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When Vivian wakes up he's at work again. "Dam it I slept at work. Now I'm for sure going to lose my job.." he said while getting up out of his chair. He then looks down and sees a coloring book next to a document. He then sees some crayons next to his computer and files.

He goes back down to his seat and draws on the coloring book without any control. Hopefully his boss won't mind him having a small coloring break.

And next to him was a nice cold small paper cup filled with water. He might of put it there while going to his boss's office. For that's the only place with the water cups. When he was done drawing he realized he wasn't paying any attention and drew his boss. Blushing he scrabbled around to see if she was near and quickly crumbled up the paper and threw it away. His blush still prominent he went back to filling in documents with happy face stamps.

He doesn't know why but all he has to do I stamp the paper with happy faces on the side. It might be the company logo to prove it's legitimacy.

Why are you just doing things like this?

"What? Who are you? How can I hear you?"

I am not important right now. What's important is what your doing. What are you doing. And think about it for some time.

"I'm doing my work unlike you "

Hmmm yeah sure and drawing your predator is doing work?

"W-what? What who's a- are you calling my boss a predator?" He said while blushing and looking around trying to find who's talking to him. " also where are you."

Then silence. Nothing else. Nobody is talking and it's just him. He looks back to see his bosses blinds  are closed. "Maybe she's doing something  important." He thinks out loud. And continues to do his work happily. Humming out a small tune while working.

The office isn't that big. A small one it is. It has 2 doors in the entire building. Well technically 3 but that door isn't allowed to be opened. And he respects that rule. For he likes to keep his job to be able to even have food and a roof under his head.

The room also has a printer next to his cubical and a scanner to copy prints. A paper cutter on a desk with necessary items like , blank paper, pens and pencils, tape, high liters, stress balls, candy, paper clips, stapler with safety on , sum scissors that barely cuts paper, and the obvious necessary stack of food.

This is what all offices probably have in this building. For Vivian is in building 101 one of the lower levels. There's no windows in this room. For that might mess up the mind while working. He doesn't mind since he doesn't like the sun hitting his face when he works.

There's also a bathroom on a small side of the room. I guess there's 4 doors. But do you really count bathrooms? No? So 3 sounds better.

The boss opens her blinds finally and takes a small glimpse at Vivian then goes back to typing.

Did you see that? She looked at you how do you feel Vivian?

"I- um don't know?" With light dusted blush still on his face. "Let me just work please."

Hmm okay Vivian. But I'm your friend. Your only friend. And I do things for the both of us. For our survival. I don't want you to die. So do both of us a favor and think more.

"I won't reply to you anymore.."

Well.. a bit childish since you just did but oh well..

He goes back to stamping smily faces on the paper. He then stops when the pile is finished and walks to his boss's office. Lightly knocking on the door he asks his boss if he can come in. He heard a muffled yes on the other side and gives his boss the stack.

"Good job Vivian! How do you feel by the way?" She asks while looking to his direction watching his very move. He blushes a bit more " w well I finished the stack like you asked for. And I don't know how I feel?"

"Do you want to talk more about that? I'm.. interested about how you feel. For I care about you" she says while tilting her head slightly. " is there anything bothering you? You seem tense. "

"I don't think so. I don't know." He mumbles softly. "It's okay.. um is there anything else you want me to do before I go home?"

She walks up to him and hand him crayons and color pencils. "You see the empty paper at your desk? Draw what you feel since you don't really want to talk about it. I love your artwork as well so do give it to me. Remember everything you do here give it to me first before you think about doing anything." She then looks at his eyes deeply. "We don't want any rule breakers here right?"

"Yes! No! Ah... we don't want them here!" He began to sweat. What should he do? He's a rouge rule breaker now. She will notice. Should he tell her? But it's so embarrassing. It's her! He doesn't want to get in trouble but he doesn't want to get embarrassed. But his job is more important than embarrassment.  So he sucks in his breath with a deep red blush. " I may or may have not thrown away something without your consent... I  I don't know why. It was impulse." He said trying to save his ass.

"Hmmm I had a feeling you were hiding something. Since you didn't want to talk about your feelings. And you know I'm always here for you. Can you go and bring it to me?" She says with a small smile.

He reluctantly goes back to his cubical with much delay. "She'll think I'm a creep..." and went to go pick it up from his trash can. To surprisingly see it wasn't crumbled but just neatly sitting on the trash can. With the all so embarrassing drawing he made.

Do you not question things that aren't normal Vivian? Do you think this is normal ? Where are you Vivian? How did you get here Vivian? Why are you here Vivian? Think Vivian think.  Does this place look normal to you?

He looks around annoyed. Remember he said he won't reply and won't let whoever is talking to him win again. He gets the paper out of the trash and walks near this bosses door.

Vivian don't open that door.

He's fearful now. Looking worried " why not?"

You'll be back here Vivian. They want you. They won't leave you alone. They are watching you. They won't leave. They won't leave. They don't don't want to let you go. Vivian think. Think think.

His heart starts to race. But it's his job? Why would the random person say this? It's a normal job? Why is the voice scaring him? He looks around frantically and makes a dash to " door # 3" but stops when he sees it pulsating. Wh- why is it doing that ? He starts to freak out more. Why is the door moving like that?? He walks back a bit. Palms sweaty and his irregular breathing pounding his head. The starts walking backwards when he feels his bosses chest agains his head.

She lightly pets his head and holds him still. "Vivian why are you near this door? Also why did you drop your beautiful drawing?" She nudges closet to him and goes near his ear. "Vivian why are you being so naughty today?"

His heart was out of control. He was scared yet he felt a bit embarrassed. His face looked as red as a tomato. He couldn't turn around and look at her face. She was holding him lightly but he didn't want her to see him like this.

"Umm I I don't I don't know. I'm sorry."

Caressing his hair lightly  " it's okay Vivian your not in any trouble. I'm just curious why are you acting out today. Is it that you are hearing the voice?"

He turned slightly to look at her. And answers a bit soft "you hear it as well?"

she then turns his body so he's fully facing her. With both of her arms on each side of his  Shoulder. " no no I don't hear it. It's just ive heard the other interns as well heard that voice in this building. "

Confusingly he looks at her with still a light faded of blush  on his cheeks. "What do you mean other inter-"

"Well let's talk about your drawing. Why did you draw me?" She asked with a smirk. She wanted to change the subject.

She didn't want him to get ideas. She told him to much. To much indeed. She's scared he might know. She's scared he might leave.

Vivian don't trust her. Vivian she's bad. Vivian she's going to hurt you. Vivian she's evil. Vivian



"Vivian are you spacing out again?"

Vivian was unresponsive. His face blank. His eyes glossy. Almost mid rear.  He won't move. Almost barely breathing. Not even blinking. She was worried. It was happening again. What did she do now?

Did she overwhelm him again? This can't be. It's becoming to often. What is she doing?  She didn't even yell at him. She was holding his hands and went to her office. Dialing a number she knows by heart by now.

"I hope they will help you Vivian. I'm worried." She mumbles to herself.  Siting there with an unconscious Vivian on her lap. Some people with full body suit to cover themselves head to toe come in. And see the unconscious man on her lap.

"He fainted again. And I don't understand why. Can you help him please?"

They don't say anything but walk up to her and pick him up. Bringing him to "the door" to fix him.

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