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Serena POV
Once the ringing in our ears faded, we saw Tech run out the door. "What happened in there?" I quickly shouted. She continued to take deep breaths. "It's better off you don't know." She said, lightly blushing and chuckling. "But we should go." She quickly said, changing her tons to a more serious one. "Why?" Bonnie asked, looking sad. "Because." Suddenly smoke came behind us, as Tech backed away. "I'm so sorry!" She said. "The-they followed me, I-I didn't even know they would-" She stopped in the middle of her sentence as we looked behind us. We gasped when we saw Mewtwo. "It's OK, Tech." He said. "You made me happy, you can all go." We all smiled except for Ash. "But can Pikachu come back with me?" He asked, holding Pikachu in his arms. Mewtwo stood silent for a moment, as a quite "no" slipped from his throat. We all gasped. "Why not?" Bonnie shouted. "Pikachu probably wants Ash back as much as Ash wants him back!" Mewtwo let out a sigh. "I'm sorry but, Pikachu can't go, nobody can." Pikachu hopped off Ash's shoulder. "Pika pi!" It said, electricity coming from his cheeks. Tech then quickly butted in. "If nobody can't leave, explain how Moltress and others can." She stated. Tech actually had a point. Mewtwo let out another sigh. "Very well." He said. "I'll let him go for you, Tech." We all smiled as Mewtwo made portal for us to walk through. Before we left, Mewtwo stopped us. "But before you go, there is something I'd like to tell you about your Pikachu in general."

Pikachu POV
Finally! I thought. I finally get to know what they've been keeping from me! Mewtwo took a deep breath. "Your Pikachu has never been quite the same you see." Everyone just looked at me. "You see, he's actually a legendary Pokèmon." That even shocked me. When Deoxys told me, I thought he was just crazy, but now that I'm hearing it from Mewtwo himself, it puts me in shock. "Hand him to me for a second." Mewtwo said. Ash handed me to Mewtwo. He then picked me up. "You see, when I was evil, I saw Pikachu didn't want to fight unlike the others." He said, putting me on the ground. "I saw he stood up, but when I left, I saw something more." He took another breath. "I found out he was legendary, that he has amazing power." He put me back on Ash's shoulder. "And now that you know, Pikachu, you have more power." I was confused. Suddenly a glow surrounded me and quickly faded away. "Now, Pikachu, say something." At first I thought he was messing with me, but I had to trust him. I took a deep breath as I let words come out of my mouth. Your kidding, right? Say something? They can't hear me! After I said that, everyone looked at me in shock.

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