Destroying the Hierarchy pt. 1 (MattTord, fluff)

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I have been trying to come up with ideas. But hopefully this good enough. I am drunk off of coffee right now, so I'm feeling the confident, loud, and dancing mood.

In this one-shot, takes place in a high school setting. This high school is based on cliques and hierarchy. But Matt and Tord are tired of it, as they want the students to see each other as equals and no longer run on this structure of high school society. And what better way to break the hierarchy rather than throwing the biggest party the school has ever seen?

And before you start attacking me because there are high school students drinking, the legal drinking age in the UK is 18. And yes, in this one-shot, Matt and Tord are very much the legal drinking age.


Marabelle High School runs on a hierarchy. A very strict one, actually.

High schoolers have... a weird idea of how to run their schools. At the bottom of this social ladder, were the weirdos and quiet kids. The teens who danced weirdly in public with no shame. The kids who'd flaunt their friendships with their friends, but would be very quiet without them. The ones that are known for smoking weed in the bathroom, but not because they're miserable. In fact, they're known for showing off their arrogance, not giving a single fuck about what they seem to other people.

Floating above it all, were the kids that everyone in the neighborhood knows. Usually, they're the kids who use 'street slang'. If you could ever call it that. These kids have all their friends with them in a single group. Notorious for bringing up fights, and getting caught up in the drama.

And then there are the kids that are the middle class of the school. All of the high school cliques and groups you could ever think of were in those ranks. Ranging from nerds, the jocks, the middle class is where almost everyone but at the same time no one gets along.

Tord Hansen hated the social hierarchy.

He had it well, being in the middle class. Never got detention. Never got into a fight. He was enjoying himself in a group of rich kids. But the division of students made him upset.

Nothing could break this invisible barrier between students alike. Once you're in a clique, you are stuck there for the rest of your high school life. You are to never to mesh with others besides your friend group. Because if you ever do, everyone in the school would deem you a backstabber. You'd be outcasted. Be sent to the very bottom of the barrel. And everyone would soon forget about you.

It didn't help that he had a boyfriend that's in another group.

His name is Matt Harris. He was with the pretty people, a group that also made up the middle class. He was everything that Tord ever wanted. Matt saw Tord as equal. Not as someone he could have control over, nor as someone that could control him. No. Matt saw Tord as equal.

Matt respected Tord. A thing that not most people did for him. Not only that, but just the way Matt is was enough to sweep Tord off his feet.

Tord already thought Matt was cute when he first met him. But once he got to know Matt, he began to like the ginger more.

Despite that Matt was gullible, he wasn't stupid. In fact, he was smart. Could rule the world if he wanted. He'd bring people together, no matter how different they are. He could make the people least likely to become friends into pals in only a few weeks. Matt was confident in himself. Something that Tord liked. Matt knew how much he's worth, and he was not afraid of showing it off. And because of that confidence, he was sure that he could find a friend for just about anyone.

But despite all of that, it wasn't enough for the hierarchy to make an exception. It was 'treason' enough to even be friends with someone outside of your clique. You'd have the high school equivalent of death if you'd ever be found dating someone that was not in your social circle.

Because of that very reason, Matt and Tord had to keep their relationship a secret from the entire school. Outside the hell that is called high school, Matt would always flirt with Tord, while Tord would hold Matt's hand, kissing him at random. But once they walk through the doors of the school, they'd be complete strangers. And that killed Tord inside.

He wanted to be able to love Matt unconditionally without being looked down upon by his peers. He wanted students to see each other as equals instead of a threat to their social status if they ever interacted. He wanted students to befriend whoever they want.

Were his desires ever going to bring the perfect high school where everyone was going to get along? Hell no! Teenagers can't even handle themselves. Grab a handful of them and force them to interact, Tord would be surprised if at least two people didn't hate each other.

But it would be better. And it would be a much healthier school environment rather than the hierarchy the school has now.

Matt and Tord are seniors now, about to graduate soon. And they decided for their final days of high school, they're going to break this twisted social pyramid once and for all.

What do they have to lose? Their reputation? Once they graduate, that won't matter anymore. They'd be free to love each other as much as they would like to without anyone to bother and drag them down about it. If they fail, they failed with the knowledge that they tried to fix this school.

So as a last stand, they're going to destroy the hierarchy to the point it could never form again.

Matt and Tord were in the room of Matt's, planning on how to basically tear down a social ladder that was carried on for years. That was going to be hard. On his own bed, Matt was trying to come up with ideas while Tord wrote them down. So far, all the ideas they had were horrible.

Matt groaned as he covered his face, flopping onto the bed. "Why is this so hard!?" he complained.

On the floor, Tord put his hand on Matt's knee in a comforting manner. "Don't give up, darling. We still have four months to plan this before graduation." the Norwegian said in a soft tone. Sure, he was flirty towards Matt, but he never liked to speak up.

The Brit sighed. He sat up, holding his lover's hand. "I know," Matt kissed Tord's hand. "But how are we going to pull this off? These kids are so dead set on this idea we have to stay in this group for the rest of the time we are in high school. How do we change their minds?"

"Darling, you bring people together all the time." Tord sat on the bed next to Matt. "You know it's not easy doing that feat alone. But just because it's difficult doesn't mean it's impossible."

Resting his head on the shoulder of his boyfriend, Matt closed his eyes, gripping Tord's hand just a bit tighter. Tord always gave Matt this sort of energy that could make him do anything. No matter what, Tord would reassure him and find ways to make him better. Matt smiled. "Yeah."

"Just think - what do obnoxious teens like to do the most?" Tord asked, resting his head on top of Matt's.

"Weed? Sex? Fights? Leaving used condoms on the blacktop?" Matt raised an eyebrow. (A/N: quick storytime- I actually saw a used condom on the blacktop and thought it was a wrapper for crackers. My friend told me what it was and I'm scarred-)

Tord snorted, pushing Matt lightly. Matt laughed. "What? Am I wrong?" Matt grinned.

"Well, no. But do you seriously think those are going to bring people together?"

The two shifted positions to make it where Tord was on top of Matt's chest, laying on it. Matt played with Tord's hair, trying to think. "No," Matt responded. "But what do you think they like?"

"Well, I have an idea. Think back to all the cliche movies about high school. What do most of them have in common?"

"Let me think: crying, characters trying to ruin the relationship between the main characters, grand gestures, kissing in public, attractive people only..."

"There's something else, Darling."

"And what is that?"

"Parties! Think about it! We can throw the biggest party the entire school has seen! And everyone is invited!"

"I'm not sure, Love..." whispered Matt, still playing with Tord's hair. "Not everyone likes parties. And not everyone has parents who allow their children to get torrent with the neighborhood kids."

"Then let's find a way for this party to cater to everyone," responded Tord.

Matt raised an eyebrow, looking at Tord right in the eye. "How?"

"There can't just be one person that enjoys one thing. Don't forget, we still have four months. We can interview the entire school about their likes and say it's a school project."

"And even so we could do that, two people only can't throw a party this big ourselves."

"Who said it was going to be just the two of us pulling this off?"

Matt stopped himself before a grin formed on his lips. "Love, you're a genius."

Tord smiled back. "I say we get enough people that are on the same side as us. We interview the students, get whatever the students are interested in, and throw a party where everyone can enjoy themselves. There can even be a room where it's quiet but students could still interact with one another. These kids from different groups could bond over a single interest, and that could break the hierarchy itself."

While Tord spoke, Matt's grin grew larger as he nodded. "That could work," said Matt.

"So we're doing it?"

"Either we crash and burn, or we free the school from the social binds it had on for years. I say we're doing it."

Both happy, the two kissed lovingly. Maybe this plan would work! Tord laughed as the pulled apart, hugging Matt tightly. "If we do crash and burn, we have each other. And that's all that matters to me." Tord said happily.

"I second that, Love."


Quite the feat they were going to pull off. Both of them didn't think it was possible.

Trying to find people that would agree to their cause was hard by itself. You can't really ask people casually if they can help you destroy the social hierarchy that they've been used to for years.

Tord tried to make small notes asking for people for help while Matt advertised his plan to volunteer to throw the biggest party ever in the neighborhood. No one joined. The couple began to lose hope after two weeks into this plan. But before they were about to scrap the plan, four people with friends in high places joined the cause.

There was Edd. He was one of the art kids. He offered to make the invitations and get the food. Turned out his parents were chefs.

In the emo group, was Tom. He had a passion for music and formed a band, in fact. He said he and his band could provide this music as long the plan worked. Tom was in the same situation as the couple, as he was crushing hard on Edd. Let's just say the two allowed Tom to work closely with Edd.

Then there was a kid named Jon. Matt and Tord knew this guy. This kid was part of the mean clique. They didn't know how did this guy get in there in the first place. He was actually quite a nice guy. Jon wanted to find better friends and said he could get a place for the party, as well as whatever the kids are interested in.

Finally, there was Laurel. She was actually high up in the hierarchy, unlike the rest, who were all middle class. She's part of the popular kids, just wanting something new. Due to the many people she's around, she offered to spread the word of the party, making sure everyone knew.

Once they got their team, they interviewed everyone and their interests. They got mixed responses, as expected.

For the party to appeal to everyone, they decided everyone would have a role in catering to specific interests. Everyone would bring up a conversation towards people and see who had an interest in it. Once people would pick up the conversation, they would go off to start another conversation about another topic and do the same tactic again.

The party was to include everyone as well. Confidence was a beautiful thing. And Matt knew it well. He suggested that the students should wear whatever made them confident. Whether it be crop tops, shorts, anything. And to make sure there would be no 'incidents', there would be a safety e-mail account on the invitation and door so people could tell what happened anonymously.

Then comes the fun part of the plan. Well, besides the party itself. Cause chatter about it.

Thanks to Laurel, under a week or so, everyone was talking about the party, giving out the invitations Edd made. The lower class were considering going, the middle class was theorizing how much of a flop the party was going to be, while the higher class were all hyped up for how awesome the party was going to be.

While that happened, Jon got a place where they could have the party. It wasn't far from the neighborhood, and it was big enough to practically hold the entire school.

Everything was coming together. It was the day before the party. But Tord was more than worried.

The couple was at Matt's place. Tord was in Matt's backyard, lost in thought. Then, he felt two arms wrap around his waist. "What's wrong?" asked Matt.

Tord jumped, turning around. He let out a sigh of relief as he realized it was Matt. Not a kidnapper or something. He turned back around, holding Matt's hand. "I'm worried. What if this plan doesn't work? What if we do crash and burn? There are these talented people who spent their energy on a cause that might not even work. I don't want their efforts to go to waste." fretted Tord.

"Love, do you remember what you said to me when we made the plan?" Matt rested his chin on Tord's shoulder. "If we crashed and burned, we will-"

"- have each other." Tord finished. "I know, Darling. I just don't want everyone's efforts to be in vain."

"Love," Matt held Tord's face. "If it goes wrong, there's nothing we can do. It just means people aren't willing to change. There's nothing to do about it." turning Tord around to face him, Matt put his forehead on his lover's. "At least we know that we at least tried. That's better than wondering what could have been when we have done nothing."

Getting up, Matt went back inside the house, saying he was going to get something. That leaves Tord alone again.

Burying his face in his knees, he waited for Matt. Tord felt a little bit better. Matt was right. If it all fails, then, at least they tried.

He looked up, seeing the sun beginning to set. Tord heard the bug screen door open. He turned his head towards Matt, who was holding up two beers. "Beer 'o clock?" he asked, smiling a bit. (A/N: If you get that reference, I love you)

Tord smirked, grabbing one. "Why not?" popping off the cap, he brought the bottle to lips and began to drink, tilting his head up a bit.

Matt did the same thing, sitting next to his boyfriend. "Be careful there, you still have tomorrow to get wasted."

Parting his lips apart from the beer bottle, Tord turned his head towards Matt and smirked. "Might as well get a head-start, " he said before chugging the drink once again.

Knowing Tord was stubborn, Matt also began drinking, sighing before he did it. Beer 'o clock is when they talk things out. But now, at this moment, it's just a little moment of peace before the storm that was approaching quickly. And both knew that.


As you can tell, they're going to get torrent with the kids in the next chapter.

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