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I looked at Pikachu, shocked that he actually spoke. "Uh, Pikachu?" I asked, making sure it was real. Yes? He asked. I jumped up in shock, realizing it was real. "He has great power, but Tech must teach him how to control it." Mewtwo explained. "Why Tech?" Clement asked. "Because, with her being half Pokèmon, and being the strongest Pokèmon, she is the only one with you guys who can help him." Mewtwo flew over to Tech. "And with me and Mew as her caregivers, I know she can help Pikachu." She chuckled as Mewtwo flew back over. "You now have permission to leave." He said, pointing over to the portal. I nodded as I let everyone else go in first, then I jumped in. I then saw Tech jumped in after me. We went through a long tunnel of darkness, as light began to consume the darkness. A sudden darkness appeared as we left.
I opened my eyes and found myself in my tent. I saw Pikachu looking at me. Hey! He shouted. I jumped, startled. Ash, why you shocked? He asked me, chuckling. "I guess I forgot." I said. He ran onto my shoulder as we walked out of the tent. I then saw Tech talking to the others in her Pokémon form.

Tech POV
I stopped talking to the others to greet Ash. "Hello Ash, Pikachu!" I happily said. "Hello." Ash said. Hey! Pikachu explained. I chuckled. "I want you guys to know this." I said, switching the conversation. "As I am half Pokèmon, I have some advantages and weaknesses. Here they are." I grabbed a list out of my backpack. "I know every Pokèmon move there is to exist." Everyone gasped in shock an surprise. "I can talk to Pokèmon, English or no English." "I can end Team Rocket stealing Pokèmon." Everyone seemed interested in that. "My weaknesses can have some negative effects on me, and I have some listed." I slowly explained them. "I have been different all my life, which causes me to be bullied." I took a deep breath. "Causing stress, me not talking, and emotional outbursts." They looked at me. "You can talk to us about that anytime." Clement said. The others nodded. "I have anger issues." I read out. "Which may cause me to be anger at others for no reason." I continued the list for a while, when Clement came up to me. "Hey, I uh, have something to ask you." He said, blushing a bit. I looked over at him, ready for his question. "Will you um, like to be my girlfriend?" My eyes got wide. He started blushing. "I-I'm sorry for asking you but-" I cut him off in the middle of the sentence. "It's OK, Clement." I said. "My answer is a yes." He started blushing, when he fainted. I started to chuckle. "Thanks." He said. I chuckled once more. "No problem." I said. "Well, goodnight!" I shouted, going into my tent. "Goodnight!" He shouted back, going into his. I yawned as I started to close my eyes, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

Later in the afterlife that night, the ruble in Deoxys lair started to shake. A blue tentacle raised up from the rubble, followed by a body. Heavy breaths came from the disfigured body, along with blue and red sparks every so often. "They thought they beat me?" It said, staring up at the moon. "They think they one?" He took heavy breaths as he looked at the moon in the sky. "They aren't even close to beating me." Suddenly the rubble caught on fire colored blue and red. "It's time this world knows who their facing." The flames began to grow. "The end of the world is near, and they can't stop this." Colored smoke began to rise from the fire. "They can't stop their fate." The figure took a deep breath. "It's time for the world to bow to me, Deoxys!"

N/A Bwaahhh! Enjoy the story? I hope you did! In will be working on the sequel soon, but I got another story planed first. Mwahhh! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow! Bye! ^.^

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