas fanatic? Tord couldn't tell.

He stayed in the hospital for a while, making sure he didn't have anything else more serious than that. And by some miracle, there was none. Tord got a ride home by Edd, back to a shared dorm with Tom.

Edd filled Tord in on some important things. Tord's address, where were Tord's emergency keys, things like that. Other details such as their relationship were lightly glossed over, a brief summary, basically.

He dropped Tord to his dorm, saying his goodbyes to the Norwegian before driving off.

Tord had some struggled while finding this place he lived in. But thanks to Edd's help previously before, he found it.

When he unlocked the door, he was introduced to a view of Tom lazing on the couch, on his phone. He glanced up at Tord, quickly getting off the couch. "Hey, " Tom said. "Are you doing okay? Feeling dizzy?"

Tord shook his head. "Actually, I never felt better. Minus the amnesia part." he flopped next to Tom. "So..." he trailed off, trying to spark some conversation.

"So...?" Tom continued.

"What were we?"

Tom stopped himself. "What?"

"I don't know what we were. Friends, yes. But personality-wise... it's all a blur. What did we do together was forgotten. And well, you're the only person at the moment who can give me answers, so what were we?"


Tom found himself in a pickle.

There was Tord, in front of him, with no clue what they were. He was edging on Tom, asking what he was to Tord.

There was this opportunity, this chance. But his moral compass was telling him not to take it.

Tom loved Tord. Wasn't it obvious enough?

He loved his quiet nature, but still being loud enough through guns and explosions. He adored his flaws. He treasured his characteristics. He cherished his smile, the relationship they had before this whole mess.

Yet they were enemies. Almost everyone knew it. Their so-called 'hatred' was mutual, and so far passive-aggressive. Constant subtle jabs towards one another that would pierce Tom's heart. Carefully placed insults put into a simple sentence that wounded Tom's pride. Derogatory sobriquets that shot through Tom's composure like a bullet.

Tom was always one for hiding his feelings. He didn't know how to handle them. So in most cases, when he knows he's deep in love, he'd push the other person away, ignore them, or cases like this, find a midway and suffer as he watches the person he adores never reciprocating what he could ever feel for him back.

But now, he had a chance.

If he lied right now, say that he was Tord's boyfriend, these feelings won't have to be bottled up anymore. There would be no dissatisfaction when Tord would be able to love him back. Tom could have this moment where he wouldn't have this void because he knew he couldn't have Tord see him the way Tom sees the latter. He could be more than appeased.

However, is he really going to take advantage of Tord? He doesn't know a lot about love, but he's sure tricking your love interest into loving you wasn't it.

He knew deep inside if Tord believed the pathetic lie Tom could've made right now, it still wouldn't be genuine. Tord just simply went with the flow. Tom would have been showered in kisses. But did they mean anything?

Tom debated this for a short period of time. His selfish desires of longing to be loved left his mouth sooner than his conscience could speak. "I'm your boyfriend," Tom said with a half-assed smile, not really sure if this fib could even pass through his lips correctly.

The little white lie just didn't fit well with Tom. Tom still had that little angel on his shoulder, screaming at him that he fucked up. Yet, regardless of how unfitting that lie came from Tom, Tord still believed it. "Is that so?" Tord raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't think I could love you back if I don't really know who you are." Tom felt his confidence deflate. "But, just give me some time. Spend time with me. And who knows, maybe that spark will pop up again?"

It was an empty promise, both will admit. But Tom took it with enthusiasm. "Of course, " he smiled. "Take your time, alright? No rush." he extended his arms for a hug.

"No rush." Tord smiled back, openly accepting the hug.


Tord loved Tom. More than he could possibly bear.

It has been... what, two years after that little incident? Tord caught up quickly, making up for the years he had forgotten. As well as making new memories with Tom.

They had just gotten back together 5 months ago. Or would it even be called being back together if they never broke up? Ah, Tord would like to be that they still dated throughout those two years. And damn, Tord has fallen for Tom; hard.

How could he not? On the outside, he was rude, calm, distant, and detached. But on the inside, he was just a big goofball, who loved to tell inside jokes with his friends, as well with a few references on the side.

He was understanding, never trying to force Tord to love him although they were lovers before Tord's accident. He understood Tord needed time, and time he gave Tord.

Tord loved Tom with all his heart. This was just scratching the surface of why he loved Tom. He could've written a book on all the reasons why he treasured Tom. But again, this is a one-shot. Not an entire novel.

They were hitting the 6th month into this relationship. Nearing Christmas, for that matter. Tord and Tom were getting ready to go on a date.

It was supposed to be a cute and fun date between them. But it ended up being an ugly end to this couple. Secrets couldn't be kept forever.

Tord was simply lazing around on the couch. It was simply 5 hours before the date, Tord had a lot of time on his hands. But it donned on him that Tord could do some cleaning to pass the time.

Tord still lived with Tom, and things were getting a little crowded in this living space. So it couldn't hurt to do something productive one in a while.

Getting up, Tord decided he should tackle Tom's room first, seeing it to be the closest room. Stepping in, he could already feel that this room was totally his boyfriend's vibe.

There were ska posters all around the room, the walls were painted blue, and of course, it had black and white checker patterns put somewhere in the room.

Tord chuckled to himself and began cleaning. About 30 minutes into this, Tord accidentally hit his elbow onto an object on the shelf.

It seemed to a box, the contents spilling out of it as it hit the ground. Tord whipped his head towards the mess he made, muttering a "Shit." before kneeling down to clean it up.

As he was picking up the items, his eyes scanned over the words 'guilt journal.' Tord stopped himself. Why in hell's name would Tom have a guilt journal?

Tord tried to reason with himself that it wasn't any of his business and he shouldn't be looking through his boyfriend's stuff. But there was this feeling that he shouldn't ignore this.

Quickly, he shoved the journal into his hoodie pocket, picked up the mess, and resumed his cleaning.

Soon after he was done, he went straight onto the couch to read Tom's 'guilt journal.'

Things were racing through Tord's mind as he opened to the first page. What did Tom have so much weighing down on his conscience that he had to write a journal because of it? That question intrigued Tord enough to begin reading it.

At first, the entries were short and innocent. Tom was simply complaining about how he felt so guilty over small things such as not returning a pencil Edd gave to him. It was honestly boring Tord out.

However, as he was about to close the book, put it away, and forget about it, he decided to read just one more entry... to this day, Tord wonders doing this was a mistake or a blessing.

The entry was about how Tom took advantage of Tord's memory loss all those years ago. The reason why Tom took advantage of the memory loss in the first place was not clear. But all that Tord knew was that Tom wasn't being honest. And he wasn't having any of that.

He put down the journal and whipped out his phone, speedily texting, 'We need to talk.' before rereading that entry over and over again, trying to reason with himself.

Tord was hit with a wave of confusion and a creeping feeling of anger. Why did Tom take advantage of his memory loss? What did Tom lie to him about? Why would Tom lie to him?

The fact Tom had to lie to Tord made the Norwegian even more suspicious of what the Brit was hiding.

Tom had come home 5 minutes after Tord sent his text, with a concerned expression on his face as he walked in. "I got your text, Tord. What's wrong?" Tom closed the door, sitting next to Tord.

Tord sucked in a great amount of air before speaking. This wasn't the first time they argued. But Tord felt like this was going to be a terrible one. "Tom..." he began, his Norwegian accent thick in how he spoke. "I was cleaning your room when I accidentally discovered this." Tord revealed Tom's 'guilt journal.' The sight of Tord holding the journal made Tom's face go pale. Another sign that Tord found out something he shouldn't. "I read a few entries—"

"Which one concerned you?" Tom bit his lip.

Tord flipped through the pages, stopping at the entry that 'concerned him'. He showed it to Tom, whose face had a mortified expression plastered all over. Tom held the journal, acting as if he had been caught. Tom looked into Tord's eyes. "Tord, I can explain—"

"Go ahead. Explain. I'm listening." Tord sounded a lot colder than he intended to, earning a flinch from the man in front of him.

"Well, I— where do you want me to start?" gulped Tom.

"Answer this truthfully: what actually were we before I got amnesia? And why on Earth did you try to take advantage of it?" Tord asked, trying to keep his composure.

Tom looked down, ashamed. "We were enemies, " Tom admitted shamefully. "And yet I loved you. I didn't know how to handle these emotions, so I—"

"Lashed out negatively." Tord finished.

"Yeah..." Tom nodded. "Since we were enemies, I didn't see I chance we could be together. U-Until your memory loss... it was like a blank slate. I could have taken the easy route and could have got what I always wanted: you... I didn't see any other solution, and I'm sorry—" it was too late.

"So you lied to me?" anger was dripping from Tord's words, still held composed by a thin string of whatever calm he had in him.

Tom nodded shamefully again. "You lied to me?" Tord raised his voice, balling his hands into fists. "From day 1, when I couldn't remember shit, you LIED TO ME!?"

Tord could hardly contain his anger. All this time, all these years, thinking that Tom was his lover before and after the accident, was a lie. This man in front of him took advantage of his trust, his amnesia, just to gain his love.

"So you're telling me that our relationship was based on lies!? Of you using me!?"

"It wasn't based off on lies!" Tom defended. "I genuinely love you!"

"Love me!?" Tord scoffed. "What, does love imply that you should use one's disability for your own personal gain? Huh?"

Tom stopped himself. There was no excuse for what he did. No matter what he tried to reason, even he knew what he did was messed up. Tom looked at his palms, suddenly finding them much interesting than the conversation.

Tord felt his heart breaking. Never, in a thousand years, would he think Tom would have any reason to lie to him. But now, he had to face the hard truth: Tom fabricated their relationship, got what he wanted because Tord forgot, and saw an opportunity in Tord's misfortune.

"I..." whispered Tord. "I don't know what to think about you anymore. You could have said the truth. I wouldn't have thought of you anything less."

Tom saw the flaw in his actions from those years ago. He felt foolish. Tord was right. Tom should've told Tord everything. But instead, taking Tord's love when he was weak and vulnerable seemed to be his only option.

The Brit recognized that he was just a foolish man desperate for love. And he had to tell an untruth just to get it. That wasn't loving. That was craving for affection.

There were so many things racing through his mind. There were so many things he could say. But only two empty words slipped through his mouth. "I'm sorry." Tom muttered.

Silence filled the room. Tord suddenly stood up. "I think we need a break."

Those words shattered Tom's heart into pieces. He felt tears flow out from his eyes. He only had a taste from this forbidden fruit for such a short period of time after longing for it for years. And now, he lost it.

Tord bit his lip, trying not to cry as well. Crying in front of others was a thing he never liked to do. "I-I think it for the best we clear our heads and think. Take a break, talk to each other, and have a mutual agreement with one another. Alright?" his voice cracked, still trying to remain composed.

Tom still said nothing. Tord sighed, walking out of the apartment. "I'm going out for a smoke."


That was the downfall of this couple.

Not long after, the two broke up. Or well, Tord dumped Tom, seeing as being in a relationship that was based on lies wasn't his forte.

They ended it as friends. But it didn't feel like it. They suddenly became strangers to one another, only living with one another to have enough to pay rent. The two barely spoke, and when they did, it was to discuss an important matter.

Tom became somewhat depressed because of it.

There was this Tord-shaped hole in his heart that he couldn't fill in. Alcohol, friends, even trying to move on with his broken heart. Nothing seemed to heal.

He would always ended up sobbing in front of his friends when they asked him what's wrong. He just wanted to Tord. The way Tordwould kiss him randomly. The way Tord gives his hugs. The way that he would say 'I love you.' He wanted it all back. But he knew that Tord's love was one chance and one chance only. There was no way of getting it back.

Tord moved out a few months later. He still wanted his ex to have a merry Christmas, and somehow a happy New Year. Not like his advances worked, as Tom was reminded that what they had was gone.

Years passed. Tom began to heal. He never saw anyone else, however, and Tom was content with it.

The alcohol intake lessened, and that thought of Tord slowly faded away. He still hated Christmas, but, it was... tolerable, to some extent.

The years turned Tom into a better man, and slowly he began to let go of his heartbreak. Instead of becoming worse, he used his experience to improve.

He moved in with Edd and Matt, content with life for a while. Things were lighting up.

He woke up early in the morning, remembering a certain detail. They were getting a new housemate. Tom had no idea who they were. He just hoped they paid rent and minded their own business.

Tom went downstairs, where he could hear the chatter. The housemate must be here.

The noise seemed to be down in the living room. As Tom neared, he stopped in his tracks. He recognized that hairstyle anywhere.

It was Tord. He changed a little. His hair is grown out, tied into a small ponytail. He definitely got taller, but not as tall as Tom. His clothing style changed too. His former usual attire, a white t-shirt with red flannel, was replaced with a simple res hoodie accompanied with red skinny jeans.

Tom was in shock. Sure, he got over Tord, but once you find out your ex is moving in your place, it feels awkward. Tord turned to Tom, quickly feeling the shock that Tom feels.

Edd turns around, waving at Tom. "Tom! Remember Tord?" he grins.

The two were silent for a while before Tord stepped towards Tom, extending his hand for a handshake. With hesitation, Tom shook it.

The Brit didn't know what to say. 'Hi, it's nice to see you again.'? No, not under the circumstances. 'Welcome.'? No, too short and formal. 'Fuck off.'? Tempting, but that's just plain rude.

As Tom was contemplating what to say, Tord spoke up first.

With a smile, Tord said, "Hey."


I have so many scrapped drafts trying to make something enjoyable. I didn't even edit this one. This one probably sucks lmao—

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