Chapter 16 Cheeseburgers

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***Cooper's POV***
I ended up not helping Piper cook. She works so fast I couldn't keep up. She ended up telling me to talk with Jake and Aqua while since she wasn't used to cooking with someone but I can tell she was just trying to be nice.

When Jake saw me walking over he waved "hay I thought you were helping Piper cook lunch!" I sit down next to him "I was but I couldn't keep up its like she has superpowers that make it where she can cook at the speed of light or something".

"Well that's Piper for you" Jake says in a joking voice. "Um guys are you forgetting someone". Turn my head and look at Aqua "no I don't think I did". I know that was rude but I can tell he's trying to get Piper and that's not going to happen."Um yes you did you forgot me".

***Jake's POV***
Oh I see what's going on I think I should do something about this. "Hey Aqua do you like Piper". "Yep" wow I just finish talking when he answered. Cooper looks like he's going to snap "hate to tell you but she's mine so back off!" His voice is so deep.

What happened to the shy Pokémon rarely ever talked. Lately he's been being less shy but I never thought he would yell like that.

They look like there about to fight but Piper walks up clearly not knowing what's going on. "Hey guys I'm done cooking come on". Cooper and Aqua both fake a smile and go where Piper set out the food.

***Piper's POV***
I don't get it, why did the air over there feel so bad. It was like hatred was walking up to me and slapping me in the face.

I finish cooking, Cooper was helping me but he's worst at cooking than my dad. Okay no ones that bad but I think it was the first time he cooked. I ended up telling him I wasn't used to having anyone help me and he should try to get to know Aqua. He seemed upset when I told him that.

I know when I get the chance I'll say sorry for not letting him help. That's probably why the air feels so bad over there. I guess its all my fault that he's upset.

***Cooper's POV***
That's weird Piper seems really out of it. She's normally all excited and stuff but she looks really deep in thought. Please Arceus please tell me Piper didn't hear what we were talking about.

When we get to wear Piper has everything set out all our mouths drop open. How does she do that she made cheeseburgers look like they came from a five star restaurant.

Everyone gets a plate the all ready has a cheeseburger on it. The second it hits my mouth my mind goes blank. This has got to be the best thing I've ever ate. The next thing I know I'm done. Everyone else ate there's in like five seconds like I did.

Pipers all ready got everything back in her back pack and is getting ready to leave. What's wrong with her? She didn't even brag about being a good cook.

Me and Jake get our stuff together and get ready to leave. After a few minutes me, Piper, Jake, and Aqua start out and continue our journey.
Okay guys I'm done with chapter 16 and guess what this story has 300 views. Yes I'm so excited I'm glad this story is finally getting out there. Remember to vote and commit -ekitty90

-----------SHOUT OUT---------

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