Chapter 17 Misunderstandings realized

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***Piper's POV***
Me, Aqua, Cooper, and Jake traveled the rest of the day and by the time we get to Golden Forest (that's where we said we were going to camp out for the night) it already getting dark.

"Okay guys let's set up the tents". I put on a smile and start taking my tent out of my bag. Jake and Cooper start doing the same then I remember something. "Um who's tent is Aqua going to sleep in?".

Jake and Cooper look up and Aqua answers "I'll sleep in Piper's tent". Wait what why my tent? When Cooper hears that his eyes widen and he stops what he's doing "NO YOUR NOT!".

Wow that's the first time I've heard him yell. He must still be mad at me about not letting him help cook lunch. Thanks to that he snaped at Aqua I've got to make this right but I don't know how.

I stand there speachless, everyone does besides Cooper "you'll sleep in my tent for all I care just not Piper's".

Jake for the first time since we got here speaks up "Aqua I don't think its right for you to share a tent with Piper but if you share a tent with Cooper, trust me, your not safe. I think its best if you sleep in my tent for tonight".

Before Aqua can answer I cut him off "then its settled Aqua and Jake are going to share a tent". I smile and go back to setting up my tent. So does Jake and Cooper but he still looks mad. Aqua is sitting down by a tree making stupid faces at Cooper when he's not looking.

"Okay guys are you hungry or do you want to wait to eat until morning?". They all say there not hungry and that they'll want till morning. Great I was hoping to make it up to Cooper by letting him make supper. I guess that will have to wait till morning.

We all say night and go into our tent but I'm have a hard time falling asleep. I have way to many things on my right now to.

I walk out side and keep walking until I find I tree that's sturdy enough to hold me and climb up it till I get to the top. This is the perfect place to think its hard to fell bad when you have a few this good.

***Cooper's POV***
I can't believe Aqua said he'll sleep in Piper's tent like that. I should have slapped him right then and there. Not only that but I think I scared Piper when I yelled.

That's it I can't sleep I need some fresh air. I carefully open my tent door trying not to wake anyone up and slip out.

I walk for little bit until I hear something moving from above. I look up and see Piper on the very top of the tree. She looks kind of stressed out but at peace at the same time. I know when she's like that I probably shouldn't talk to her but I need to say sorry for earlier.

I start to climb the tree being careful not to make any noise so I don't scare Piper. I keep climbing until I'm under the branch Piper's on. She looks so amazing with the wind blowing her fur.

I'm about tell her I'm here but she speaks up first "I'm sorry Cooper". Huh why's she saying sorry. "No that's not good enough I'm really sorry Cooper I should've let you help"

Wait does she even know I'm here. What does she mean not help, not help with what? "Um Piper what are apologizing for?". This takes her off guard and she falls off the branch she was on. I catch her before she gets pass the branch I'm on and help her up. "Are you okay Piper?"

She nods her head and is looking at me funny. "What?". She looks at my paws "um your still holding me Cooper". I can feel my face getting red "I...I'm...sorry!" I put her down on the the branch. She smiles "its okay thanks for the catch but..". She puts her head down "IM REALLY SORRY FOR NOT LETTING YOU HELP WITH LUNCH I DIDNT MEAN I MAKE YOU FEEL BAD!"

Wait so this entire time I've been making her worry about me. I feel so bad, that's why she wasn't her self at lunch, she thought I was mad at her. I have to make this right I start to talk with out thinking "Piper I was never mad at you, your one of the most hard working, fun, smart, Pokémon I know. Its hard not to love you, never mine being mad at you."

Wait did I REALLY JUST SAY THAT!? I wasn't thinking it just slipped out. She looks at me and smiles "thanks I feel a lot better now knowing your not mad at me. Now come on let's get back to the campsite".She starts climbing down the tree and back to the campsite. I follow behind her after a few minutes.

Its a good thing she thickheaded if not then I don't know what I would have done.

When I get back to camp I look into Piper's tent and see her fast asleep in her sleepingbag. I smile "night Piper" and walk to my tent and fall asleep.
This has got to be the longest chapter I've made yet. I thought you guys would want more romance in the story so this chapter was just about Romance. The next one will be out tomorrow or Monday.

-------SHOUT OUT---------

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