13. Noah

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Ps. I changed the characters going with Noah to get rid of the ghost because I wanna use a certain gif ;) (minus noah lol)(we'll pretend he's out of frame)

Chapter 13


       Being in this alternate universe of Spruceworth was really starting to get a whole lot worse. First we had to deal with everyone being separated from their loved ones, or just families if they were forever single. At the same time we had to deal with those zombie-like creatures trying to kill us. 

       Then Cassidy's ghost was haunting my innocent twin brother, so there were probably a lot more ghosts out there.

       And now, it was quite possible Ollie was turning into one of those creatures. If he did, I didn't know if we could turn him back.

       I couldn't even think of a way to stop it so right now, the only solution was to find out how to get back home.

       "Okay, we have to get a few things sorted," Dan said.

       "Who put you in charge?" I asked. "I want to be in charge."

       "Well, I am the oldest and have been alive the longest," Dan said. "Why would you be put in charge?"

       "Because you would all be helpless against ghosts and other beings," I said. "Who else knew to salt the windows? Nobody, right? Besides, we live in a democratic country. Or at least a country with democratic traditions. We should vote on it."

       "Nobody is going to vote for you, Noah," Josh said. "Just let Dan talk."

       "Well, that's just rude."

       "Okay, like I said, there are a few things we need to get sorted," Dan said. "First off, we need to get rid of that ghost so we don't stay in this building this whole time because we also need to find out how to get back home."

       "I'll still go but I'm going to have to check somewhere else for shovels and something to lighter fuel," I said. "Has someone checked recently to see if she's still there?"

       Calvin was the one who walked over to the window by the front door and peered outside. "She is. She's just standing there."

       "Because she can't get in but she sense the reason for her death is in here," I said.

       "Who are you even talking about?" Anastasia asked.

       "Nobody, it's okay," Dan said. "So after we get rid of the ghost, we either split everyone up, including the kids, and continue looking for a way out or some adults stay here while the others go look."

       "I think it will be better for some of us to stay while the others go," Calvin said. "Some of the kids may have already seen what the creatures look like but the rest are way too young. They'll be terrified."

       "And if we don't find anything at night, we should take everyone back to the hospital," Cleo said. "It's the best place to be with all the medical supplies and hospital beds."

       "Sounds like a plan," Dan said. "So who's going to go with Noah?"

       Before anyone offered, Grant spoke up. "I think Ollie and I have to go stay in another building."

       "What are you talking about?" Shaw asked.

       "He's getting worse," Grant said. "And if Noah's right... If Ollie really is turning into one of those creatures... I can't have him near anyone, especially the children."

       "So what, you're just going to stay with him by yourself?" Shaw asked. "What happens if he does turn into one of the creatures? What are you going to do?"

       "I'll figure it out if it happens," Grant said. "But in the meantime, we have to be somewhere else."

       "We're not coming to the yet," Josh said. "We're getting him to the hospital instead. There's a lot more medical equipment there that I didn't bring and I can use them to try to extract whatever it is that's in his system that the creatures gave him. And I can try finding an antidote."

       "What if you don't have enough time?" Grant asked. "He's getting worse by the minute."

       "I'll make sure I do," Josh said. "Julian can help me too. We come from a family with high IQs."

       "I would help too but I have to get rid of the ghost," I said. "But I'll try to do that fast so I can get back to help. And because the sun is going to set soon."

       "So change of plans," Calvin said. "I guess we're all going to the hospital now?"

       "Except for those who come with me to the graveyard," I said. "So... Who's brave enough to come?" Nobody offered. "Seriously? You wimps."

       Dan sighed. "I guess I'll come."

       "And I will," Destiny said.

       "But you have kids here," I said.

       "So does almost everyone here," Dan said. "But nobody else is offering to." He glared at Gerard.

       "Okay, in my defense, ghosts and graveyards terrify me so I'm just trying to protect my vulnerabilities," Gerard said.

       "Sure you are," Dan said as he looked at me. "It will be fine if it's me and Destiny going. Our kids have their aunts and uncles here. Or just their uncles, actually."

       "But you two don't have any siblings," I said.

       "Yes, but our cousins are their aunts and uncles," Dan said.

       "That's not how it works."

       "That's exactly how it works here in Spruceworth when Destiny and I are both only children with a buttload of cousins."

       We all decided how things were going to work right now. Those who weren't going to the graveyard are going to have to go to the hospital but there was no way they could leave now with Cassidy's ghost just standing there. Well, it was possible they could. Julian couldn't though. It was clear the ghost was after him. She might be harmless to everyone else.

       But just to be safe since human Cassidy was murderous to anyone who got into her way, they were going to stay until Cassidy was gone.

       "And how would we know if you succeeded?" Holden asked.

       "Simple," I said. "One of you will have to keep an eye on the ghost the whole time. If she suddenly bursts into flames, that's because we're burning the bones. If she disappears, chances are she's following us to the graveyard to stop us. If she does disappear, wait five minutes or so before you all leave."

       "But just in case, keep... is it something iron?" Dan asked and I nodded. "Yeah, keep something iron with you. There are two crowbars here so we'll take one with us."

       "We'll go out the backdoor but the salt will be moved when we do that so someone has to quickly re-salt it," I said.

       Holden offered to do it while Calvin offered to keep an eye on ghost Cassidy the whole time. It then came time for Dan, Destiny, and I to finally get rid of this mean ghost for haunting my brother.

       He didn't even do anything to her.

       ...Except kill her.

       But that was another story.

       Dan grabbed one of the crowbars before the three of us left through the backdoor with Holden following so he could quickly place salt there again.

       The first thing I noticed when we were outside was that the sun was starting to set. "And it's already getting dark," I said. "We have a terrible sense of time without phones or watches or clocks."

       "And this probably means we'll have to stay the night in this place," Dan said. "And the other group will be back at the hospital by the time we all get there. Come on, we should get going."

       We walked along side the back to the buildings until we were far from the bowling alley so Cassidy wouldn't see us. She would probably sense with us messing with her bones, but we didn't have to worry about that until we got to the graveyard.

       We decided to check out the car garage since Destiny temporarily hid out there and she said she was certain there were some shovels in there. There would most likely be gasoline too so we just had to hope for some matches or a lighter.

       And luckily, there were a box of matches there. We had everything we needed.

       We each carried a shovel while I also carried the box of matches in my pocket, Dan carried the crowbar, and Destiny carried the gasoline.

       As soon as we got to the graveyard, I had the creepiest feeling. I had never been to a graveyard when the sun was starting to set, and being in this alternate place, it amped up the creepy level.

       "First things first, find her grave," Dan said so we started walking around carefully to find it. Dan, however, soon stopped in his tracks and looked at a tombstone. "Do you think my grandpa's ghost will end up appearing? He was murdered too."

       "By Clyde," I said. "And he's not here so maybe not. Cassidy's here because Julian is."

       "I hope that's the case," Dan said. "I don't think I can handle seeing him."

      Destiny rested her hand on his arm. "It will be okay," she said. "Noah's right. Cassidy's here for Julian. Clyde isn't here so he doesn't have a reason. We should continue looking for the grave?"

       Dan nodded so we continued walking. Shortly enough, we came across Cassidy's grave so Dan set down the crowbar so we could start digging. Before we did, Dan asked, "Do we have everything?"

       "The gasoline is right here," Destiny said, setting it beside the crowbar.

       I reached into my pocket and felt the box of matches. "Fire starters are in my pocket."

       "Then let's get digging," Dan said.

       And that was what we did. Dig.

       And dig.

       And dig.

       The sun had completely set by the time we finally reached the coffin. Dan and Destiny stepped into the trench we dug to wipe the remainder of the dirt off the coffin. They then opened the coffin lid after a deep breath since none of us had seen a real-life skeleton before.

       "She kind of looks... peaceful," Dan said.

       "She looks like a skeleton," I said. "Of someone who killed my uncle. And your ex-girlfriend."

       "Just get the gasoline and the matches," Dan said.

       I picked up the gasoline and handed it to Dan. While he was pouring gasoline on the bones, I reached into my pocket. But I didn't feel anything. "Uh, we have a slight problem," I said.

       "Don't tell me you lost the matches," Dan said.

       "I didn't lose them," I said. "I temporarily misplaced them. They were in my pocket before we started digging. They must have fallen out."

       "Then find it," Dan said.

       Before I could even start looking, a voice suddenly said, "Digging up someone's coffin? That's quite disrespectful."

       The three of us looked over, seeing none other than the ghost of Cassidy.

       "You know what's disrespectful?" I asked before I could even stop myself because Cassidy infuriated me so much. "Killing my uncle and trying to kill my twin brother, bitch."

       That was a mistake.

       Cassidy used whatever ghost powers she had to throw me against a nearby tree. I tried getting up but pain ached throughout my body. Cassidy was instantaneously by my side, hovering over me. "I came back to get revenge on your brother. You will do."

       "Do it," I said. "Kill me. Because ghost me will sure as hell haunt ghost you and you'll have to deal with my annoying ass for all eternity."

       Cassidy was about to do whatever it was she was going to do before she suddenly dissipated due to Destiny swinging the crowbar at her. Once Cassidy had disappeared, Destiny said, "You really need to learn to shut up at times."

       "I was just distracting her so you and Dan could come to my rescue," I said. "We need to find the matchbook. She'll be back soon to try and stop us."

       "How long do we have?" Dan asked.

       "I have no idea."

       The two of us started looking for the matches while Destiny kept a lookout, holding the crowbar tightly. Dan and I were digging through the pile of dirt we made since it was more than likely the matches fell out of my pocket and got lost in the dirt.

       We didn't get too far into the pile before Cassidy suddenly reappeared, this time throwing Destiny. Dan was quick to rush to his wife's side while I kept digging. The gasoline was already on the bones. I just needed to find the matches.

       I felt a small box in the dirt, knowing it was the matches so I gripped them tightly as Cassidy came over to me and threw me back against the tree. The box of matches were still in my hand but I couldn't do anything with them as Cassidy was back by my side. "Let's continue where we left off."

       I saw Dan about to pick up the crowbar but instead, he saw the matches in my hand so I tossed them to him. He quickly took one out and lit it, tossing it into the coffin before Cassidy could stop him.

       And then Cassidy's ghost soon burst into flames, completely disappearing.

       "Is she gone?" Destiny asked.

       "Yeah, she is," I said, standing up from the ground. "We don't have to deal with her anymore."

       "We should hurry back to the bowling alley now and see if they left to the hospital," Dan said. "Because this is going to be one long night."


that gif :'( (@riverdale make barchie happen you cowards)(i'm sorry, i'm a passionate barchie shipper)(but it's okay, i don't hate the ships that get in the way of them)(except for a certain one but that's a whole other story)

anyway, i replaced josh's pov with the twins because idk if i would have been able to write in cleo's pov. and the twins are underappreciated and need more love, especially noah. <3 he was the true hero of the ghost cassidy situation.

also ollie's pov should be next and as much as i love my son, it's going to have to go back to grant for... certain reasons ;)

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