Caught Ya Singing in the Shower (TomTord, short fluff)

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Look, I just need some serotonin right now, and you know, this idea popped into my mind, and I can't stop cackling at the thought.

So, in this one-shot, Tord likes to sing in the shower. You know, pretend like he's on stage, letting out his inner Shakira — or whatever artist you like— unleash. You know those shower moments. He usually likes to do it when no one's home. But little does he know, he has himself an audience.

Also, it's like 1:00 am in the morning. Excuse my bad writing, this is usually the time to just consume Game Theory and LankyBox.


"Tord, you're sure you don't want to come with us? You can have the pleasure of watching Tom fail at every shooting game without you." Edd asked one more time outside the bedroom of a certain communist, the two other Brits behind him.

Tord waved his hand dismissively, his eyes glued to his phone screen. "Though the idea sounds appealing, it's one of those lazy days for me. But you guys can go on and have fun. Hell, if it makes you feel better, take a video of Tom failing for me. It will make me extremely happy, watching Tom suffer."

An offended "Hey!" came from the Norwegian's boyfriend, though no one paid no mind to it. Edd shrugged his shoulders and started to move away from Tord's bedroom. "Eh, alright. C'mon, guys. Stay safe, Tord! Scare away the neighbors like last time!"

"You can count on me, Edd!" Tord raised his thumb in the air.

Satisfied with Tord's answer, Matt and Edd walk away, leaving Tom still there, pouting with arms crossed. Tord glanced back at Tom, his phone, then back at Tom. "I love you, Tom," he said.

"No, 'I love you' isn't good enough. I demand a goodbye kiss." Tom 'pouts' even more. "And I won't leave until I get one."

Knowing what lengths Tom would go to make a comedic joke, Tord sighs and walks up from his bed, giving Tom a kiss. As Tord pulls away, he smiles. "I really do love ya, you dork."

Tom chuckles. "I do too."

The two hug each other for a while, smiling to themselves. But then, out of nowhere, Tord pushes Tom away with a big smirk on his face. "I kissed ya. Now go! I want Edd capturing every moment you fail!"

A groan escaped from Tom's lips. "Fineeeee..."

Tom walked out of Tord's field of vision, practically slouching as he did. Tord laughed to himself. Such a dork... Tord thought as he slipped into bed, beginning to rewind a YouTube video he was currently watching.


Thirty passed by. During that time, Tord was still in bed, cackling at a joke made in another YouTube video.

As the video ended, Tord ran his hands through his hair. His hair didn't stay like with no effort. He definitely needed to shower.

He wasn't becoming Matt by any means. But taking care of himself was still important!... And his hair as well.

Well, this was great! Everyone was practically out of the house, Tord could use that to his advantage and does what he likes to do best in the shower: become Tamatoa and dance around the shower while singing 'Shiny'.

Skipping all the boring parts of getting ready to shower, Tord steps into the tub, feeling the warm water hit against his back. He unknowingly let out a sigh of content.

Beginning his little concert in the shower, he grabbed a bar of soap, singing as if he was in front of an audience. And no, he was not singing nude in front of this audience, dear readers, get your head out of the gutter.

Well, it turns out he indeed had a real audience. Just like Edd and Tord had foretold, Tom had failed at every single shooting game without the aid of Tord. He failed so hard, in fact, he rage-quit and took an Uber home to possibly simmer down and cuddle with Tord while at it.

Opening the front door, Tom was greeted with the sound of a shower running and someone singing.

Unless someone else was living inside the house Tom didn't know about, the only person who could be singing... was Tord.

Making that realization, Tom threw off his shoes and sped off to the bathroom, which he found the door closed.

Tom didn't try to barge in, of course. The door's closed for a reason: Tord doesn't want anyone seeing him nude. Tom wanted to respect him and his privacy. That, and if did try to open the door, Tord would immediately stop singing and sock Tom in the nose.

So instead, Tom slid down the wall, listening to Tord sing.

Tord was a decent singer. It wasn't perfect, but damn, he was a soprano and he rocked it pretty well.

Tom listened as Tord sang through song after song, killing it after each one. Tom rarely ever hears Tord sing, and never at this volume with such confidence. It was nice, honestly.

Soon enough, Tord reaches a song Tom was familiar with — 'The Other Side' from The Greatest Showman.

Tom recalls watching it with Tord, and ever since, Tord has been found muttering it to himself while doing some chores.

He knows that this song was a duet and that Tord was probably going to sing the two parts. So, why not save Tord some breath and make his dramatic entrance?

Oh, he was going to scare the shit out of his boyfriend. Tom smirked at the thought.

Soon, Tord reached the last line that was near to Tom's. "Oh, damn! Suddenly you're free to fly! It will take you to the other side! Okay—" Tom cuts him off.

"Okay, my friend," Tom sang with a big smirk on his face. "You wanna cut me in..."

Tom had no time to finish his verse, sadly, as heard from the other side of the door a "HOLY SHIT!" followed by a body falling onto a wet tub and falling bottles.

Tom's smirk only grew. "Great singing, Love."

Tord quickly finished up his shower, got changed, and slammed open the door, with a pissed of expression on his face. Tom merely looked up at his boyfriend with the same smirk on his face, knowing his horrible fate. Tord glared at Tom. "You are so dead."

Hello. I want to say that I'll be going on hiatus.

I had been dealing with an identity crisis at the beginning of the month about my passions and still trying to ease back into this hobby. Most likely, if you check my schedule for updates after I post on my "Eddsworld x Bottom!Tord" I'll probably go on hiatus on all of my stories. Keyword: probably.

I'll spare you the details on why I'm going on hiatus. Let's just hope it won't be for two years (yes, it's a reference). I'll put details on my message board for all those who are still curious.

Thank you for the attention this book has gotten. I appreciate it and all of you. Now, don't burn salad and stay safe.

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