I Finally Found You, Soulmate (MattTord, fluff) Pt. 2

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Readers: How much fluff do you want in this one-shot?

Me: Yes.

P.S. Warning: Cursing and long chapters


Tonight's the night. Do not screw it up.

That was Matt was screaming at himself as he watched anxiously at the clock. He tried to reason with himself that this was just two friends hanging out and nothing more and nothing less. But that didn't stop him for over-examining every single square inch of his clothing.

As Matt paced back and forth in his small apartment kitchen, his two roommates, Edd and Tom, stared in awe. They knew Matt well. He was narcissistic, confident. Heck, he even keeps a mirror of him around so he can marvel at himself all the time. He'd go to everyone, shamelessly flirting with them. And someone like Matt to feel self-conscious? Damn, this person must have such an impact on him to make him feel this way.

The clock struck 17:00pm. It's time for Matt to go and pick up Tord. He said farewell to his roommates, and got into the car. 17:01pm. He drove onto the road, trying to reassure himself.

"Everything is going to be fine." Matt muttered to himself. "I am capable of love, and if Tord doesn't see that? His loss... however, he's so kind, and he would never think that way- God dammit, Matt!" (A/N: Oooh, I made Matt curse...)

Matt arrived at Tord's place, and like usual, he rung the doorbell. Instead of Tord opening the door, he was greeted with Tord's roommate: Sparrow Mendoza. She smiled. "Hey, Tord's getting a bit more ready. You can feel free and go inside."

Matt nodded his head. "Yeah, that sounds cool."

Sparrow let Matt in, leading him to the couch. Matt sat down, stiff as a board. He felt extremely awkward. Sparrow was never really considered a friend, but more like an acquaintance. They'd met because of Tord. She'd stick around Tord for a while, and she'd talk to Matt once in a while, but that's by far they ever got.

Sparrow looked down, also feeling the awkward tension arise in the room. She bit her lip. "You know, Tord never stops to talk about you."

Matt stopped himself. "What?"

"Yep, he does." Sparrow says, popping the 'p'. "He's always like 'Matt is so...' or 'Matt is...' not for one second he doesn't cease to talk about you."

"He... does?"

"I think you got a solid chance with him, Matt. I'm all for it as long as you treat him well, and he treats you well."

Matt blinks. "W-Wow..."

"Which bring me to my next point." Sparrow furrows her eyebrows. "Even as you two got all the ingredients to make a good couple, you guys don't even bother to put in the flour. Someone's gotta make the first move, or else all you're left is disassembled cake." she crosses her arms. "I'm not forcing you to go ahead and pucker up to Tord. But what I'm saying is, nothing lasts forever. And this chance you have with Tord won't last forever. So shoot your shot."

And that was the end of their conversation. The awkwardness was a bit more at ease, but it was still there. Matt looked at Sparrow. "What he say about me?"

"He said that you were the most kindest-"

Then, Tord walked out of his room, a big grin on his face. "Matt!" Tord walked up to Matt, giving him a hug. Matt hugged back, smiling.

Sparrow stood up, a small smirk began to form on her face. "Ah, the gremlin came outside his cave."

Tord flipped off Sparrow, releasing himself from the hug. "Shut up," he retorted. "At least I'm actually going outside the apartment." Sparrow stuck her tongue out at Tord. Tord rolled his eyes at Sparrow's immaturity, taking Matt's hand. "Well, we'll be taking our leave."

"Alright, enjoy your movie. I'll watch the apartment."

The two walk out of the apartment, Tord locking the door. They walked to Matt's car, where then they got in and began driving to theaters. Tord seemed quite excited for the movie, ranting on and on why the Return of the Insane Pirate Zombies was such a good movie saga.

Matt, on the other hand, smiled softly, watching Tord talk. There was something about Tord when he rambled. How his eyes lit up when he talked about the thing he is so passionate about. How his lips subconsciously turned up in both corners and he yapped and yapped about his topic. Did he talk about Matt the same way he talked about this movie saga...? Matt hoped so.

He hoped what Sparrow told him was true. That he seriously had a shot with Tord. That he wouldn't have to sell his soul to the devil so he can have at least a standing chance with dating with Tord, a man who is surpassing the ideals of flawless.

The movie theater was coming into view. There it was. Tord was literally bouncing up and down in his seat, barely able to contain his excitement. Matt chuckled at this. He felt lucky. He never saw this side of Tord before. Matt didn't know what he did for Lady Luck to be so much in his favor, but he was grateful for it.

Matt's car pulled up in the parking lot after circling around it, looking for a spot. The two went out of the car, and Tord was still chatting about why the movie they were going to watch is going to be epic.

The two walked into the theater, the smell of buttery popcorn instantly hit their noses. People were all over the place, going to see all kinds of movies. Photos of upcoming movies were plastered all over the walls. The usual colorful carpet floor of the building made everything seem more vibrant. Matt felt a yank at his hand.

"Come on!" Tord hollered. "Let's go get us some snacks!"

Before he can say anything, Matt was soon dragged to the concession booth.

Behind the counter, was a very uninterested pubescent teen boy, with his elbow on the counter, and his hand holding his face. When he took notice of Matt and Tord, he said in a very unenthusiastic voice, "Welcome to the Alex Theatre. What will guys like today?"

Tord flashed a cheeky grin, pointing to the popcorn. "We'll have a large popcorn, please! Ooh! And can I have a medium cup of fanta?"

"Alright. Would you like some butter on the popcorn?"

Tord stares directly into the boy's eyes. "Extra butter."

"And how about you, sir?" the boy asks, looking at Matt. Matt scratches the back of his neck.

"I'll just have a bottle of water."

The boy shrugs his shoulders. "Alright." the boy presses a few buttons on the register. "That will be $11.23. Cash or credit?"

Matt takes out his credit card. "Credit."

Tord didn't object in the circumstance of free food. In fact, he smirks and puts his hand on Matt's shoulder. The slightest bit of contact between Matt and Tord made Matt's body jolt with an electric shock of love. Tord says while grinning, "Thanks for paying, Matt."

"A-Ah, it's no problem for the great and lovely Matt!"

Tord rolls his eyes. "Why yes, the great and lovely Matt."

The two grab their snacks and went into the theater room. The room was pretty empty, as they were some of the few who decided to come into the theater early, and the giant screen was still dark. The two walk to their seat, Tord flopping down into his seat like a fish. Matt chuckled at Tord's behavior. Tord turned his head towards Matt.

"And what are you looking at?" asked Tord, smirking as he did.

"No one special." that was a gigantic lie. Tord was the best thing to ever happen to Matt.

Tord dramatically put a hand on his chest. "Ouch, what a way to hurt a man's pride, isn't there, Matt?"

"I wouldn't know, I have so much of it."

Matt began laughing as Tord threw a piece of popcorn at him. "Fuck you."

Soon, people began to flood into the theater room and the screen was already playing ads. Matt and Tord were sitting next to each other peacefully, Tord watching the ads as there was nothing else to watch. However, with Matt, he can't stop himself from taking in this moment.

There he is. Sitting with the love of his life. Watching a movie together. It was too much for him. What did he do that he was with someone that made him feel so safe? What did he do where he had Tord enter into his life? So many unanswered questions that made Matt's head ache.

The movie began playing, and the corners of Tord's lips pulled up into a gigantic grin. Matt forced himself to stop staring, because he knew if Tord ever noticed, he would begin teasing Matt, and God knows it, Matt wouldn't be able to handle it.

"I will defeat you, Zombie Pirate!" a male on the big screen yelled, a machine gun in hand.

A zombie snarled, probably in retaliation, and the two initiated into a bloody fight.

Matt sighed at the bloody fight. Sure, he enjoyed action movies, but only when it made sense. He looked at Tord, who was so engrossed in the scene. Matt smiled at the sight. If Tord was happy, then why isn't he?

The movie ended, and everyone began flooding out of the theater. Again, Tord was rambling on how the movie was the greatest movie in existence, and making conspiracy theories for the next movie.

To be honest, Matt wasn't paying attention. For one, the movie wasn't as good in his opinion. And two, he was busy looking at Tord. It was a wonder how big a heart could fit into Tord's body. How such boldness could mesh with a quiet soul. The brashness of Tord's character intermingling with his temper.

"I can't wait for the next movie!" exclaimed Tord.

"That would be nice." Matt hummed.

The two made it to the car. Tord turned to Matt. "So where are we going for dinner?" Tord asked.

Matt tensed. He went to the trunk of the car (A/N: and revealed murder weapons because he hated Tord all along-) to reveal a picnic basket. Matt tried to stop his voice from shaking. "I was thinking I would take you on a picnic. However, we could always go where you want to go, it won't be a big deal-"

"Matt, chill." assured Tord. "A picnic sounds nice."

The tension that began bubbling in Matt settled down. Matt's shoulders relaxed. "Alright... c'mon, I'll take you to a place that would be nice for a picnic."

The two went into the car. Matt pulled the car in reverse, pressed on the gas, and began driving. Soon, they were on the road. It was somewhere in the night now. The buildings of London illuminated in the pitch black of night, cars going past Matt's red Chevy. But then the scenery of the boisterous city merged into a calming piece of nature.

Stars twinkled under the Chevy as Matt pulled over into a small open area. The two got out of the car once again. Matt took out the picnic basket out of the trunk and motioned his hand to signal to follow him. "Let's go, there's this place where you can see the stars pretty clearly."

Tord smirked. "Wow, from circumstance, I'd going to place my money you're taking me to a place where no one can see me. From there, you're going to kill me."

Matt jumped and hit Tord's arm. Matt exclaimed, "Tord!" while smiling.

Tord held his hand in the place where Matt hit him. "I'm joking! I know you could never hurt anyone unless provoked."

The two made it to a small cliff. And like Matt said, you could see the stars pretty clear. Tord laid down dangerously close to the edge of the cliff, making Matt scream, "Tord!"

Tord laid dramatically, putting a hand to his forehead. "Matt!" he wailed. "Friend, help me!"

The reference hit Matt like a truck. He smirked, walking up to Tord. He grabbed Tord's hands, making Tord fake scream in pain. In reality, Matt was trying his best not to hurt him. Why would he want to hurt him?

Matt inched towards Tord's face, a nasty grin plastered on his face. "Long live the king..." Matt gripped Tord's hands and threw him far from the cliff's edge. Tord tumbled, and for a second, Matt panicked in his head that he hurt him. But that worry melted away as Tord sprung back again, a grin on his face.

"Hell yeah!" Tord roared before laughing. Matt snickered before laughing as well.

"That was stupid!" Matt commented.

Tord nodded his head. "Sure as hell was. But it was fucking funny!"

Matt laughed once more before grabbing the picnic basket and taking out the blanket inside it. He draped the blanket over the ground, sitting upon it. "Yes it was fucking funny, Mufasa. Now c'mon, I'm hungry."

Tord obeyed and sat opposite to Matt, opening the picnic basket. His face lit up as he took out the contents of the basket.

Matt would admit, it wasn't much. It just had Tord's favorite foods- bacon and such other meats- while Matt treated himself with a salad with some dressing. But since it was Tord's favorite foods, it was like a full delicious meal for him. Tord grinned. "Bacon!"

Matt chuckled, handing Tord a fork and knife. Immediately, Tord began ripping apart the meat, shoving them down his mouth. Matt laughed before eating his own meal, waiting to actually swallow the food before feeding himself the next forkful.

Quickly, the two finished their food. Tord quietly snickered, which earned a questioning look from Matt. "Remember your edgy phase back in college?" asked Tord, earning a groan from Matt.

"Don't remind me! I acted like a total buzzkill!"

"Yeah, you did."

"But don't forget, you had yours after college!" it was Matt's turn to laugh, as Tord covered his face to hide his embarrassment. Perks of knowing each other through their ups and downs.

"I hate youuuu..." ouch.

Trying to hide that comment hurt Matt, Matt smiled and flicked Tord's head. "Yeah, yeah, I know."

Tord sighed and looked around. He seemed somewhat disappointed. "Well, dinner is over. Do you want to go home?"

There was a sudden pang of hurt in Matt's chest. He didn't want Tord to leave yet. There was something about just Tord's presence that made Matt feel like he could do anything. Like he could touch the sky if Tord was by his side. Just let him stay, just for a few more moments...

"We don't have to go home. We can stay and watch the stars." What. Excuse. Was that? Probably the lamest, because Matt knew Tord wouldn't stay for stars. Sure, he'd stay if there was explosions, but stars?

'What would stars do to entertain us?' Tord would probably question him. 'Twinkle?'

But to Matt's surprise, Tord didn't say that. Instead, he said, "Ah, why not?" Matt stared at Tord as he sat down next to Matt. Tord looked at Matt. "What?"

"That is so out of character for you." Matt stated.

"Yeah, I know." Tord replied. "I just wanted to stay with you."

Wait... what!? Did Tord say he wanted to stay with Matt? Him, of all people? Matt needed to make sure he was hearing correctly. He couldn't possibly heard that right. "What?"

Tord shook his head. "Never mind."

Wait, please tell me! Matt's mind pleaded. I wanted to hear that again! I couldn't have heard that clearly!

A silence fell upon them. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was just a silence where the two enjoyed each other's company. Matt's chest was aching while he was with Tord. Who gave him permission to make Matt begin loving him hard? Because Matt genuinely couldn't take it, having Tord being tantalizingly there, but he couldn't love him.

Matt was caught in a daydream about why he loved Tord so much. There was so much. His soul was so beautiful. Tord was fun. He gave Matt such a rush of adrenaline when he was with him. His actions spoke louder than his words ever could. If he was mad, he'd just have a gun to your head. If he was happy, he'd act like was king of the universe, the world in his hands. Plus, he was exciting. Ambitious.

Sparrow's words of advice echoed in the back of his mind. 'And this chance with Tord isn't going to last forever. So shoot your shot.' Matt's heart was considering that advice... actually, it was screaming at Matt to take it.

Matt was so caught up in his daze, he didn't realize when three simple words slipped out of his mouth uncontrollably. "I love you." Matt whispered.

Tord blinked and looked at him. "What?"

At this point, Matt hadn't realized what he said. "I love you." he repeated, louder this time.

Tord's face flushed. He points to himself. "You love me?"

It was at this moment Matt caught himself, realizing his words. His stomach twisted, and his heart began beating faster than a race car. He tried to force the blush on his face down, but failed miserably. Words formed in his mouth, but his vocal cords wouldn't comply. "I-I, well- uhm," what. The fuck. Is he saying? Why did he say 'I love you'? Everything was going so well, why did he screw it up? He told himself one thing not to do, which was screwing up, and what did he do? He did it anyways.

While Matt was trying to say at least one coherent sentence, Tord stared at him, waiting for an answer. Finally, Matt gulped and looked at Tord's eyes, scraping the little courage he had left. He took in a deep breath. "Yes. I love you. And I loved you for a long time."

Matt wished those were the last words to tumble out of his stupid mouth. But alas, something inside him kept on blabbing on his heart out, probably to keep Tord from rejecting him. Sparrow's words were now engraved in his mind, and his mind is taking after her words.

"No, it wasn't love at first sight. But I really do truly love you. I love your ambition. I love how your eyes light up when you talk about the Return of the Insane Pirate Zombies of Hell. I love it whenever you're near me you give me such a rush of adrenaline. I know you hate the cheesy stuff, but you know I'm all about it. And here am I, being a cheesy fool. I know I am not perfect, and you could have someone so much better than me- I mean you're beyond flawless. But I have been looking for a soulmate all my life and... what I'm trying to say here is," Matt closed his eyes. "I love you. And do you love me back?"

He cursed himself and at Sparrow for her words. Matt couldn't look at him. He didn't want to see that pitiful face. He didn't want to see Tord's mouth curled up into a frown. But he didn't. Instead, he felt two hands upon his, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Tord's smile.

Matt was confused. Wasn't this is when he gets heartbroken? Tord's lips parted. "Of course I love you back." there was that look in Tord's eyes when he talks about the Return of the Insane Pirate Zombies of Hell. "You're so kind, and a dork. There's just something about you when you're being your narcissistic self, and sometimes I wish you'd talk about me like that. Ack, you're rubbing off me." he laughed. "I'm being super cheesy too. So I'll just cut to the chase."

The stars aligned. Matt could feel lips upon his. Tord's lips. It was like the world slowed down for them. Because when Matt realized Tord was kissing him, it felt like forever had passed by. Matt kissed back.

Everything disappeared around them. It was just the two, being in each other's love, their presence. The two pulled away. They didn't need to say anything. Nor they needed to question anything. They knew that they were a thing now. And Matt knew Tord will have no shame showering him in kisses and showing off his new boyfriend.

Matt whispered, "You're beyond flawless."

"Yeah, I know." he pressed his forehead against Matt's. "But you're beyond my deserving."


Matt walked into his shared apartment. He hadn't realized until now how weak his knees are. He slid down the door and covered his face. He couldn't stop himself from giggling. He could not believe what happened.

Matt's roommates walked to Matt. Edd stuffed his hands in his pockets. "How was your date?" Edd asked.

Matt slid his hands off from his face, not caring anymore if it was red or not. He giggled. "I think I found my soulmate."


Happy Valentine's~

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