Part 9

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I am really sorry for the delay. I will make it up to you soon. Truth be told the latter part of the update was ready but there were some missing links and the first part had to be written. Thank you for waiting you patiently❤️. Enough bak-bak lets move on 

NOTE: Dialogues in bold
             Narration in normal font
              Thoughts in italics


Flashback contd from the last part. 

Sanskar stirred in his sleep. He could hear faint noises in the background but his head still felt heavy to open his eyes. As he opened his eyes he could see Swara, his mother, BadiMaa and some other ladies crowd Ragini's bed. They were speaking to Ragini who now sat awake on her bed.He quickly shut his eyes again so as to not attract attention.

"This is why I had asked you to not join the office. Look what happened. " Sharmishtha and Parvati chided her.

"What if something had happened to you. Have you ever thought how my poor Laksh would survive? As it is my son had to stay away from his family for so long. Now if something happened to you, I would lose my Laksh again" Annapurna sobbed.

"Exactly Ragini. How can you be so careless. What if something had happened to you? How would I handle Laksh and the entire family?" Swara complained.

Ragini looked around the room to seek some help. She could spot Sanskar sleeping on the sofa but he couldn't help her right now.

"What happened Ragini? Why aren't you answering us?" Sujata asked her.

Ragini nodded her head innocently.
"I promise Maa that I will take care next time. Please forgive me" She said with a morose expression

Annapurna gave a curt nod and proceeded to move out of the room with the others following suit.

Sanskar heaved a breath of relief. It was difficult trying to stay still and not attract attention when he  had heard the ladies talk.

"You can open your eyes now. They are gone" Ragini said with a mishchevous twinkle in her eyes.

Sanskar's head zapped around in shock. "You knew I was awake?"

Ragini laughed. "I knew it since the first time your eyelids shuttered open. I just figured I would let you rest a while before you see some drama. How are you feeling by the way?"

"Hey ! That is supposed to be my question" Sanskar half complained.

"Well considering you have been sleeping here ever since I opened my eyes, I think I have the right to ask you that" She replied cheekily.

He laughed hard while she smiled looking at him.

"Why did you do that? Why did you risk my life for me?" She spoke after a pause.

"I figured it would be the right muhurat for me to showcase my superhero skills" He shrugged his shoulders.

They both burst out laughing.

As he stood up and moved towards the door, he felt a tug on his hand.

"You are always saving me" She said earnestly.

"Well somebody has got to" He replied with a smile and proceeded to leave the ward.

Ragini sat up against the pillows lost in thoughts. It had been hours since she was in the hospital but there was no sign of Laksh. She checked her phone for the umpteenth time but there was no message from him. He should have atleast messages her/called to know about her safety.
Wasn't he in the least, bothered about her? His behaviour really perplexed her. Why was it so hard to understand him? If only he cared about her like Sanskar cared for Swara.
As her thoughts went on Sanskar, she realized that she was really thankful to him for having saved her life. Her mind went back to the time she had momentarily opened her eyes inside the ambulance to spot Sanskar looking at her. The fear and concern in his eyes was something she couldn't overlook. If only Laksh's eyes held the same fear.....


On Ragini's insistence, Sanskar had gone home to freshen up. He had just taken a bath and was wiping his hair with a towel when his mind began replaying the events of the day. He couldn't help but overlook the incident at Ragini's ward when Badimaa and others were chiding Ragini for her carelessness instead of expressing relief over her escape from danger. It really didn't seem as though they were happy and thankful that Ragini was alive.He realised how both Swara and Annapurna had made themselves and their troubles the focus of the attention when speaking to Ragini. It was quite an odd point of similarly between them where each of them had the attribute of making every matter about themselves be it Swara talking about her troubles or Badimaa talking about the troubles of her darling son Laksh.

Badimaa ! What a joke ! She was supposed to be the most sensible person in the house while her actions suggested the complete opposite. He wondered as to whether he should even call her that. A mother was supposed to love all her children equally. But she had always been partial to Laksh and Adarsh. She had always favoured her children even when they were at fault. She had ignored Laksh's faults. It was strange when she always tried to pretend to care towards his well being well in reality she couldn't be bothered. She had never supported him from the time of the Kavita fiasco. She had humiliated him even when Adarsh-Parineeta had mistreated her. She could never look beyond Laksh. And he could never overlook the sneers and dirty looks that had come his way ever since he had supported Ragini in her decision to be independent. She was always biased in her approach towards him.
But he always thought she loved Ragini. She had been so fond of her and had been ecstatic when Laksh had married Ragini instead of Swara. She had even supported Ragini even after the whole Swara fiasco was out.
Then why had she suddenly turned like this.
Or perhaps she adored Ragini because of her demure nature and her utter devotion towards that good for nothing brother of his. And now that Ragini had started to value her own ideas, all of Annapurna's love towards her had flown out of the window.

His train of thoughts were broken by the sound of tyres screeching followed loud noises outside the window. He peered out from the curtain to see Laksh's car parked outside the house. He quickly went downstairs to meet him.

Sanskar was a greeted by the sight of Laksh standing with his arms draped around the shoulders of two of his college friends. It seemed that he would disbalance himself any minute now.
They carefully put him on the sofa and nodded at Sanskar as they left the house. Sanskar muttered a quick thank you and turned towards Laksh.

"Laksh ! What happened to you" Sanskar ran towards him and tapped his face in concern.
"No-thin--ggg." He slurred as he closed his eyes sitting on the sofa.
Sanskar was beyond enraged.
The entire family had been trying to contact Laksh and he lay here drunk without any concern about his family or wife.
He went to the dining table and filled a glass with water and splashed it on his brother's face.
Laksh opened his eyes in shock.
"Bhai ! Wh-at is wrongggggg with y-you?

"YOU ARE ASKING WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Your wife is in the hospital and you are here drinking with your friends without a care about her or your family members? We have been trying to contact you for so long and we were so worried for you but you are sitting here without a care in the world !" Sanskar yelled.

"Are you sure it's not your wife but  my wife in the hospital?" Laksh chuckled.

"What sort of a question is this? Of course it is not my wife in the hospital! He yelled irritated.

"Then don't you think you are being too concerned about your brother's wife'? Or should I say wife's sister?" Laksh sneered

"What? Got nothing to say to that. Take my advice Bhai. You need be more worried about your wife than my wife" Laksh taunted him before closing his eyes again.

Sanskar pinched the bridge of his nose to calm himself down and prevent himself from punching his brother. There was no use trying to knock any sense into him when he clearly didn't care. He picked up his car keys and left for the hospital

As Sanskar moved towards Ragini's ward, he spotted Swara speaking to Bade Papa, Badimaa. He was waiting to ask her a few questions about Laksh and about the chaos he had heard on the phone while talking to DP. But before he could do that, Swara rushed to him and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug. He paused but then reluctantly put his arms around her back. 

"Thank you so much for saving my sister Sanskar. I really don't know what I would do if something happened to her." Swara mumbled.
For a second he thought she was relieved to see him okay. But his guess was wrong. She was relieved to see her sister okay. It hurt a little that she didn't even ask about his well being but he couldn't fault her for that as he himself was relieved to see her out of danger. Guess she really loved Ragini.

"Swara sahi Keh rahi hai. Main badi khush hoon ki tune iske kehne pe Ragini ki jaan bachayi." He heard Sujata's voice in the background.

He pulled out of the hug to see his mother standing with the rest of the family around him. (Swara is right. I m so happy that you saved Ragini's life on Swara's insistence)

"Sach mein hum kitne khushkismat hai jo hume Swara jaisi bahu mili jisne apni chinta kiye bagair apne pati ko apni behen ki jaan bachane ke liye bheja." Annapurna remarked with a smile (Indeed we are lucky that we have a daughter in law like Swara without thinking even thinking about herself, sent her husband to save her sister)

Sanskar stood puzzled. He hadn't spoken to Swara until he had shifted. Ragini to the hospital so why did they say that she convinced him to go back. And why did they say that she had risked her life, when he clearly remembers that Swara wasn't even in the office premises when the fire had occurred.
As he looked to her for answers, she quickly ran out of the corridor on the pretext of making a call.

As he made to follow her, he was stopped by his father who asked him to speak to hospital authorities to begin the procedure for Ragini's discharge. He nodded and went towards the nurse station.


An hour and a half later, he was back in Ragini's ward to help her with the discharge. The rest of the family had gone home while Swara was filing out some paperwork at the reception
He was keeping her stuff in the bag while Ragini got dressed in the washroom.

She came out a few minutes later and almost tripped over the stool beside her bed. Luckily Sanskar held her in the nick of time as he prevented her fall. He looked at her sheepish expression and shook his head as he picked her up in his arms and carried her to his car.
Once inside the car, he messaged Swara to meet him outside the main entrance of the hospital.


Few hours later...

Sanskar lay on his side of the bed lost in thought. As he looked over to Swara's side he realized that she had already fallen asleep.  He had tried speaking to Swara about Badimaa's words today but she had dismissed it saying it must have been a misunderstanding on their part. When he had further questioned her about the incident with BadePapa where he was certain he had heard her voice, she had given him a vague reply about the incident saying he must have heard wrong. He was certain that he had heard her voice in the background. Was she correct? Had he been hearing voices out of nowhere? Had his mind started playing tricks on him now?
Perhaps Swara was correct. It was a long and mentally and physically exhausting day after all. Hence it could be possible that he was getting confused and had been imagining stuff. Perhaps he just needed to rest to clear his mind of any confusion  restore its sanity.


Too short, eh🙈

Hoping once again, it was worth the wait😄

Waiting for your feedback as always 😊

Do vote and comment, if you liked it😘

Also as you all know that the comments and votes on Ragsan stories have been decreasing day by day, so I request you all to please comment and motivate the writers😊It would really mean a lot😊😊

Thank you and love you ❤️

@aliya598 madubalarohit Princesce1

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