I Finally Found You, Soulmate (MattTord, fluff) Pt. 1

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As much as I am a TomTord shipper, MattTord and their ship are just so adorable, and I am a sucker for things adorable. So in this one-shot, Tord and Matt had spent their years looking for 'the one.' And after years of knowing each other, they became to love one another, and this, ladies and gentlemen, is their small love story.


A soulmate can be hard to find. And Matt found that out the hard way.

Ever since he even heard of the definition of 'soulmate', he had been out looking for one ever since. That girl that seemed to give you butterflies in your stomach? Let's get to know her better, maybe she's your soulmate. Or how about that guy sitting across from you in AP History class? Maybe there's that one spark...

Whatever the case, he'd gone on plenty of dates, and only those dates just gave him butterflies in his stomach. But when he met Tord, a funny, trigger-happy Norwegian on junior year of college, the only thing he felt in his stomach was the tomato and lettuce sandwich he had for lunch.

Here's the funny thing with soulmates: they spring up on you when you least expect it. And man, Matt did not expect Tord to be his soulmate.

The years he'd spent with Tord, the small spark of attraction he had for him had sprung into a humongous bonfire of love. Never before he had someone in his life to make him feel so vulnerable, and make it feel so good. Like he could easily give away all his trust, and trust that person not to break it. Never, ever, ever in his twenty-one years he had never felt that. Until he met Tord.

It was a spring day. Flowers around him blossomed, everything just seemed more alive. The sky was blue, tourists and locals alike were frolicking all over the streets of London, having places to go.

Matt walked out of his apartment that was shared with his two roommates, quite excited for a new day. He walked outside, shading his face from the sun that was just peeking out from a fluffy white cloud. Matt grinned, as if saying hello to the fireball of doom.

He walked to his car and took out his phone. He went into his contacts and called Tord, patiently waiting for him to answer as he put himself in front of the wheel. He heard a familiar Norwegian voice enter his ears.

"Hello?" asked Tord.

"Hey, Tord!" Matt greeted. "I was just wondering, if you're free, would you like to go to this diner with me? Their food is pretty good! I could pick you up!"

For awhile, there was a moment of silence. Then, Tord responded in a cheerful tone, "Ah, why not? We haven't seen each other in a while, it would be nice to catch up."

Heat arose to Matt's cheeks. "Alright! I'll be heading to your apartment, then!"

"Cool! I'll get ready!"

Tord hung up, and already, Matt was flustered by the sound of Tord's voice. He groaned, covering his face away from an invisible audience that was staring at him. After clearing his face from any kind of blush, Matt sighed and combed his fingers through his hair. "Well, I guess it's time to pick up Tord."

He put his car in reverse and made his way out of the parking lot, heading to pick up Tord.


Ding dong!

Matt just arrived at Tord's apartment, still trying to fix his green overcoat just to make sure he was presentable. Sure, he can convince himself that he'd always look flawless, and doesn't need any fixing. But this Tord we're talking about. He had to look beyond flawless.

Soon enough, Tord opened his door, grinning at Matt. He was in his usual attire: black jeans, a red hoddie, and black sneakers. He had his hands casually in his pocket, his body slightly shifted toward the doorframe. Everything, from his smallest movements, to that big grin of his, was beyond flawless in Matt's standards.

"Matt! How are you?" Tord exclaimed, hugging Matt.

Matt hugged back. "Good! What about you?"

"Same, this week is just a little hectic."

Matt frowned at this statement. He didn't want Tord be stressed out. "Really, want to talk about it?"

"Ah, maybe when we get to the diner." Tord took out his keys and closed the door, locking it. He turned back to Matt. "Shall we go?"


"Alright, so it will be the cooked vegetables for you," the waitress points her pen towards Matt, "and the french toast for you. Anything else?? Any drinks?"

Tord and Matt look at each other before Matt looks back at the waitress and shaking his head. "No, I think that will be it."

"Alright! Tell us if there's anything you need!" the waitress smiled at the two before leaving off to tend to another table.

Tord leaned back in his seat, looking at Matt. He smiled gently. "So, how's life?"

"Fine, at least so far. I may never know when I'll get eaten by a zombie."

"Hah! True!"

The two carried on their conversation up until the waitress waltzed in with their dishes, the two plates balanced nicely in her hands. She put down the dishes in front of Matt and Tord, smiling sweetly. "Hope you enjoy your meal!" she says, running elsewhere, leaving the two men in silence.

And it was like that for a while. Aside from the chatter that came from the entire diner, the only noise between them was the scraping of their forks and spoons against the plate, and slightest sound of chewing.

Matt swallowed the first bite of his meal, then looking at Tord, who was scarfing down every square inch of the french toast he ordered. Matt chuckled lightly at this.

Tord had his flaws. And Matt loved him for it. Tord had his strengths. And Matt loved him for it. No matter how many bad or good things that may be built up in Tord, Matt loved every single flaw, strength, and all in between.

It was only then Matt caught himself staring at Tord, and he realized too late. Tord noticed already. He smirked. "Uhm, Matt, I know I'm totally handsome or whatever, but warn me next time before you stare."

Heat rushed to Matt's cheeks. He looked away. "You're kidding, only I'm the most handsome thing I can marvel at."

Tord shrugged, still smirking. "Whatever floats your boat."

Tord turned back his attention to his food, shredding pieces off before eating it. Matt fiddled with his hands. "Actually..." Matt mumbled. "I want to ask you something."

Tord looked from his half-eaten french toast. "What is it?" he said through a full mouth.

"I have these movie tickets, one for me, one for my friend, but my friend couldn't make it last minute. And well, it would be a waste of money if it'll never be used. So I was thinking I would give it to you...?"

Matt's heart was pleading for Tord to say yes. The friend part was a lie. He did in fact buy two movie tickets with the intent with inviting Tord to the movies. He noticed recently that Tord was getting obsessed with a movie saga called: "Return of The Insane Pirate Zombies from Hell", and Matt decided why not get him movie tickets to the most recent movie appearing on the big screen. Matt just didn't want to seem too desperate.

Tord smiled. "Why not? What movie is it?"

"Return of The Insane Pirate Zombies from Hell VI." it was at that moment, there were stars in Tord's eyes.

"Wait, the newest one!? You must me joking!"

Matt shook his head. "I'm afraid not."

"How did you even get your hands on those!? Last time I tried to get one, they were all sold out!" well, there's an advantage for staying in front of the ticket booth at 3:00am.

Matt put his finger up to his lip, smirking. "Secret."

Giving up, Tord flopped back into his seat crossing his arms. "Alright, Mr. Secret. When will the movie begin?"

"18:00 pm, I can pick you up by then." Matt paused. Everything so far was running smoothly, so maybe he can run his luck by asking one more thing...? "Also... if you want, we can go for dinner, but that's totally optional-"

"I would love that." said Tord, smiling softly.

And here comes Matt blushing for the thousandth time today. "Really?"


"A-Alright, I'll pick you up by 17:05!"

"Sounds like a plan."

The two finished their plates and received their check, which Tord insisted on paying. They walk out of the diner, and Matt could not feel anymore happier. This was great! He was going to spend time with the person he loved! The sad part is they're only just best friends... but Matt didn't care. This may as well be the closest thing he will ever going to get to a date with Tord. He felt beyond happy! There's nothing that can top that feeling.

But, looking at where he is now, he may as well stand corrected.

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