My Hero! (EddTord, fluff)

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Here's a quick little spoof before we get started on the description of the one-shot and story! Lights!

You walk into a bar. You weren't looking for any drinks, but the bar piqued your interest. It was called the 'Fluff bar'. Strange name for a bar, but okay.
As you walk into the bar, you are suddenly hit with a warm and fuzzy feeling, as if the goddess of comfort draped her blanket upon you.
You venture more in this bar, seeing a bunch of waiters and people at tables and so on. You slide into the seat of the bar table, where you lock eyes with a female with a pixie cut and earrings, with coffee as the accessory.
She smiles at you, putting down the glass she was wiping. She put two fingers to her temple and did a small salute. "My name's BB-Chan," she says. "How can I help you?"
"What drinks do you have?"
"We only serve in shots here. Can't serve full bottles or meals here. Not really a restaurant. But we do serve fluff shots, angst shots— ooh! Gore shots if you're feeling really adventurous tonight! However, they're seasonal. If you're looking for the smut shots, then maybe go to the 'smut bar'."
"Uhm, " you never heard these drinks before. You were expecting vodka or some sort. "Fluff shots?"
"Alright, which fandom?"
BB-Chan sighed as if she had to go through this every day. "This is a fluff bar. The umbrella genre of fanfiction?" she made these hand gestures as if it was supposed to help make her point.
Ohhhh. So that's what it was. You have really been wanting some Eddsworld one-shots today, or more specifically, EddTord.
"Eddsworld," you say.
"Ah, good choice. Ship or no ship?" BB-Chan raises her eyebrow.
"And how fluffy do you want it to be?" BB-Chan begins wiping a glass.
"Quite fluffy. Could you sprinkle in some angst while you're at it?"
A big smirk grew on BB-Chan's face. "Coming right up."

This one-shot is about PowerEdd saving the city, saving Tord, and maybe winning few hearts~ and now, let's get started because that spoof took longer than expected. (also spare me because I have not done fight scenes in a while. Trying to learn back my spark!)


Everyone wants to be a superhero. People see someone with powers, winning the praise of everyone in the city, and they want to be like them. Edd wanted to be that too. But, ever since he gained the powers of Superman due to radiation from a satellite dish, Edd slowly wanted to trade his role out for a hero.

Now, ever since Edd had superpowers, he did the generic thing most people would have done when looking for praise: save the city, his super name being "PowerEdd". Not the most creative, but hey, it is what it is. But let's be realistic. Not much happens. Especially when you have police on the job. Well, an enemy arose in the UK, Numero Uno, yet Edd was surprisingly able to take him out.

Numero Uno, more known by his common name, Edwardo, was only doing minor things: robbing banks, stealing dogs. Edd was able to handle that easily. However, this small act of villainy inspired the actions of a much larger villain, who goes under the name of the "Red Leader".

Wearing a red mask that hid his face, a suit of armor that protected his body, he did more heinous things Numero Uno could have ever done. Mass murder, destroying important monuments, killing peoples of government. It seemed like the Red Leader was trying to take over the UK, breaking people's spirits and the government itself. The people of the UK were sent in a mass panic. However, the small beam of hope was still there: PowerEdd!

Edd tried to battle the Red Leader the best he could. Edd wasn't even sure the Red Leader had any powers. Just a bunch of tech and he could rival a superhero.

This ongoing war between the two was what made Edd want to stop becoming a superhero. Several times, Edd had almost lost his life. Sometimes, he would lose a battle with the Red Leader, watching as innocents got killed, important monuments destroyed. That guilt weighed him heavily. He wanted to un-watch all he was bared. But he can't now. He had a villain to stop.

Edd was now flying to the Great Fire of London, where the Red Leader was planning to destroy next. The Red Leader knows that this monument was dear to the history of London, and destroying this would probably devastate the city, or perhaps even the whole country.

It was shown publicly by the Red Leader himself. Making a proud announcement on the telly itself, smirking as he looked at the camera. "I know you're out there PowerEdd. Come and see what trouble I will be brewing for the whole world."

Luckily, Edd was able to arrive right on time. Police were surrounding the monument, but couldn't get close as the Red Leader was shooting down almost anyone who comes near. Edd flew in, able to dodge whatever the Red Leader was throwing at him, to see his enemy, his hand hovering over a button. The Red Leader turned to him. "Ah, PowerEdd!" a Norwegian voice filled the air. "Glad you were able to make it to the party! Came just in time to see the destruction of this historical monument!"

"Exactly why are you doing this!?" Edd questioned, frustrated with the Red Leader. "To make people fear you!?"

"Exactly!" Edd could have sworn the Red Leader was smirking under his mask.

Edd scoffed. He used his laser eyes to jerk the Red Leader from the button, causing the man in the suit to jump away. Edd tackled the Red Leader, and the two tumbled, earning a few grunts from each other. The Red Leader growled, and pushed Edd off of him, his hand shining with a bright light.

Then, a laser was shot from the Red Leader's hand. Edd tumbled at dodged it, retaliating back with his own laser. The Red Leader threw his body out away from the beam shot at him, going on his knees and brought out a gun that rested on his hip.

He shot the gun at Edd, who caught it, flying back a little. Edd growled under his breath. The Red Leader tried again to hit the button, yet Edd would not allow that. He lunged towards the man the suit of armor, grabbing his wrists.

The Red Leader kicked Edd square in the chest, prying the man off him. Edd yelled out in pain. He tried to run away, Edd grabbing his ankle to stop him. Both on the ground, Edd took the chance to pin the Red Leader and trap him. He grabbed both of the Red Leader's wrists once again, his eyes glowing with a green light. A sign Edd was going to shoot lasers from his eyes. "Move," Edd breathed. "And I will put you in your place."

It was quiet for a while. The only sound between them was their pants and heavy breathing. No yells, no grunts of pain, no explosions. Just their breathing.

It was a silent act. But Edd took his hands off the wrists of the Red Leader and put it on his mask. He could feel the Red Leader panic under him. "PowerEdd," the Red Leader drawled. "What the hell are you doing?"

"This is the last day your villainy shall take place." Edd snarled back. "Maybe after I take off your mask I'll bring you to the police. My, I wonder how the infamous Red Leader would look like behind bars."

Using his super strength, Edd yanked off the mask of the Red Leader. He expected the face of some kind of stoner or the face of a prisoner. But instead, it was the face of someone he knew. "Tord!?" Edd exclaimed.

It can't be him! Tord is one of Edd's greatest friends! They met since the beginning of college, and they were close ever since! How could Tord, a good friend of his, be a cruel enemy of his behind a mask?

The Red Leader or Edd shall call him Tord, raised an eyebrow. "How do you know me?"

Edd took off his own mask, earning a gasp from the man below him. "Edd!?"

"I am just as surprised as you are."

"What— how?" Tord could barely form a single sentence.

Again, silence took over them. And the shock Edd once had soon morphed into anger and betrayal. Friend or not, this man made him witness the unimaginable. Make him feel guilt for the actions Tord did. Make Edd feel so useless. It didn't matter if Tord was under a mask. It was still the same person.

Tord began to laugh under him. He ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes full of disbelief. "I can't believe it!" Tord cackled. "After all this time, I have been trying to kill my best friend? What the actual fuck?" Tord buried his face with his hands, still trying to stop his laughter, which only grew Edd's frustration with him.

The laughter soon died down, and Tord was able to look at Edd in the eyes. Edd growled. "You have no idea what you did to me. And you shouldn't be laughing about it."

Dread washed over Tord's face, a look of realization crept into his eyes. His smile melted off and was replaced a frown. "Edd, " Tord breathed. "I am so sorry."

"Oh really?" Edd cocked his head to the side, trying to act like he was oblivious to the horrible things Tord did. "Are you really, though? Because you did not look that fucking sorry when you killed a bunch of innocent people in my face! In fact, you rubbed it in my nose!"

Tord flinched at Edd's harsh tone of voice. "I didn't know it was you," Tord said, trying to sound as emotionless as possible.

"So you're saying if I was someone else, there would not be one drop of empathy coming from you?" Edd laughed quietly, exhaling slightly.

Tord remained silent, leaving Edd to boil with even more anger. "You're quite a bitch, Tord." Edd drawled. "I'm taking you to prison, where you belong."

Well, that got Tord's attention. His head snapped back up, his eyes widened. "What!?" he screamed. "You're not taking me to jail!"

"Oh but I can. Just watch me—" Edd was cut off when he was interrupted by an abrupt kick to the chest.

Edd flew, releasing his grip on Tord, tumbling on the ground. He groaned, holding his chest. Tord was now standing up, grabbing his mask as he dusted himself. He put back on his mask and looked at Edd. "Well, it was nice seeing you, PowerEdd!" his voice boomed, surely reaching to the civilians at the bottom. "But alas, you defeated me. But who knows, maybe you will. In an alternate universe~!"

"Oh to hell you're not—" but it was too late. Tord ran away, not even bothering to press the button. He flew off on his jetpack, waving goodbye as he disappeared into the clouds.

Edd growled, putting on his own mask. Whatever. Tord was stopped from his evil actions and that's all that Edd could care about.  Edd flew off as well, desiring to go home to process all this.

As he flew, the feeling of betrayal sunk into his chest. How could Tord do this? To the UK, to him? He thought they were friends! So why did that instantly change when they put on a mask? Was it that the mask shows who you truly are? Or was it the motives behind it?

Edd sighed, flying into his bedroom. He rubbed his temples. I need to think.


Luckily for Edd, the Red Leader didn't try to pull stunts like that ever again. In fact, he never did anything villainous after the 'Great Fire of London incident'. But that didn't stop Edd's guard down one bit.

He's just trying to lower our guard. Edd thought as he was taking his 16:00 class. Attack us when we have our defense down.

The class ended and Edd decided to treat himself to some food before he went home. He went to this diner, where he was seated in front of a TV. He ordered his food, proceeding to watch on the TV.

The news was on right now, and Edd decided it was better than nothing. Plus, he can't use his phone a lot or else he'd be spending way too much on his electric bill.

His eyes were glued to the screen, craning his neck so he could see everything. It was peaceful. Then suddenly, a news flash came up. Edd's mind went quickly to Tord. I knew it!

As Edd was going to grab his super suit in his bag, the reporter on the screen said, "Seems like we have a new villain on the rise, ladies and gentlemen. Calling himself 'Avior Peur', we have him keeping hostage of numerous people publicly."

The scene then flips to a man with his face hidden by a mask covering his entire face. There are multiple people behind him, all in one single row, with a gun being pointed at all of them. "Try and get me!" Avior Peur screamed. "And I'll kill them! Watch me!"

"You can't kill us! PowerEdd will save us!" retaliated the man who had the gun at his temple. His voice sounded familiar. Too familiar.

Edd turned around, seeing that the man was Tord. Avior Peur kicked Tord harshly in the stomach. "Shut up!"

Edd couldn't believe the sight he was seeing. Tord, the man who was behind the mask of the Red Leader, who struck fear into the hearts of all the people of England, was held helpless under a newer villain. And what's even weirder? He knows Edd is PowerEdd and yet he believes that he would be the one to save him.

Edd can't take that at heart now. He had innocents to save. And Tord just so happened to be the impurity amongst the pure.


"Let go of the civilians!" Edd bellowed, glaring at Avior Peur.

"Hah! If you want me to let them go, you gotta try for yourself!" the villain tightened his grip on the gun.

Edd growled. He couldn't attack yet. Who knows, if he did, Avior Peur would shoot, and what next? Goodbye, civilians!

As the two were having an epic staredown, the unexpected happened. The civilians retaliated. Or at least, one that Edd was familiar with.

Swiftly, Tord grabbed Avior Peur's arm and flipped him over, the masked man's back hitting firmly on the ground. Avior Peur released his grip on the gun. Everything else happened in a flash, Tord got on top of Avior Peur and put the gun to his head. "Move, " Tord breathed. "And I'll put you in your place."

The authorities apprehended Avior Peur pretty quickly. Reporters swarmed Tord, asking him questions, as Edd watched it all. Wow, Edd thought. I guess I was useless in this situation.

As Edd was about to fly away, Tord turned to him. "E— I mean PowerEdd!" Tord ran to him, grabbing his wrist.

Edd turned around. Tord gave a big smile. "Tord Hansen!" Tord shook his hand. "Big fan."

"Tord, " Edd whispered. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Do you want the news to think you did something useful or not?" Tord whispered back, somewhat hissing as he did. He then turned back to the reporters, still holding Edd's hand. "You see, PowerEdd and I actually had a plan. When I was held captive, I was actually looking at the camera, trying to tell PowerEdd to distract Avior Peur so I can attack him."

"You did—?" Tord gave Edd a swift kick to the shin. "Ow!"

"And as you can see, the plan worked."

"Tord Hansen!" a reporter yelled out amongst the crowd. "That move you did with Avior Peur... that seemed pretty inspired! Would you like to tell us about that?"

Tord smirked. "Well, I have to give credit to PowerEdd too. I saw a little showdown he had with the Red Leader. You can say that I followed him."

The memory of Edd pinning down Tord with a gun to the Norwegian's head flashed in his mind.

Suddenly, he felt a tug on his hand. He looked at Tord. "At this very moment, PowerEdd is a hero. But ever since he had shown up, he had always been my hero." Tord seemed to proud when he said that. Then, the next thing Edd knew, Tord pecked Edd on the lips. Blood rushed to Edd's cheeks. Tord smirked, letting go of Edd's hand. "My, so heroic! Well anyways, I have to go. Goodbye, PowerEdd!"

Tord walked off to the distance. Edd lightly touched his lips, feeling his cheeks grow hotter and hotter. What in bloody hell!? He kissed me!

The crowd of reporters slowly turned their attention to Edd. Edd made eye contact with them. It was quiet for a moment.

"PowerEdd was that your boyfriend!?" a reporter screeched.

"Why did he kiss you?" another yells over.

"Do you know each other?" asked a reporter on the side of him.

"Are you dating?" gasped someone with a camera.

Edd turned even redder at those questions. He put his hands up and smiled sheepishly. He looked at his wrist, although it held no watch. "Gee. I really have to go too! So..."

Edd flew off, leaving the reporters to yell after them. Fun fact, Edd was still flustered when he got home.


Guess who has been thinking about Tord after the whole thing? Edd!

He didn't know how Tord got into his mind. But he did. Of course, the thought of Tord betraying him was still there. But now, that was just the one thought out of the thousands of affectionate ones he had for the Norwegian.

Tord and Edd still met up after the Avior Peur incident. And that's when the feeling began. Tord changed after that. Suddenly, the Red Leader was no more. It was just Tord. Of course, he was never turned in for his crimes. But it was rumored that the Red Leader just... died. But Edd knew that was far from the truth. Or else he wouldn't be having these feelings.

It has been two years. And romantic feelings have been building up inside of Edd.

He began noticing small things about Tord. More or so about his personality, and Edd thought he already knew all about Tord.

He noticed how Tord didn't say he cares, but shows it. He puts a blanket over you when he notices you're cold when you're asleep. Hugs you in public to show you are friends with him. Watches you eat when you have a meal with him so he can make sure you're not choking.

Edd noticed that when you're with Tord, you're on a rollercoaster. And the good one, not the one that makes you throw up. When he holds your hand, you feel like you could suddenly stand up and do a whole marathon in his name. When he genuinely smiles, you should feel lucky because you got something either than his mischievous smirk. When he hugs you, you feel as if you could trust him with anything.

Those are just a few small reasons why Edd caught feelings. But back to the superhero stuff!

Tord invited Edd to his house. A thing he rarely does. As Edd walked into Tord's home, Tord closed the door and looked at Edd directly in the eyes. He said, "Edd. As you know, you are one- no, my closest friend."

Edd nods. Tord continues. "That is why I am trusting you enough to tell you this. Come on."

Tord took Edd to his room, which was covered in hentai posters and red. Tord pressed a button under one of the posters. The ground began to shake. Edd jumped. "Tord?" he yelled. "What exactly are you showing me?"

"Something I have been dying to show you for months."

A wall of Tord's room flipped over to reveal a lab. Edd gasped as Tord grabbed the Brit's hand and walked into the room. They kept on walking for what felt like two minutes. Suddenly, Tord stopped, grinning. "Edd, I want you to take a look at this."

Tord gestured to a ginormous tube. In this tube was a suit. Edd gasped. It was Tord's old suit, from the days when he was the Red Leader. There were some slight changes to it. The cape was gone, the mask was changed for a helmet that would probably shield the face, and the color changed from a blood red to a cherry red.

"Tord, what's this?" asked Edd.

"I thought I would bring out Red Leader again." Tord beamed.

"As a hero?"

"And a new name. How does 'Crimson' sound?"

"It sounds like you're bad at naming things." Edd laughed as Tord punched his shoulder.

"If you think it sounds bad, then what name do you suggest?"

"Hmm..." Edd furrowed his eyebrows, putting a finger under his chin. Then, a thought popped into his head, which caused Edd's cheeks to flush.

"Well?" Tord said.

Edd looked at Tord, still red-faced. Sure, he was confident under a mask, but without it, he was just a mess. He gulped. "Can I do something real quick?"

"Sure, take your time."

Edd began rummaging through a bag he brought with him. After a solid minute, he found what he was looking for. He slipped on his mask, looking at Tord. Tord burst out laughing. "Why do you have that on?" he chortled.

Edd took one of Tord's hand, still blushing furiously. "Ha, ha. Very funny. But unlike you, I have a name that will suit this superhero you will impersonate."

"And that is?"

Here goes nothing. The mask gave him confidence. And he was sure it will now. "PowerEdd's boyfriend."

Tord fell silent. Edd's heart sunk. That was a stupid decision. What was he thinking!? Why did he let his feelings and desires get at the best of him!? Of course, Tord doesn't like him that way! How stupid is he!? Edd retracted his hands from Tord's. "Sorry, never mind-"

Tord grabbed Edd's hand. He looked directly into Edd's eyes. "Did you just low key ask me out?"

Edd could feel more blush forming on his cheeks. "Yeah."

Tord blinked before smiling. It wasn't a smirk. It wasn't a mocking smile either. It was genuine. Edd saw Tord's smile, and his heart skipped a beat. "I accept," Tord said. "And I love that name."

It took Edd a few moments to process all this. Edd grinned. "Really?"

"Of course."

"Then do I have the permission to kiss you?"

"You always did."

Tord pulled Edd by the collar, locking lips with the Brit. Edd quickly kissed back. Tord wrapped his arms around Edd's neck, as Edd snaked his around Tord's waist. They remained that way until the pulled away. Tord smiled. "'PowerEdd's boyfriend'. I'm going to wear that name like a fucking medal."

Edd groaned. "Why do I feel like you're going to tease me 24/7?"

"You're my boyfriend now. Of course, I am going to tease you."

"Then, in that case, I'm going to continue to kiss you so you can shut up."

"Only if we do that after when we do the superhero stuff."

The two grinned at each other. Yes, they know it's going to be hard to maintain a relationship both being superheroes. But as long as they have each other, being superheroes was just a price to pay.

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