Part 10

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Hey guys! Missed me?😊😁   I am here today with the monthly update of May on this very special day.
Waah kya rhyme kiya hai😂😂😂

A very special update on this extremely special day. 

Any guesses why is today special ? 😁😁... Socho socho😎

Anyway enough badbad. Hoping you guys like the update. Here we go.  

Note: Dialogues in Bold

Thoughts in italics.

Narration in normal font. 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Few weeks had passed after the mishap. While business had slowed down for a week or two,it soon gained its pace with the four of them working towards a major contract. Sanskar,Ragini, Swara and Laksh had gone to Varanasi to secure a major contract. This was their biggest contract till date and would help them generate lot of revenue.
The four of them had landed at Varanasi and had checked into the hotel late night and were scheduled to attend the meeting in the afternoon the next day.

Swara had complained of being too exhausted by the travel and had opted out of the conference while Laksh had disappeared in the morning. Despite repeated attempts, it was impossible to establish contact with him. Thus the onus of the conference lay on Sanskar and Ragini, but since both of them had worked very hard in preparing the bid for the contract, things seemed to be on track.
They stepped out of the lift with hopeful smiles and were moving towards the conference hall when they were stopped by Laksh''s voice.

"Well well well... Look who we have here. My sweet brother and my darling wife. "He said with a mocking smile.

"Laksh where have you been? We have been looking for you everywhere. You didn't even answer your phone or reply to our messages. You do remember that we have come here to secure a contract, don't you?" Sanskar asked him exasperated.

"How can you be so careless and leave unannounced? You didnt even try to contact Ragini to tell her your whereabouts. Do you know how worried she was for you!" He chided Laksh.

Laksh walked ahead with shaky steps and held Ragini close.
"Aww. My darling wifey was worried for me" He slurred as he ran a finger across her face.

Ragini removed his hands from her face and distanced herself from him as his breath reeked of alcohol.She couldn't even stand next to him as the smell was so strong.

"What? Now all your concern flew out the window? " He chuckled.

"And you my big brother. Aren't you cute being all worried for my wife or should I say your wife's sister." He sneered.

"Nowadays you are spending an awful amount of time with her. Looks like you have taken the "saali aadhi gharwaali proverb too seriously"He spoke bitterly.

"Laksh !"Sanskar screamt and lunged at him. He had been trying to control his anger for a while now but Laksh had crossed all limits today.
He punched Laksh repeatedly and knocked the air out of his lungs.

He was this close to strangling him when he saw the tears in Ragini's eyes and stopped his hands mid air.
Laksh took advantage of this momentary lapse and punched Sanskar.
He caught hold of a rod that was kept beside the stairs and struck Sanskar's head hard. He was about to hit him the second time when Ragini's scream stopped him.
"Sanskaaaaar !' Ragini screamt her lungs out in an attempt to save him.
The fear in her eyes was evident.
She had seen Laksh pick up the rod and was shocked that he had tried to hit Sanskar. Her husband would have killed Sanskar if not for her scream.
Sanskar heard Ragini's scream and turned around quickly. But he hadnt been able to save himself from Laksh's blow.
Sanskar held his head with both his hands as he tried to prevent himself from dis-balancing himself.

Laksh turned hearing Ragini's scream. He marched towards her in anger and held her tightly as pulled her from her shoulders.

" Tch tch tch. Look how my wife is concerned about her sister's husband or should I say lover"

"And you my dear brother expect me to believe that you guys are just friends and that you aren't sleeping with my wife"Laksh roared in anger as he looked at her.

Ragini attempted to remove his strong hold and finally succeeded in pushing him away from her.

"Shut up Laksh ! If you can't respect your wife at least respect the sanctity of husband wife relation. You have always pointed fingers at me and I have always ignored it. But today you have questioned my character and I will not stand here and play dumb.
How dare you accuse me of something so vile?
Have you no respect for Sanskar?" She spoke accusingly.

"Tch tch Respect for the brother who sleeps with my wife. Who instigates her to go against me. He is not my brother anyway.
" You know why he supported your decision to join the business? It is because he wanted to break our relation. Who knows why he took you to the hospital that day? He must have gotten you pregnant na?" Laksh spat in anger

CHATAAK ! (I m bad with sound effects. Please forgive me 😂😂😂)

Laksh held his burning cheek only to realize Ragini had slapped him.
"Enough is enough Mr Laksh Maheshwari ! You have crossed all your limits today. I have only slapped you till now but if you utter another vile word from your mouth, I will forget that I m talking to my husband" She spoke with her eyes burning with fury.

Laksh stormed away in anger.


Ragini turned around quickly only o see Sanskar lying on the ground. She quickly rushed to his side and kept his head on her lap. His forehead was bleeding.

She gently put her handkerchief on his forehead to stop the bleeding.

"Sanskar ! Sanskar! Open your eyes Sanskar ! " She patted his head only to see no response from him.
She made some calls to the manager and arranged for Sanskar to be taken up to his room
He was made to lie on the bed with a few cushions supporting his head.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Few hours later

Sanskar opened his eyes to see Ragini sitting beside him.

She forwarded him a capsule and handed him a glass of water.

He gulped it down slowly and handed the glass back to her.

"How are you feeling now? Is your head still hurting? She asked him anxiously.

" I am feeling better now. There is a dull ache in my head but its not very overpowering. " He replied calmly.

After a moment of silence, she spoke again. "You really should have punched him hard you know"

"Ragini ?" Sanskar' turned his head around quizzically in shock.
"Ow !" He exclaimed as pain shot up in his head due to the sudden movement.

Ragini rushed to his side."You need to be more careful!! You just woke from a stupor and now you are whopping your head around like Noddy." Sanskar chuckled as Ragini chided him.

"What ? I am serious" Ragini protested and Sanskar tried hard to control his lips from curving upwards.

"Have you ever heard of the term self care?" She asked with a fake angry expression.

Sanskar nodded his head in negative biting his lips innocently.

Ragini laughed at his expression. She got up from the bed and proceeded to move when he held her wrist.

She turned to look at him in an quizzical expression.

"You can try all you want but you can't hide your tears from me."He spoke somberly as his eyes tried to read her emotions.

"I still cannot understand what prompted Lucky to utter such vile words and behave the way he did today." He spoke with his face contorting with expressions of disgust.

Ragini spoke after a pause.
"It was jealousy rearing its head Sanskar."

"Maybe you are right. I know he always resented because of the way BadePapa and the family praised me. He always felt that I took Swara away from him. But I thought we had resolved this issue and moved past this. But I guess I was wrong. Maybe he got jealous and insecure because we spent so much time with each other. while working together " He spoke deep in thought

"Maybe he reacted this way because I supported you on your decisions and went against him" He continued.

"Do you really think he wouldn't have created a fuss had it been another person working with me?" Ragini asked him half amused.

"He would have behaved the same way no matter whether it was you or some other individual in your position. He is used to my undivided attention and complete devotion. And the moment he didn't get that, he started acting out. " She spoke with a resigned look in her eyes

Sanskar stayed silent. There was nothing he could say to that. They both knew no amount of explanations could justify Laksh''s behaviour today. 

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of growling erupting from Sanskar's stomach. He sat  there embarrassed while Ragini chuckled.
She quickly moved across the room & picked up the intercom to order for room service. As she proceeded to place the order, she instructed them to make it spicy and Sanskar looked at her with a knowing smile.

It was endearing to see how his best friend had picked up on his likes/dislikes and certain things which even his wife had never seemed to notice.

Moments later the food had arrived and both sat there savoring their meals  unaware of the storm that lay awaiting them.

Few hours later
Ragini sat frustrated as she tried to call Swara's phone for the umpteenth time. Her phone was unavailable and Swara had not picked up a single call nor replied to her messages about her whereabouts. Almost the entire day had passed and there was no news of Swara. She sat there puzzled in thoughts.
Usually her sister was the first one to meddle in matters that didn't concern her. But today when the matter was regarding her own husband, her sister had seemed to disappear.  She wanted to inform her sister about Sanskar's accident, speak to her regarding Laksh but her efforts were fruitless.

She glanced to her right, where Sanskar lay sleeping on the bed. He looked so peaceful as if they earlier events of the day had not affected him in the least. But she knew he was adept at hiding his pain and she had to speak to Swara about the incident regarding Laksh.  Unable to sit in his room any longer, she proceeded towards the lobby to look for her sister.


Sanskar woke up to the sound of his phone ringing at the table. He quickly moved to return the call when he noticed that Ragini was not inside the room. As he was going through his call logs, he realized there was no call/message from Swara. He hadnt seen her for a few hours now and he needed to speak to her regarding the day. He quickly picked up his belongings and left the room in an attempt to look for his wife.


 Meanwhile Ragini had tried searching for Swara for the past hour but her attempts had so far been unsuccessful. As she finally proceeded to look for her in the club downstairs , she spotted her sister drinking at the bar there. 
Ragini quickly marched towards her in anger.
"What are you doing here Swara?"She fumed
"Oh my sister finally got time to attend to me after spending the entire day trying to entice my husband. So tell me Ragini, did you guys have fun together sleeping behind my back? Was he good in bed? " She sneered.
"What rubbish are you speaking Swara ? Do you have no shame even uttering such vile words for your husband? " Ragini replied aghast at her sister's words.

"When you have no shame in sleeping with your sister's husband, then why should I feel ashamed of uttering the truth? Swara said accusingly.

Her words were met with a resounding slap from Ragini whose anger knew no bounds. 

Swara looked up shocked at her and then chuckled. "Just tell me why else will my ever so 'dilligent' , 'loyal',  'in love' husband would suddenly stop supporting me and begin questioning my ideas and actions. You would surely know a reason as to why that my husband who earlier never even thought twice in supporting my actions and siding with me against the world, now looks for logic and reasoning in my suggestions and finds my behaviour of helping others as meddling in other's life? TELL ME DID YOU SEDUCE HIM INTO SLEEPING WITH YOU? IS THAT WHAT YOU GUYS DID UNDER THE PRETEXT OF WORKING TOGETHER? " Swara yelled.

Ragini stood shocked at her sister's accusations. Her mind was still trying to process the words Swara had uttered. Never in her wildest dream had she thought that the sister who had broken her marriage for her, would hold such bitterness in her heart against her. Had she made her sister so insecure? Was it the alcohol talking or was it something else that prompted her to even insinuate such stuff? Whatever it was, Ragini could discover it later as she had already been strained by the events of the previous day. 

She proceeded to move out of the club but not before giving three sound slaps on her sister's cheeks which she thought were well deserved for the filth she had uttered in her inebriated state. 


Sanskar held his head as he proceed to open his room. He had been feeling dizzy and had decided to go back to his room to rest for a while as he could a feel a pounding headache approaching. His attempts at locating his wife had been unsuccessful and he had half an intuition that perhaps he might find her in their room itself.
He put his key card in the holder and entered his room with light steps. The room was dark except for one array of light coming from the lamp beside the bed.  Maybe his wife was back and had been waiting for him. He was hoping to have a conversation with her regarding the day's events with Ragini and Laksh but none of that had prepared him for the sight he was about to witness. 

Sanskar couldn't believe his eyes. His wife was laying in the arms of his brother and they both were kissing each other.
"I love you Swara" gasped Laksh as she proceeded to open his buttons and kiss his chest.
He held her hands which were on his chest stopping him from going further and then scooped her up as he placed her on the bed. He then proceeded to devour her neck following which they engaged in a passionate kiss again.
Sanskar stumbled at the sight. In his daze he had dropped a vase making a loud sound. Swalak were too lost in their passionate haze to have noticed the sound. The sound brought him back to his senses and he ran towards the door. He fumbled with the door handle in his panic stricken state but quickly slammed the door and ran as fast as his legs could take him.  


So here it is,

My birthday treat for you guys😎😘. 
Who guessed it correctly now😁😄

I was going to stop at the "Sanskar entering the room part" but thought ki thoda readers pe meherban ho jaate hain😁

I know the ending is a bit abrupt but I could manage only this much😀 The last part could have been better but will try that the next time😊

Really hoping you guys liked it😊😊

Please do read, vote and comment 😘
Waiting to hear your feedback 😘
And thank you for your continued support ❤️
Love you guys❤️❤️❤️


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