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Everything was white, the room and the blinding light. It was hard to see and breath. Thoughts were hazy and his brain felt numb. Questions were overlapping upon each other,

"Whats going on?"

"where am i?"

"am i safe?"

" am i going to die?"

"Why does it hurt to think?" and more thoughts, those were just the simple ones that replaced often a lot.

Maybe you should have listened to me when you have the chance, you'll forget me again.

"Wh-why  who even are you and why do you always talk to me like this?! I'm in pain and I'm so lost. Why can't you just help me if you can apparently see and talk to me when I can't see you!"

Things aren't as simple as you want them to be Vivian. Everything makes no sense in where you are. I'm actually not supposed to be like this, but why should i explain everything to you here when you'll just forget them? This whole thing will cycle again and again and again, for you never listened to me.

You don't trust anything


You don't even trust yourself

When you see things you think that isn't normal you pretend that it is normal. You act upon it like nothing happens all the time. You don't trust your own wordings when you see something suspicious.

I fear this cycle will never end...

That's it Vivian couldn't hear anything anymore, blinding white light took over his mind. He couldn't hear that annoying voice any more. But in a way that was his only comfort knowing things are somewhat okay.

Everything feels as if leather was his whole body, nothing but numbness, and he couldn't even touch his skin to feel the leather straps tightly holding him down.  He can only feel his cheek feeling like leather, and his hands going cold.

Was he actually going to die? He didn't finish his work. He hasn't gone home yet. He couldn't look at the pretty clouds or lay down on the luscious green grass. He didn't go outside, he wanted to see the birds.

But he was stuck inside a weird bright room, and if he  tilted his head he could see other people strapped up like him. Wearing white medical gowns.

Did he faint again? Was he in a car crash? Was he okay?

He can barely remember what was going on anymore, he can see some tubes attached to him but cant see what's being pumped into him.

Happy thoughts filled in his mind. While his eyes started to feel heavy, he didn't want to sleep yet. Not knowing why but a little bit in him wanted to be awake.

But the happy thoughts were compelling. They were strong.

Happy smiley face, bright blue birds, pretty smelling flowers. Bright colors all over the place. A small hint of pastel circle in the hair. The clouds are so soft. The clouds are cotton candy. The air is so crisp.

Nothing really matters, nothing but the happy feelings he is getting a rush of. Why would you want to get rid of this?

To be able to hold his mom in a nice hug again, to be young,to be loved.

Then getting a wonderful job at this cool place with his highschool friend. Ever since he befriended  her his life changed for the better.

She became his all loving boss he was now. He wouldn't change a thing, he loved his jobs and he always wants to work there.

The happy little deer with a bird in a small golden cage stuck on its horn. Both animals have a shine to their eyes, almost looking like small beads. The deer knelt down for Vivian to get on. When Vivian showed reluctance the eer just forced Vivian into sitting on its back.

Making Vivian follow the deer and the trapped bird. The bird was always looking at Vivian, but its eyes no longer had a shine and looked like a whirlpool. Giving a pleading look until Vivian woke up.

A head splitting headache he looks up to see his office building roof. He then looks down to see he's sitting at his chair.

"I guess i fell asleep while working again, might have slept too long..."

His boss then comes out of her office all happy and giddy."Hello vivian! How do you feel?"

He turns to look at her with half lidded eyes,"nice mood you have there, wish i was all energetic like you, I just woke up from my power nap sorry boss.."

"That's okay Vivian. I saw you were working very hard last night, '' she said, trying to reassure him. But that only made him a bit worried.

"Are you telling me i've been here for a whole day?" He started to panic. How bad is his sleeping schedule that he slept that long in his working hours. No wonder he has a headache.

"You do know that your job lets you stay nights right? Did you forget that Vivian? I wouldn't want you to go.. Home when it's so late."

"Yeah I guess you're right.. I just feel so bad you have to handle me.."

"Oh Vivian, you are mistaken. I enjoy your company with me.I was really excited when you first saw me as a friend. And also being able to work with you has been so much fun!"

Light blush starts to form on his cheeks,"Oh wow i didn't really think youd think this day about me. Kinda refreshing feeling, it's nice."

"Well I'll go back to my office, I came in here to check up on you. I have some important things I have to do. Keep safe and don't over work Vivian."

Vivian....  leave  you have a opening

Leave before you might not have any more attempts to leave....

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