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Pikachu POV
Another thunderbolt escaped me before I saw the Pokèmon girl run up to me. "Hang in there!" She said, her hand starting to burn with lava. A confused face overcame me as fire burst through the glass covering, melting it into pieces. She slowly picked me up out of the container. "Tech, what are you doing?" Deoxys yelled. "Your supposed to be helping me, not them!" Tech just seemed to chuckle. "Deoxys." She said, going torward Ash. "I was never on your side." As Deoxys used a Psybeam, she quickly dodged it and brought me to Ash. "Pikachu!" He said with happiness. "Thank goodness!" I chuckled as he hugged me tightly. Ash! I shouted. I'm finally back in your arms! Surely I said it, but Ash just heard a happy "Pika Pikachu!" I chuckled with him as the ground started to shake. "Fine!" Deoxys shouted. "Have your Pikachu, I'll just take my Tech!" He wrapped his tentacles around her, bringing her torward him. She seemed to be in pain. "Let me go!" She shouted, electricity starting to form around her. "Why should I?" Deoxys chuckled. "I raised you, made you who you are!" She looked up at him and shook her head. "No." She stated. "That was Mewtwo!"

Tech POV
The electricity around my body got brighter and bigger, until it electrocuted him. He released his grip around me. "Guys!" I shouted to Ash and the others. "Go out the door over there, I'll meet up with you!" They all nodded as they ran to and out the door. "You just want to be good!" Deoxys shouted. "You don't want to be bad!" I knew he was right, but I just ignored him. "You want to save the world!" He shouted, flying above me. "But you can't, you'll only destroy it!" I stopped attacking him so I could listen. "You are nothing but a spawn of a used to be evil Pokèmon!" I couldn't help it. My eyes started to glow a bright blue and I started to grow. I felt wings appear on my back and my arms and legs turn to dragon feet. A dragon snout grew as my teeth did as well, and sharp claws grew on my feet. I roared as the transformation completed. "You want to fight now?" I snarled. He chuckled as he launched a Hyper Beam at me, which was ineffective on me. I chuckled. "Try me." I snarled, letting out the strangest attack ever: All the Pokèmon moves ever to exist combined. He gasped as a loud boom made half the building explode. I looked behind me. Moltress and Giratina were passed out, dead. I looked at Deoxys, the result was the same. I then let myself transform back to normal. I then took one more glace behind me, and ran out the door.

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